View Full Version : PWG Kurt RussellReunion Detailed Full Results

01-30-2011, 04:16 PM
Pro Wrestling Guerrilla started with WrestleReunion promoter Sal Corrente announcing that Ken Patera and Jim Neidhart would not be working the Legends Battle Royal and would instead be replaced by Chavo and Mando Guerrero, who are legitimate legends in the Los Angeles area.

PWG owner Excalibur came to the ring and joked with the crowd that he just arrived from throwing rocks at the military. He noted that the show is starting a little late and "you should be so lucky that we start on time." He thanked everyone for coming and asked everyone to enjoy the show.

Cedric Alexander, Brandon Gatson, Candice LeRae, & Willie Mack vs. Peter Avalon, Caleb Konley, “The Manscout” Jake Manning, & ODB in an eight person tag.

ODB replaced Christina Von Eerie.

Manning and Alexander started with Manning eating several dropkicks Gatson tagged in but Manning faked him out and tagged out to Konley. Peter Avalon and Willie Mack each tagged in, which the crowd loved. Mack killed him with a big shoulderblock and slam. He dropped a series of knees on him but Avalon retreated to his corner and tagged in ODB.

ODB challenged Mack but he instead tagged in LaRae. LaRae pushed ODB but got punched down and then slapped across the chest. ODB tagged in Avalon, who went to piledrive her but LaRae backdropped him and worked him over with stomps and kicks in the corner, She dropkicked him low, then nailed a drop toehold on Manning, who crashed atop of Avalon.

Alexander tagged in but missed a charge in the corner and was clotheslined by Manning from the apron. Manning began dropping bombs on him but Alexander mounted a comeback. Manning cut him off and whipped him into an Avalon hiptoss into the corner. Avalon nailed a big leaping kneedrop for a two count. ODB tagged in and chopped Alexander in the corner. Avalon tagged back in and rubbed his face in the ropes.

Manning tagged back in and continued the beating on Alexander. Alexander went for a hiptoss but Manning stopped him and nailed a nice butterfly suplex. ODB tagged in but missed an Avalanche in the corner. The crowd rallied Alexander and he made the hot tag to Gatson. Gatson whipped Manning in the corner then Avalon atop of him. He whipped Mack into a splash in the corner, then hit a Stinger Splash on the whole pile.

Mack grabbed Avalon and threw him out of the ring atop the other members of his team. Alecander hit a running dive over the top to the floor. LaRae prepared to do one but ODB tripped her. Gatson hit a space flying tiger drop over the ropes onto everyone. Willie Mack went to the top rope but was cut off by Avalon, who went for a superplex. LaRae came from behind and slammed him off the ropes. Mack hit a BIG frog splash off the top.

Team Mack all worked over Avalon until Gatson forced him to tap out with an armbreaker.

Your winners, Cedric Alexander, Brandon Gatson, Candice LeRae, & Willie Mack!

Rey Bucanero vs. Mr. Aguila

Aguila is best known to American fans from his stint in the WWF as Essa Rios. Fans chanted "Lucha Libre" at the bell. Bucanero did several takedowns but couldn't get a pin on Rios. Essa nailed a spinkick, sending Rey to the floor. He went to do a dive but the referee stopped him. So, Rios hit a flip dive out of the ring to the floor.

Back in the ring, Rios drilled Rey with a clothesline for a two count. He kicked Rey several times. Rey sent him into the ropes and caught him with a Backcracker. Rios went to the floor, where Bucanero hit a dive. They battled around ringside. Rios was crotched on the railing and chopped away by Bucanero.

As they returned to the ring, Rios caught Rey with a kick to the chest. Bucanero threw him out of the ring and hit a beautiful running dive over the corner and the ringpost to the floor on Aguila. Fans loved that. They fought in the crowd but I couldn' see from my vantage point. Bucanero put Aguila in a chair and did a running dive over the railing to him.

Back in the ring, they each missed a clothesline attempt and went for a high cross body at the same time, crashing into the other. As the referee counted them down, the fans chanted in Espanol. Bucanero locked on a variation of the Lion Tamer. Aguila fought back and nailed a springboard off the ropes into an armdrag, slammed Bucanero, then hit a moonsault for the pin.

Your winner, Mr. Aguila!

Really fun Lucha match.

