View Full Version : 10+ Thoughts on WWE Royal Rumble 2011

The Mac
01-31-2011, 09:26 AM
source: nodq.com

Welcome to my 10 Thoughts on the 2011 Royal Rumble!!

1. Aside from Elimination Chamber, I don’t like the idea of a pay per view opening with a World Championship match. I also believe that a champion should enter last all the time. Edge and Dolph Ziggler violated both of those rules.

2. Was it just me or did the Edge and Ziggler match slow down to a crawl whenever Ziggler took over on offense?

3. Dolph Ziggler sold the spear like he was shot with a cannon ball. Hot ending to this match with Edge pinning Ziggler with Christian’s Killswitch. If Edge loses the championship at Elimination Chamber, could we finally see Edge and Christian collide on a major stage?

4. The Miz and Randy Orton had a really nice main event style match. It wasn’t the standout performance everyone wants The Miz to have, but it was not a bad match. Solid is what I’ve come to expect from Randy Orton (aside from his awesome performance at Backlash 2004).

5. CM Punk’s interference came out of nowhere, but WWE has 63 days to explain why Punk did it and why he waited until the Royal Rumble to do it. If there is anyone that can bring Orton from solid to outstanding, it’s CM Punk.

6. The crowd seemed completely let down when Eve came out instead of Awesome Kong. Sad times for the new Diva’s Champion.

7. Seeing CM Punk and Daniel Bryan begin the Royal Rumble had me thinking of what ROH stars we could see do so in five years. My money is on Davey Richards and Chris Hero. Also, I don’t enjoy commentators using the phrase “marking out” when calling matches. It makes everyone remember that they are watching something fake. Why not say freaking out?

8. Nice moment from John Morrison with the barricade catch and jump to the stairs. That was the spot of the first half of the Rumble and will be remembered. I was hoping for Morrison to last a little bit longer in this match, but his time in the match was memorable. I only wish he could have been eliminated by someone to set up a ‘Mania program instead of becoming a victim of The New Nexus.

9. The section of the match dominated by The Nexus was really nicely done, but it came too early in the match for me. Will people remember it tomorrow when it was not highlighted in the second half of the match?

10. The Booker T and Diesel (Kevin Nash) surprises were both highlights of the night and perfectly done. They were effective without stealing too much of the spotlight. They kept the audience awake and involved. Booker’s reaction was especially surprising when Boston erupted for him. Could Booker T be coming back to WWE full time? What about Kevin Nash? He dyed his hair, which should last until Wrestlemania.

They super-sized the Royal Rumble, which means I can super-size my thoughts into BONUS THOUGHTS!

11. We went from a serious match with Nexus dominating to John Cena and Hornswoggle dominating just minutes later. This illustrates just what WWE sees as audience pleasing and appropriate. In reality it is neither. Kids may enjoy it, but it makes the wrestlers look weak to be beat up by Hornswoggle, which undermines the product and causes people to walk away from it.

12. Facetiously (and on Twitter) I predicted a Hornswoggle heel turn where he won the Royal Rumble by eliminating John Cena and becoming Hollywood Hornswoggle.

13. The addition of The Miz to the commentary team was a welcome one at that point in the match. His elimination of John Cena was even more welcome. WWE can tell a compelling story with John Cena urging The Miz to be honorable and fight while The Miz resists. At Wrestlemania after a Cena win, we could get a handshake between him and The Miz that solidifies Miz as a main eventer.

14. Ezekiel Jackson being able to pick up Big Show would have been far more impressive if we had not seen it on Smackdown for the last few weeks.

15. The Final Four were a very telling combination of the old babyfaces (Cena and Orton) and the young brash heels (Wade Barrett and Alberto Del Rio). The youth movement is in full effect and this final four proved that.

16. The fake out finish with Alberto Del Rio almost being eliminated by Santino had me on the edge of my seat. I actually thought Santino could win it for a moment and am so glad I was wrong.

17. Alberto Del Rio’s win is a great example of how every few years WWE can use the Rumble match and main eventing Wrestlemania to make a star. A lot rests on the next 63 days and how they treat Del Rio, but at this moment, he can be a star.

Wow. I was long winded tonight ladies and gentlemen. Please excuse that and know that I will be with 10 Thoughts on Raw and some more thoughts on Alberto Del Rio