View Full Version : Jennifer Lopez Hired for Being Interesting?

01-26-2011, 10:26 PM
JENNIFER Lopez believes she was hired for American Idol because she is “interesting”.

The singer-and-actress — one of the two new judges on the pop star search show — is convinced she and Aerosmith rocker Steven Tyler got their judging roles because of their laid back personalities and not just their musical talent.

“They knew that he was a good person and I was a good person. He was an interesting person. I had my things about me that they felt were interesting. They knew what they were doing,” she said.

“I feel very grateful about that, but I really just wanted to be myself, and I think Steven has the same thing. We sat down there and it wasn’t like, ‘What are we going to do?’ It was like, ‘You be you,’ I think that’s why they chose us.”

While she has fun during the auditions, Jennifer is adamant she takes her job and the contestants very seriously.

“It’s just been a very natural, fun experience for us, and I think that’s what’s coming across. But we’re also very serious about what we’re doing, and I think people get that too. Like, we’re not just phoning it in,” she said.

“We actually care about this, we care about the process, we care about music, we care about the artists, and you’re getting all that. And that’s pretty much how we handle it every day. I’m having a good time.”

The third episode in the 2011 series of American Idol airs tonight.