Joey Ryan vs. Shane Helms (with Amber O'Neale)

Ryan came out to EMF's "Unbelievable", so he's over with me forever. Ryan took the mic and said that tonight, his opponent is Shane Helms. The place booed Helms. He said that he knows everything about Helms - his sweet dance moves from Three Count, his superpowers as the Hurricane and his ability to "talk sh**" on the Internet. The crowd chanted "HBK." Ryan said he was on a quest to prove he was the greatest wrestler to ever "lace up Nikes." He told Helms that not only has to deal with someone with movie star charisma and good looks, but a Hollywood submission machine. He told Helms that he's got a lot of sweet dance moves but all he needs to know tonight is a tap dance, because he's going to tap out.

Helms came out wearing a t-shirt that said "PG Sux." So does spelling. There was a huge "HBK" chant. Helms took the mic and said that we had a rowdy little crowd. The fans chanted for Helms to "shut the f*** up." He said he needed to comment on a few things Ryan had to say. He said that he's had 12 years of TV time and no one that's anyone in the business "knows who the f***" Ryan is. He said, "Starrcade, Wrestlemania" as he pointed to himself, then pointed to Ryan and said, "Backyard." He then intimated Ryan was gay and that's why he liked Shawn Michaels. He then told the crowd that they could say anything they wanted but none of them would do anything about it in the ring. He was announced as Shane "Supernatural" Helms. Good mic work by both men.

They locked up and Ryan slapped Helms when he trapped him in the corner during a tieup. Ryan shoulderblocked Helms down but stopped when Helms went for a chokeslam. Ryan retreated to the floor. Helms tossed Ryan out of the ring and nailed a plancha.

Back in the ring, Helms grabbed for Ryan but was nailed with a jawbreaker. He tuned up the band, HBK style and nailed Sweet Chin Music, but Helms no sold it and slapped Ryan in the face. Helms locked on a figure four leglock. Helms went to the top but was nailed on the way down by Ryan shot to the gut. Ryan worked over Helms.

Helms started to mount a comeback but Ryan nailed a sunset flip. Helms rolled through, grabbed Ryan's legs and locked him into a Sharpshooter. Ryan escaped and nailed a hammerlock slam. Ryan grabbed the mic and told everyone to pay attention. He said that he was putting on a technical masterpiece and if they didn't have ADD, they would respect him and what he is doing. The fans chanted, "This is awesome."

They battled around the ring with Ryan and Helms exchanging chops. Back in the ring, Helms went for a neckbreaker but Ryan turned it into a one-armed DDT. Ryan locked an armbar. Helms broke free and they battled back and forth. Helms hit an inverted DDT for a two count. Ryan cut him off on the top rope, where they battled. Ryan got knocked off and Helms nailed a flying bodypress for a two count.

Helms went for the chokeslam but couldn't Ryan. Ryan caught him with an exploder suplex. He charged the corner but Helms cut him off. Helms missed a kick and was caught in a slam for a two count. Ryan went for the armbar but Helms slipped out and nailed a neckbreaker for a two count.

Helms went for an inverted DDT but Ryan scissored him in a standing position for a submission attempt until Helms got to the ropes. Ryan rebounded off the ropes and was caught with a chokeslam for a two count. Ryan caught Helms in a submission and Helms, trapped, was forced to submit.

Your winner, Joey Ryan!

An entertaining match. I thought Helms and Ryan were both gold on the mic and their work was good as well.

The fans chanted "Don't come back" at Helms. Helms took the mic and said he got into wrestling when he was 13 years old and worked his ass off to get where he was. He said that he wasn't someone who got into the business and then became a dick. He then said he knows what it's like to be on the other side of the rail, but the bottom line is "I've made millions and you ain't made sh**."

Low Ki vs. Davey Richards

They did some great mat and counter wrestling early.

Ki came out to his old theme music and got a monster pop. Fans chanted "Welcome back" when he entered the ring. They had a long staredown as fans did the dueling chants. They locked up and Low Ki ended up taking Richards to the ropes. Clean break. Ki began beating Richards with chops and kicks.

Richards tried to take Ki down but couldn't get him and they ran into the corner. Ki hit a Mule Kick out of the corner. Richards knocked Ki out of the ring and went for a dive but Ki caught him with a kick as he dove out. Ki worked over Richards on the floor and controlled him on the mat when they returned to the ring. Ki used elbow strikes in the corner but Richards took out his leg.

