View Full Version : Cena Tweets After Rumble

The Mac
01-31-2011, 05:53 PM
John Cena recently asked fans on Twitter to help him get Jersey Shore star Snookie to follow his Twitter account, noting that he was desperate. Snooki recently followed Cena and wrote "I got you Cena Gorilla." Cena thanked fans last night after the Royal Rumble for their help and commented on The Miz. He wrote:

"CeNation. 1 thank you for all the help w the follow. 2 john morrison is legit. 3 hornswoggle is awsome......

And 4... I tip my cap to the mizz. He got me. That's the bad news. The good news is it will not happen again.

He is now on my radar. Tonight he basically said " im afraid of john cena. ""