View Full Version : Tommy Dreamer Update

02-02-2011, 04:59 PM
While Tommy Dreamer is still working as an agent with TNA, they are not using him as a wrestler right now. Dreamer left WWE because he wanted to wrestle more while they wanted him to work backstage. The same thing is now happening with TNA.

Shane McMahon's Ass
02-02-2011, 05:20 PM
Should've stayed in WWE or gone on the indy circuit.

02-02-2011, 05:40 PM
Stillw restles on the Indy Circuit but good he got a final chance in TNA.

02-02-2011, 06:26 PM
Dreamer needs to realize its time to pack it in! He has had a good long road, now lets move on and help the younger guys... same with Matt Hardy. Hardy is just painful to watch wrestle.

02-02-2011, 07:47 PM
Yeah, I think this is where Dreamer should be. He had a good little run with the EV 2.0 thing, but there's really not much more for him to do in the ring, a backstage role will fit him much better at this point in his career I think.

02-02-2011, 09:46 PM
^ i think so too, tommy is getting at the point where he just needs to take care of himself thanks for the post Travis

02-03-2011, 07:10 AM
I love Tommy and respect the hell out of the guy but I would think at this point in his life, wrestling spot shows is where he is now. I mean, no shame at all in working backstage and helping the other guys do their thing (and I know he knows this, he's a smart dude). I just don't see ANYONE giving Tommy major tv time anymore.

Kenpachi Zaraki
02-03-2011, 07:23 AM
Dreamer's pathetic and useless

02-03-2011, 06:53 PM
Dreamer's pathetic and useless

And he's done more than you'll likely ever dream of doing. Show some respect.

Kenpachi Zaraki
02-03-2011, 07:52 PM
And he's done more than you'll likely ever dream of doing. Show some respect.

the only good thing he ever did was marry Beulah. And even that was good for him alone...... And speaking of guys doing more even a jobber has done more than you and I so yeah

02-03-2011, 09:10 PM
the only good thing he ever did was marry Beulah. And even that was good for him alone...... And speaking of guys doing more even a jobber has done more than you and I so yeah

Sorry dude, but a guy like Dreamer, who's given his body up, likely sacrificed years off his life to entertain us, deserves a lot more than simply saying he's "pathetic and useless." You may not like his style, his look, his whatever, but he deserves a lot more respect than what you gave him. Saying the "only good thing he ever did was marry Beulah" just shows everyone how very little you actually know about pro wrestling. It forces me to ask the question, "why are you even on this forum?" You never have anything good to say about anyone, you never offer anything in the way of quality discussion points, you just dick around, trying to piss people off with your half-assed "he sucks, she sucks" posts. Why bother? Why not take up another hobby? Maybe you could learn to knit or fly kites or something nice like that. Think about it.

Kenpachi Zaraki
02-03-2011, 10:03 PM
Sorry dude, but a guy like Dreamer, who's given his body up, likely sacrificed years off his life to entertain us, deserves a lot more than simply saying he's "pathetic and useless." You may not like his style, his look, his whatever, but he deserves a lot more respect than what you gave him. Saying the "only good thing he ever did was marry Beulah" just shows everyone how very little you actually know about pro wrestling. It forces me to ask the question, "why are you even on this forum?" You never have anything good to say about anyone, you never offer anything in the way of quality discussion points, you just dick around, trying to piss people off with your half-assed "he sucks, she sucks" posts. Why bother? Why not take up another hobby? Maybe you could learn to knit or fly kites or something nice like that. Think about it.

so I just because I don't like ur favourite wrestler means I know nothing. Ok if that makes you happy

02-03-2011, 10:09 PM
so I just because I don't like ur favourite wrestler means I know nothing. Ok if that makes you happy

You obviously didn't even read what I wrote. Either that or you have no grasp of the English language. Actually, I think both may well be true but in any case, I'll attempt to explain it to you differently.
- Dreamer isn't any favorite wrestler of mine but I do have enough intelligence to see and acknowledge how much of himself he's given to pro wrestling.
- Your complete lack of wrestling knowledge doesn't make me happy. It make me sad. I mean, to think you've spent all this time posting on this forum about things you know nothing about when you could have been learning a trade of some kind.

Kenpachi Zaraki
02-03-2011, 10:12 PM
You obviously didn't even read what I wrote. Either that or you have no grasp of the English language. Actually, I think both may well be true but in any case, I'll attempt to explain it to you differently.
- Dreamer isn't any favorite wrestler of mine but I do have enough intelligence to see and acknowledge how much of himself he's given to pro wrestling.
- Your complete lack of wrestling knowledge doesn't make me happy. It make me sad. I mean, to think you've spent all this time posting on this forum about things you know nothing about when you could have been learning a trade of some kind.

thanks but no thanks I know enough trades to earn my money and live happily forever. As for Dreamer giving his body maybe he did so do a lot of other guys doesn't mean I have to like. I said he's useless and I stand by it. What does he do in the ring? Nothing. He cries in almost all his promos and that's what makes him look pathetic

02-03-2011, 10:15 PM
I swear, common sense is simply lost on so many people. It's sad.

Kenpachi Zaraki
02-03-2011, 10:17 PM
I swear, common sense is simply lost on so many people. It's sad.

yeah sure not agreeing with you implies lack of common sense then so be it

02-03-2011, 10:20 PM
Silly silly silly.

02-04-2011, 03:15 AM
While Tommy Dreamer is still working as an agent with TNA, they are not using him as a wrestler right now. Dreamer left WWE because he wanted to wrestle more while they wanted him to work backstage. The same thing is now happening with TNA.

Got any quotes about this?

Pretty sure when he signed with TNA it was being touted as being in more of a creative role whilst also performing on occasion.

Kenpachi Zaraki
02-04-2011, 06:54 AM
Got any quotes about this?

Pretty sure when he signed with TNA it was being touted as being in more of a creative role whilst also performing on occasion.

yeah he promised them Heyman and he failed like always

02-05-2011, 03:16 AM
yeah he promised them Heyman and he failed like always

Never saw anything saying Dreamer promised Heyman at all.

Rumours stating that TNA were in talks about Heyman and made contact long before Dreamer was even involved. He didn't come in due to wanting more control than what TNA were willing to allow by most accounts.

Dreamer and the EV 2.O angle was seemingly done after Heyman had already said no.