Richards stalked Ki and beat him down with a back suplex. He cinched in a cravate but Ki began fighting back. Richards elevated him into an inverted atomic drop and tried to muscle him over into a Boston Crab, finally turning him.

Ki made it to the ropes and nailed several chops but were cut off with a backbreaker. Richards nailed Ki with a hard spinkick. He mounted Ki and began beating him with punches and strikes. Richards locked in a side chinlock. Ki mounted a comeback with a series of hard chops. He drilled the hell out of Richards with chops and nailed a running kick in the corner.

Ki destroyed Richards with a series of kicks to the chest. He drilled Richards with a double stomp. KI was caught in the corner with a running forearm and a back suplex for a two count. This match is awesome and there's no way I could keep up with it.

Richards tried to grab Ki's ankle after working on it but Ki chopped him away. Ki hit a leaping double stomp to the leg and then a rolling kick in the corner for a two count. Richards locked in a anklelock but Ki escaped and locked in a Dragon Sleeper. Richards slipped out and nailed a belly to back suplex then a kick to the head for a two count.

Ki went for a rolling kick but Richards avoided it and clotheslined Ki for a two count. Richards pulled Ki up for a superplex but Ki fought him off and hung him off the ropes. He went for the Warrior's Way but Richards tossed him pff. Richards went for a shooting star press but Ki moved and nailed the Warrior's Way for the pin.

Your winner, Low Ki!

A hell of a return to the independents for Low Ki. Really, really, really awesome. They beat the hell out of each other.

Richards flipped off Ki after the match. Fans chanted "PWG" after the match and gave Ki a huge ovation, chanting for him to return.

Jake Roberts vs. Sinn Bodhi (with Stacy Carter)

Obviously, this is booked as Robert's retirement match. Roberts received a huge standing ovation. Fans chanted, "Thank you Jake" after the ring introductions, then chanted for the DDT.

They went to hug but Bodhi immediately attacked Roberts with punches. Jake retaliated with a series of jabs and a knee lift. Bodhi rolled out to the floor. When he returned, they locked up and ended up in the corner, so Bodhi broke clean to mess with Jake's head.

They locked up again with Jake working over Bodhi's arm. Jake nailed him with a punch and went for the DDT but Bodhi slipped out of the ring again. They locked up again when he returned and Roberts nailed him with a series of elbows in the corner and whipped Bodhi to the opposite side. Bodhi cut him off and nailed a running legdrop.

Fans are now chanting "Hall of Famer" at Roberts.

Bodhi covered Roberts for a two count. Bodhi continued stalking him as fans chanted for Jake. JJake mounted a comeback, blocking punches and nailing his own. He tried up Bodhi in an armwringer into a short clothesline, then nailed the DDT for the pin.

Your winner, Jake Roberts!

Roberts put the snake on the former Kizarny. Fans chanted for a speech but Roberts simply waved and walked out.

A nice moment for Roberts. '

We are now at intermission. Back with the Battle Royal soon!

Legends Wrestle Royal

Bill Apter came to the ring and introduced Gene Okerlund. He explained the rules. Okerlund introduced Paul Orndorff, who came to the ring. Okerlund then introduced Harley Race and the Iron Sheik. All three received monster pops. Okerlund then introduced Mr. Saito, who got a nice pop. The fans chanted Saito's name. Number one was Danny Davis. He wore his old WWF outfit. Mike Graham was number two. They locked up and Graham shoulderblocked Davis down. Davis cut him off and kicked and stomped away at Graham in the corner.

Number three was Jimmy Hart, who was announced as demanding he was included. Hart nailed Graham with the Megaphone as he was working over Davis. Hart and Davis choked out Graham with wrist tape. Fans chanted for Hart.

Number four was Tito Santana. Tito nailed Hart as Graham unloaded on Davis, who then staggered into a Tito right hand. Graham and Santana worked over Davis and Hart with turnbuckle smashes at the same time.

Number five was Barry O (Orton). Orton slipped leaping over the top rope into the ring. He wore street clothes. Graham immediately began working over him. Hart attacked Graham. Orton saw Tito and begged off, then attacked him. Tito whipped Orton into the ropes and nailed him. Davis and Hart tried to toss Graham out.

