View Full Version : US man wins rights to wear dress to school

01-30-2006, 04:24 PM

A male high school student has won the right to wear a dress to class.

Michael Coviello, 17, first wore a skirt to protest at his New Jersey school's ban on shorts.

He donned a costume-style dress but was ordered to go home and change.

The district's superintendent then advised Mr Coviello to purchase "everyday" dresses and skirts at a retail store, which he did.

But after a few days, he was sent home with a note from his principal saying if he wore a dress, kilt or skirt, he could no longer attend school.

A deal has now been reached after the American Civil Liberties Union reached an agreement with school officials.

Students cannot wear shorts between October 1 and April 15 but allows skirts, a policy Mr Coviello felt was discriminatory.

He said: "I'm happy to be able to wear skirts again to bring attention to the fact that the ban on shorts doesn't make sense."


Credit: Sky News

Dark Drakan
01-31-2006, 04:18 PM
Seems a strange way to go about proving a point but whatever....

01-31-2006, 04:37 PM
this isnt news worthy, but this is an embarassment to the u.s culture.