View Full Version : 1/29 WWE Results: Springfield, MA

01-30-2011, 06:00 AM
- R-Truth defeated Drew McIntyre

- WWE Tag Team title match: Santino Marella & Vladmir Kozlov (with Tamina) against the Usos

- Zach Ryder and Yoshi Tatus fought to a no contest when The Corre rushed the ring and jumped both competitors. Wade Barrett cut a promo, and challenged The Big Show to a match...

- The Big Show defeated Wade Barrett via the chokeslam

- Kofi Kingston defeated Dolph Ziggler

- United States champion Daniel Bryan defeated Alex Riley via DQ

- Gail Kim & Maryse defeated the Bellas.

- John Cena and Randy Orton defeated WWE champoion The Miz and CM Punk