Number six was The Barbarian. He wore the old facepaint. No antlers worn to the ring. Barbarian locked up with Tito. Fans chanted, "Lets go old school." Barbarian tried to toss Graham over the top but couldn't get him over. He finally clotheslined Graham over the top to the floor.

Number seven was Los Angeles territory vet Rock Riddle. He was the first name not to get a big pop. Orton and Barbarian worked over Tito. Riddle wandered around the ring, not getting in. Barbarian and Santana whipped Davis into the other's clotheslines. Orton and Hart were in the corners watching. Riddle spent the entire time on the outside of the ring. He finally entered the ring, where Barbarian and Santana worked on him.

Number eight was Shane Douglas. Davis and Barbarian tried to toss Riddle. Douglas got a monster "ECW" chant when he hit the ring. He and Davis went at it. Barbarian muscled Riddle into the corner. Barbarian lifted Orton's shirt and tried to chop him but Douglas nailed him from behind. Everyone continued to fight.

Number nine was The Warlord. Douglas and The Barbarian teamed to toss Santana over the top, followed by Barry Orton. Warlord went after Hart, who jumped over the top rope to the floor to escape certain death. Warlord then ran Davis into the turnbucklle. Douglas tossed the Barbarian out, so we don't get to see the Powers of Pain working together. Douglas and Davis battled while Warlord beat down Rock Riddle. Warlord kicked Douglas low.

Number ten was Chavo "Classic" Guerrero. Rock Riddle tossed over Davis, who landed on the apron and was then shoved off by Riddle. The fans all chanted for Chavo. Chavo unloaded on Douglas.

Number eleven was Shane Helms, back out as the Hurricane. Chavo chopped away on Riddle. Douglas beat the hell out of Helms in the corner and yelled, "I'm not Shawn, b****." The crowd popped for that.

Number twelve was Bob Orton. Chavo and Riddle battled on the ropes. Orton attacked them with the cast. Warlord battled Douglas.

Number thirteen was Cruel Connection (Gary Royal). People were confused until they saw the outfit and then those who remembered the team on TBS popped and chanted. Connection did jumping backs in the ring and was attacked by Royal. Some fans chanted "Super Dragon." Ouch!

Number fourteen was Mando Guerrero. Mando went right after Douglas and Connection. Orton popped Chavo with a right and then laughed at him.

Number fifteen was Terry Funk coming out to Desperado. Douglas and Funk went at it as people chanted for ECW.

Number sixteen was Savio Vega. Funk peppered Helms with punches and tossed him to the floor to a huge pop. Cruel Connection was also eliminated. Mando chopped away at Riddle.

Number eighteen was Roddy Piper who received a monster pop. Piper and Funk went face to face but others attacked them. Piper poked Orton in the eyes. Vampiro, Sean Morley and Tatanka were out to end the entrances.

Everyone battled. Fans chanted "This is awesome." Riddle and Guerrero were tossed. Vega and Vampiro went at it but Vamp nailed a spinkick and tossed Vega out. Orton and Funk battled in the corner. Funk tossed Orton over.

Piper worked over Val and tried to force him over the top. Vampiro and Douglas worked on Chavo, who tried to call for time out. Douglas attacked Funk and beat him down in the corner. Morley went after Piper but got it in the eyes. Vampiro clotheslined Morley over the ropes.

Douglas working over Funk busted him open. Chavo sat on the corner so Piper punched hgim and he took a bump to the floor. It came down to Funk, Douglas, Vampiro and Piper. Douglas continued working on Funk who started mouthing off and making a comeback. Douglas kept working him over and Funk went nuts slapping and windmill punching Douglas. Douglas cut him off with a punch.

Vampiro joined in the assault and splashed Piper in the corner. He tried to whip Douglas into Terry in the corner but Funk moved. Funk took down Vampiro with a series of punches but Douglas lowblowed him. Tatanka finally hit the ring and chopped away at Vampiro and Douglas. He clotheslined both men and did a war dance. He charged Vampiro and Douglas but they ducked and he went over the ropes.

Vamp and Douglas went at it so Piper and Funk tossed them out. It's down to Piper vs. Funk! I am so glad I am in LA! Fans chanted "This is awesome."

