View Full Version : TNA in Glasgow, Scotland Results

01-28-2011, 12:27 AM
TNA results from Glasgow, Scotland:

*X-Division champ Kaz defeated Shannon Moore, Chris Sabin and Mark Harkins.

*Mickie James and angelina love defeated Madison Rayne and Tara.

*Jeff Jarrett defeated Lionheart with Greg Hempil as the special referee after a guitar shot.

*TNA Tag Team champions Beer Money with Ric Flair defeated The British Invasion. Money played babyfaces.

*Dixie Carter came out and talked up Impact on Challenge TV.

*Matt Morgan defeated the Pope. Didn't like this match.

*TNA champion Ken Anderson and Rob Van Dam defeated the Hardys.

A guy proposed to his girlfriend when Jeremy Borash went into the crowd.

They were pushing Impact's move to Challenge TV all night.


01-28-2011, 01:28 AM
The British Invasion? Consisting of whom? And why would Beer Money, who are already heels, work as faces against the British Invasion... in Britian. Not to mention that, since I assume it was Doug Williams and Magnus, they were both faces as it were. Either I'm missing something or the guy who wrote this report screwed something up.

01-28-2011, 01:52 AM

To start with the show is roughly two thirds full. Dixie Carter is in the crowd taking photos and signing autographs.

J.B hits the ring to kick things off. Usual from J.B. loudest fans go backstage and a Challenge TV plug.

Four way for the X Division Championship.
Chris Sabin vs Shannon Moore vs Mike Harkins (local worker) vs Kaz

Match starts with an arm drag on each of the competitors. Kaz spends the next several minutes outside.This leaves a three way, Sabin hits the outside next. This leaves Moore in the ring with Harkins. Shannon vs Harkins breaks out. Shannon is getting the best of it until Harkins sends him to the outside. Next it is Sabin vs Harkins again the TNA man is getting the best of it. This leads us to a four way submission spot. Big break up with all four men. Kaz hits the outside of the ring. Sabin with a elbow dive on Moore in the corner a run over to the opposite corner to hit Harkins with a diving dropkick, then he hits a third corner over the top and to the outside to hit kaz with a forearm. Around this time my brother tells me that RVD is no more than Ten feet away from me watching the show. Also in the same area as RVD is Dixie Carter watching the show. RVD soon disappears again behind the curtain. In the ring in breaks down and it comes to Kaz pinning and regaining the X Division title.

Tag Team Match
Tara and Madison Rayne vs Angelina Love and Mickie James.

Earl Hebner comes out to a you screwed Bret Chant. Earl then acts like he is going to fight the fans only to revel his Damn right I did Shirt., and he puts on shades then he does his bret imation walk. Heels out first. Madison has queen sash on is waving like the Queen of England. it is funny. Faces out next separately. The heels hit the floor. Basic tag match with Mickie waiting on the hot tag. Finish is Mickie hitting the DDT on Tara. Earl refereed the whole match in his damn right I did shirt.

Special attraction Match
Jeff Jarrett vs Scotland's own Lionheart with Greg Hemphill as special referee.

Match starts Slow Jarrett threatens to leave if the crowd chants for Lionheart. Bigger Chant for Lionheart. A back and forth match resumes from here on in until a ref bump to Hemphill. Greg recovers in time to see Jeff going for the guitar shot. Greg then wrestles the guitar away from Jeff. This leads to a second ref bump and Jeff hits the guitar shot. Jeff then calls out another ref as Hemphill is still down. Earl comes out to count the three. Jeff takes the bigger purse check here.

Tag team match.
The British Invasion vs Beer Money with Ric Flair.

So Flair is here the Dublin Bar tab must have been met. Surprisingly Beer Money is the faces here. Beer Money Chant Flair on the mic calls Beer Money "Wankers". Naughty Ric. Nice back and forwards match here. Cool spot when Magnus has Storm in Ric Flairs figure four. Ric is going crazy outside. Match finishes with the DWI.

Dixie Carter comes out and thanks the fans and plugs Challenge TV deal.


The Pope D'Angelo Dinero vs Matt Morgan.

Pope out first. Pope leads the match. Pope works the left leg. After two or three mins of pope offense Matt hits the Firemans carry facebuster. Big Matt gets the spoils in this one. I would describe this as a fightout squash match.

Tag team match MAIN EVENT.
The Hardys vs RVD and Mr Anderson.

The Hardys have the black and green top for Jeff and the black and cream top for Matt. The Hardys hide behind ref Brian Hebner to sell fear from the babyfaces. RVD works with Matt quite a lot to begin with. Then it is Jeff involved with RVD. Anderson with an illegal ring entrance to help out RVD who is getting beat up from Jeff. This is the tide changer as from here on in we get a Rolling Thunder a five star frog splash and a Mic Check to finish the show.

Beer Money
Ken Anderson

Jeff Jarrett
British Invasion


Darth Fozzy
01-28-2011, 02:34 AM
The British Invasion? Consisting of whom? And why would Beer Money, who are already heels, work as faces against the British Invasion... in Britian. Not to mention that, since I assume it was Doug Williams and Magnus, they were both faces as it were. Either I'm missing something or the guy who wrote this report screwed something up.

British Invasion are English, Scotland hates England therefore British Invasion play heels for cheap heat. At a RAW house show I went to years ago they had William Regal as heel against Jim Duggen, that old fart kept trying to get us to chant USA, I shouted "FUCK THAT!! SCOTLAND!!!!" And got a Scotland chant going, long time hatred between all British nations.