View Full Version : Next DGUSA PPV and First Talents Signed

02-01-2011, 10:29 PM
The Dragon Gate USA "United We Stand" PPV, which was taped over the weekend in Union City, NJ will debut on 3/11.

Each of the DGUSA Internet PPVs from the weekend are now available for replay buys:

NYC event:

Philadelphia event:

Dragon Gate was extremely happy with the new direction the company took this weekend. One of the goals of the weekend was to bring the American and the Japanese talent on equal footing. CIMA, who helped found the company and is one of the strongest political there, put Johnny Gargano clean via submission to put forth the message to the rest of the locker room that they were to do the right thing for the company and get everyone over.

We heard a lot of raves for the presentation at the promotion's debut in New York City at BB Kings. One longtime reader told me that it was the first time he attended the company and it felt "fresh" since their initial debut event. Sapolsky had been toying with different ways of presenting DGUSA, since his theory is that the style of wrestling that he had been presenting as a booker over the last decade has run its course, the same way the ECW style eventually ran its course. In NYC, the promotion ran the entire show without stopping for two hours and 15 minutes straight with no intermission and each segment bleeding into the next. Sapolsky told me that it was a concept he wanted to do in ROH but never had the right time or place to test it until DGUSA in New York City. He noted that the goal was to run an entire show where there were no delays in something happening inside the ring. He claimed that the venue wasn't the issue and that there was no curfew, although BB Kings did have a hip hop show later that evening and that venue is notorious for always starting events on time without delay. Sapolsky said that fans got the exact same show they would have gotten elsewhere, minus intermission and dead time between matches. At this point, he sees it as something of a concept show that he can pull out once in a blue moon to present things differently. The promotion returns to NYC on 6/5.

There were no injuries over the weekend.

Julius Smokes worked NYC as one shot to push the Homicide vs. Jon Moxley feud.

The first names announced for the Wrestlemania weekend events are Open The Freedom Gate Champion YAMATO, Open The United Gate Champions Masato Yoshino & PAC, CIMA, Naruki Doi, The Ronin: Chuck Taylor, Johnny Gargano & Rich Swann, Akira Tozawa and the debuting Stalker Ichikawa.

DGUSA is talking about trying out another new concept for their North Carolina debut in April.

The promotion is working on debuting in more new markets this June.