They faced off. Terry took the mic. He said that he wanted to thank everyone who was in heaven for everything they did for the business and he wanted to thank everyone for coming out. He said that he wanted to say a prayer asking that everyone would be safe on the way home. He asked Piper to bow his head for the prayer. Piper bowed his head and Terry said, "Lord, please let me...win" and nailed Piper with the mic. CLASSIC. Funk screamed "Amen" over and over and then forced the mic in Piper's face, demanding Roddy admit Terry is the better man.

They battled out of the ring and into the crowd. Funk berated Piper as he beat him with the mic and said, "This is real ECW, you pig." He dragged Piper back in the ring and tossed him over the top but Piper landed on the apron and returned. They battled back and forth with punches. Piper got Terry over the ropes but Funk grabbed the ropes and held on for Dear life. Piper finally punched and punched until Funk landed on the apron and then forced him out to the floor.

Your winner, Roddy Piper!

Funk tried to get back in the ring but was held back by the referees. He tossed a chair, which Piper grabbed. Funk raised his arms to the crowd then gave Piper the finger. Piper led the fans in a chant for Funk. Everyone gave the Funker a nice ovation on the way out.

A hell of a fun match and My God, Piper vs. Funk. So much fun, even at their advanced age. I loved the hell out of all of this. Such FUN.

Kevin Steen vs. Chris Hero

Steen took the mic and asked, "Are you ready to see a f***ng PWG show." They went back and forth early. Hero went for a shoulderblock but couldn't budge Steen. Hero rolled him up for a two count. Hero began working on Steen's arm but Steen reversed it. Hero returned the favor.

They went back and forth until Hero drilled Steen with a roaring forearm smash. Steen went to the floor and dared Hero to follow him. Steen grabbed a weapon from a fan but Hero nailed him from behind and began chopping away. Steen whipped Hero into the railing but Hero leapt it and landed in the crowd. Steen followed and they brawled around the building. Steen climbed a lighting tower and dove off on Hero. in

Back in the ring, Steen worked over Hero and nailed a moonsault for a two count. Steen peppered him with punches. Steen covered Hero but Hero kept kicking out. He unloaded with a series of forearms and chops. Hero started to make a comeback as Steen chopped away at him and nailed a leaping leg lariat.

Both men were down as the referee was counting them down. Fans began singing El Generico's theme and Steen yelled at them to shut the hell up. Hero mounted his comeback but was nailed with a double sledgehammer. Hero kicked Steen out of the ring then dove through the middle and bottom ropes with a kick that looked awesome. He followed up with another then tossed Steen back in the ring.

Hero nailed several right hands but was whipped into the corner. Hero nailed him with a knee to cut him off and then hit Diamondust out of the corner for a two count. The fans clapped and chanted for Hero. Hero chopped away at Steen but Steen caught him in the ropes and nailed a hanging DDT. Steen charged and nailed a cannonball splash in the corner.

Steen went for an exploder but Hero avoided it. Hero went for a pump kick but was caught with a TKO for a two count. Fans began the dueling chants. Steen went for a suplex but Hero halted it and nailed a nasty looking exploder. He hit an explosive charging dive into the corner but was caught and powerbombed by Steen, then locked in a Sharpshooter.

Hero fought his way to the ropes. Steen placed him on the ropes and went for a belly to back superplex. Hero fought him off with elbows and kicked him to the mat. Hero went for a moonsault but Steen moved. Hero landed on his feet but was hit with a lungblower. Steen went for a moonsault but Hero moved and they went back and forth in a great sequence. They started beating the hell out of each other and Steen began dropping Hero on his head with a sleeper suplex.

Hero kicked out and Steen charged, only to be nailed with Hero's roaring forearm smash and pinned.

Off the charts awesome match.

The Cutler Brothers (Brandon & Dustin Cutler) vs. The Fightin’ Taylor Boys (Brian Cage-Taylor & Ryan Taylor) vs. RockNES Monsters (Johnny Goodtime & Johnny Yuma) vs. The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson aka TNA's Generation Me) for the first spot in the DT Tournament

Before this even starts, I am going to say that there is absolutely no way I am going to be able to keep up with this one, so I'm just going to give you highlights and the finish.

A hell of a match with all four doing some great high flying spots. At one point, all eight men were using a submission hold at the same time, creating some insane human centipede of submission. There was a hesitation superplex. The Young Bucks were heeling it up bigtime. The finishing sequences were just insane. Just get the DVD.

In the end, The RockNES Monsters did an insane move where one hit the Death Valley Driver on the other onto their opponents.

