View Full Version : Who Had The Most Rumble Eliminations This Year

The Mac
01-31-2011, 11:44 AM
- CM Punk and John Cena tied for the most eliminations in last night's Royal Rumble main event with 7 each. Nexus as a group had 10 total eliminations. The following is a list of number of eliminations from last night, with assists included:

* CM Punk - 7
* John Cena - 7
* Michael McGillicutty - 4
* Randy Orton - 3
* Husky Harris - 3
* Daniel Bryan - 2
* Mark Henry - 2
* Rey Mysterio - 2
* Wade Barrett - 2
* Alberto Del Rio - 2
* Mason Ryan - 2
* Big Show - 2
* David Otunga - 2
* Ted DiBiase Jr. - 1
* The Great Khali - 1
* Sheamus - 1
* Kofi Kingston - 1
* Ezekiel Jackson - 1
* Kane - 1

01-31-2011, 03:32 PM
interesting post thx

01-31-2011, 04:05 PM
Eliminations (assists are included)
CM Punk (7) *tie*
John Cena (7) *tie*
Michael McGillicutty (4)
Randy Orton (3)
Husky Harris (3)
Daniel Bryan (2)
Mark Henry (2)
Rey Mysterio Jr. (2)
Wade Barrett (2)
Alberto Del Rio (2)
Mason Ryan (2)
The Big Show (2)
David Otunga (2)
Ted Dibiase Jr. (1)
The Great Khali (1)
Sheamus (1)
Kofi Kingston (1)
Ezekiel Jackson (1)
Kane (1)
Miz (1) *not an entrant