View Full Version : TNA Results 1/29 from London, England

01-30-2011, 04:37 AM
Just got back from Wembley TNA Show.

Here's my report.

Okay, so me and my friend got there late, but once we got in there, it was a huge queue for the fan interaction, that took awhile. We got into the interaction finally and The Pope was the first guy we saw. Next Ric Flair, Grumpy Git. Beer MONEY! They were nice, didn't speak much. Then I met Matt Hardy. I’m a Hardy Mark, so... He shook my hand, thing is he put his left out and I couldn't free my right hand so it was a stupid shake with my left hand and his left hand. He signed my Hardy Show DVD he was like hey and I was like hey and he was like how are you and i was like good you? And then he was like we have a hardy show fan! Thank you sweetie. Hey Jeff look we have a hardy show fan". Jeff was tired, I didn't speak to him. Matt Morgan was last and he was nice and told me to have fun, I said thanks. We weren't allowed actual pictures with them but I got one of Jeff posing.

Onto the show. LOUD. Way better than when I went to WWE. Maybe it was because it was a house show. Anyways, I was somewhat close. Pic related.


Kazarian defeated Shannon Moore and Chris Sabin in a 3-way matchup. It was a pretty damn good match, most were tonight.

Madison, Tara & Pope were defeated by Mickie James, Angelina & Matt Morgan. Some cool spots with Morgan during the match. Wasn't into the match myself but there was a funny spot when Pope pulled Mickie into the corner by her pants.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Johnny Moss; Jarrett one with a guitar smash cheat, as expected by Jarett really. Johnny got a nice reaction and I feel he could be a star someday. Sidenote: Bits of the guitar were being handed out to the crowd members after this.

Mark Haskins & Magnus facing Beer Money; Was an average match. Crowd were way into Beer Money. Beer Money wins.

Matt Hardy vs. RVD: I managed to get up to the side ramp bit for this so I could get a hand tap, RVD's hand is way hard but it was cool to be able to get my hand touched by him. Nice match, Matt looks healthier nowadays. Also had some cool spots in it. Crowd were way into RVD.

Ric Flair vs. Doug Williams - Alright match. Flair did the bleeding stuff. You know. Flair wins via figure four.

Dixie Carter comes out and tells us how thankful she is and etc etc. Now for the MAINNNN EVENNNT OF THE EVENINNGGG.

Jeff Hardy vs. Mr.. Anderson; Really nice match and Jeff seemed less tired than when I saw him at fan interaction. Anderson won. Funny note: We chanted Kennedy as a joke when Anderson was doing his usual Mr. Anderson malarkey, he was just like "NO NO NO" and then the show ended with him saying thank you and thanks about it.


Vick Diesel
01-30-2011, 05:06 AM
Sounds like a pretty good show overall...thanks for the post Travis