Your winners, The RockNES Monsters.

Kevin Steen hit the ring and destroyed the Monsters. Steen took the mic and said that he warned everyone that there were going to be two killer matches and he was right because he just killed them. He named himself as the second entrant in the DT Tournament, saying he didn't care who his partner was or if he even had one. He promised that at the Tournament, "Everybody dies!" Killer Promo.

PWG champion Claudio Castagnoli vs. PWG Tag Team champion El Generico

Generico received a hero's welcome. Castagnoli's theme music is awesome. They did some good back and forth wrestling early. Generico failed to shoulderblock down Claudio several times, so he chipped him and went for another but was taken down. Generico caught Claudio in an armdrag takedown.

Claudio regained control and cinched in a chinlock, then stomped Generico down. Claudio missed a charge in the corner and Generico worked him over with punches on the turnbuckle. Claudio went for a powerbomb but Generico landed on his feet and turned it into a spinning head scissors takedown.

Generico went to the top but was cut off by Claudio wth a series of European uppercuts. Generico fought him off and came off the top with a leaping rana. Generico nailed a sliding kick outside of the ring. He went for a plancha but was caught and slammed on the apron oiutside. Claudio slammed his leg into the ringpost and once they were back in the ring, continued the beating, kicking and stomping away.

Claudio continued the assault and attempted a Boston Crab. He ran Generico headfirst into the turnbuckles, then pressed and dropped him into Snake Eyes on the turnbuckles. Claudio teased tearing off Generico's mask and cinched in a side chinlock.

Generico fought back but was caught with a powerslam for a two count. Claudio began focusing on Generico's legs. Generico tried to kick him off and went to the corner but Claudio yanked him down, sending him crashing hard to the mat. Claudio continued the beating as the fans sang "Ole Ole" and Generico fired himelf up, Tommy Rich style.

Generico got some offense in but missed a dropkick and was chokeslammed hard for a two count. Claudio suplexed him for a two count. Generico fought back and nailed an elevated dropkick, Claudio charged but Generico ducked down and Claudio went to the floor. Generico hit an awesome flip dive off the top rope to the floor.

Back in the ring, Generico worked over Claudio until he was kicked off. Claudio mounted a comeback with a pump kick for a two count, then cinched in the Boston Crab. Generico fought his way to the ropes but Claudio pulled him back to the center. Claudio pounded Generico with rights and forearms, screaming at him to stay down.

He just massacred Generico and killed him with a running kick in the corner. Generico charged him but was caught with an elevated forearm smash for a two count. Generico drilled Claudio with a Code Red for a two count.

Claudio was caught with a kick while on the ropes and Generico went for the brainbuster. Claudio beat him down and tried for the Ricola Bomb off the ropes but Generico fought back. Claudio wore him down and went for the powerbomb but it was turned into a rana. Generico nailed a brainbuster for a two count.

The crowd chanted, "This is awesome" and they are right.

Claudio nailed an awesome airplane spin while holding Generico in the Torture Rack position. Two count. Ricola Bomb. Two count. He nailed a one legged spin into a Boston Crab, then turned Generico into another leg submission and got the tap out.

Your winner and still PWG champion, Claudio Castagnoli!

An awesome match.

Joey Ryan attacked Claudio but Chris Hero hit the ring from the crowd to make the save. They went back and forth on the mic to close things out. Ryan ripped on them and said he was going to get his title back and make them tap. Claudio dared him to get back in the ring and kick his ass all over the place. He was hilarious ripping on Joey, saying Pepe Le Pew wanted his haircut. Castagnoli said that he just had a great title defense and lead everyone to go "Hey" for El Generico, Chris Hero and WrestleReunion. He said it was one of the best weekends ever and thanked the crowd for being one of the best crowds he's performed in front of in a long, long time.

Claudio also noted Hero would be his partner in the DT Tournament. PWG did a nice job of setting the stage for their next big event.


Good night everyone! I'll have some notes and news from the show in the AM.


01-30-2011, 10:45 PM
OH My God!!! This show was awesome! And I can say that without really seeing it yet! :omg:

Joey Ryan and Chris Hero won! :kemo:

Could have been another Legend than Piper to be honest, and nice that Double C retained.

Low Ki got a win as well, and a nice way to end Roberts Career.

Thanx for posting Travis!