View Full Version : WWE Superstars Report for January 27th, 2011

01-28-2011, 05:47 AM
We start off this week with the Smackdown brand and your announcers are Matt Striker and Jack Korpela.

Match Number One: Trent Barreta versus Tyler Reks

They lock up and Reks backs Trent into the corner and he gives Trent a clean break. Trent puts Tyler in the corner but does not do anything. Trent with a side head lock but Reks sends Trent to the mat. Tyler sends Trent to the mat and Trent responds with a slap and forearm. Tyler goes to the floor. He returns and sends Trent into the turnbuckles. Trent with a European uppercut but Tyler with a knee and then he hits a gutbuster out of a dominator position. Tyler with elbow drops and then he connects with a knee drop and gets a near fall.

Tyler with a kick to the ribs and then he stands on Trent’s chest. Tyler with a seated abdominal stretch. Trent with punches and forearms but Tyler with a kick to the midsection. Tyler with a gourdbuster and gets a near fall. Tyler with a boot to the head and a knee to the back as he puts Trent in a chin lock with his knee in the chest. Trent gets to his feet and Tyler with a forearm to the back.

Tyler sends Barreta into the turnbuckles and then hits a forearm. Reks pulls Trent into the ring post with a version of a bow and arrow as he works on the ribs. Trent kicks Tyler as he returns to the ring and then Trent hits a drop kick to Reks and both men are down. Trent with an enzuigiri and Reks goes down. Trent with a running elbow into the corner followed by a running clothesline and Trent gets a near fall.

Trent misses the running knee. Reks misses a suplex and Trent lands on his feet. Trent with a flying knee and he gets a near fall. Trent goes to the apron and tries for a springboard move and Reks kicks the ropes and Trent goes down. Reks hits the Burning Hammer for the three count.

Winner: Tyler Reks

We take a look back at NXT with footage from the Fatal Four Way when Brodus Clay changed pros.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for the Raw three-quarters of this week’s Superstars and your announcers are Josh Mathews and Scott Stanford.

Before our next match Zack Ryder gets on the mic and he says that they deserved a better reaction. He says that they are the two most overlooked superstars in the WWE. Zack gives everyone a chance to give them a better reaction.

Primo says that if the people don’t want to appreciate them, they don’t care about the people. He says that they deserve to be on Raw.

Zack says that after they win, they are going to go to the clubs.

Match Number Two: Primo and Zack Ryder versus Yoshi Tatsu and David Hart Smith

Ryder and Smith start things off and Smith pushes Ryder away. Smith with an arm drag into a cover but Ryder rolls through. Smith with a front face lock on Smith and he rolls through and gets a near fall. Smith with an arm drag but Ryder with a head scissors. Smith escapes and gives Ryder another arm drag into an arm bar.

Yoshi tags in and he goes up top and chops Ryder’s arm. Yoshi with a chop and he gets a near fall. Ryder with a knee and forearm to the back. Primo tags in and Yoshi with a drop toe hold and a La Magistral for a near fall. Yoshi with a Japanese arm drag followed by another arm drag into an arm bar. Smith tags back in and they hit a double kick and double chop. Smith with an Irish whip and belly-to-belly suplex for a near fall.

Yoshi tags in and he kicks Primo before working on the arm. Smith is tagged back in and Smith hits a suplex and gets a near fall. Smith gets another near fall. Primo goes to the floor and then he gets back on the apron but Smith kicks Primo off with a running boot.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Primo has Smith in a reverse chin lock so that means that momentum shifted during the break. We see Ryder sending Smith into the ringside barrier during the commercial break. Primo kicks Smith in the corner and then Ryder gets in a few shots while Primo deals with the referee. Ryder is tagged back in and he punches Smith. Ryder with a snap mare and a drop kick to the back of the head for a near fall.

Ryder tries for a neck breaker but Smith counters with a back slide. Ryder with a leg drop and he gets a near fall. Ryder with a reverse chin lock on Smith. Smith punches Ryder but Ryder with a back elbow and he keeps control of the match. Primo gets tagged in and he hits a diving head butt while Ryder holds Smith. Primo with punches and then Smith gets in some punches. Primo tags Ryder back in and Ryder with kicks to the back.

Ryder slaps Smith in the head and punches him. Ryder runs Smith into the corner and tags Primo back in. Primo sends Ryder into the corner with a forearm and it connects on Smith. Primo with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Ryder tags back in and he punches Smith and connects with a head butt. Smith with a Saito suplex and both men are down.

Smith crawls to his corner and Yoshi and Primo tag in. Yoshi with chops and a drop kick followed by a back body drop. Yoshi with kicks to Primo and then he hits a Shining Wizard for a near fall. Yoshi goes up top and Primo is having trouble getting up but Yoshi is able to hit the spinning heel kick from the turnbuckles. Smith tries to power bomb Ryder but Primo sends them to the floor. Primo with a lungblower on Yoshi for the three count.

Winners: Zack Ryder and Primo

We go to commercial.

We have a video package for Dolph Ziggler.

It is time for the Royal Rumble By The Numbers Video Package.

It is time to run through the card for the Royal Rumble.

Match Number Three: R Truth versus Tyson Kidd

Truth wants to know ‘what’s up’ as the bell rings and then he dances and does a split in the center of the ring. Kidd does not look impressed. They lock up and Kidd works on the wrist. Truth with a reversal but Kidd backs Truth into the corner. The referee separates both men for a clean break. Truth wants to know ‘what’s up’ one more time. Kidd with a side head lock take down and he is impressed with what he just did.

Kidd with a shoulder tackle and he wants to know what is up with that. They lock up and Truth with a waist lock. Kidd with a hammer lock but Truth with a side head lock. Truth with a shoulder tackle and he dances some more. Kidd with a kick to the midsection followed by an elbow to the head. Kidd kicks Truth in the midsection as he backs him into the corner. Kidd with an Irish whip but Truth floats over and hits the hip toss and then clotheslines Kidd and both men go over the top rope to the floor as we go to commercial.

We are back and Kidd with a reverse chin lock as he leans back to add more pressure. Truth tries to get back to his feet. We see footage from the commercial break when Kidd hits a leg drop on Truth while Truth was hanging into the ring from the apron. Truth gets back to his feet and he punches Kidd. Kidd with an elbow to the midsection followed by a snap mare and drop kick to the back of the head and gets a near fall.

Kidd chokes Truth in the ropes and then he drop kicks Truth from the apron. Kidd with an elbow to the chest and then he returns to the reverse chin lock. Truth punches Kidd but Kidd with a back kick. Truth with a flapjack to Kidd and Kidd holds his ribs so momentum may have shifted to Truth. Truth with punches and clotheslines to Kidd followed by a suplex into a stunner and gets a near fall when Kidd gets a hold of the rope. Truth pulls Kidd into the center of the ring and can only get a near fall. Kidd with a back heel kick and drop kick to the head and he gets another near fall.

Kidd sets for the Sharpshooter but Truth kicks Kidd to the floor. Kidd with an elbow from the apron and then he tries for a rollup from the apron. Truth with a near fall after a rollup. Truth hits the What’s Up for the three count.

Winner: R Truth

We go to credits.