View Full Version : What Is The Purpose To Michael Tarver Lurking Around Backstage?

02-03-2011, 08:53 PM
Recently, We've seen Michael Tarver hanging backstage watching TV and shaking Alberto Del Rio's hand. This is the first time that we've seen him since he was ex-communicated from The Nexus last year. Strangely, he's had no interaction with any of his previous friends such as Barrett, Gabriel and Slater. He's remained in the background and he's only appeared a few times.

I was expecting him to appear at the Royal Rumble PPV, but the fact that he didn't makes me question how much of a push WWE could be giving him. Naturally, he will get people talking just by appearing and apparently serving no purpose to the show, but Why do you think he's hanging backstage and appearing on TV with random stars? It seems like there's a running connection as he appeared watching a Alberto match, then he shook Albertos hand at SmackDown, so there could be a running theme.


02-04-2011, 02:50 AM
I'd assume it's no coincidence he was there when Long was "mysteriously assaulted" and was clearly heard to mention that he had only7 just got there at least twice.

Also the reasoning for the gradual mentioning of him.

Corre seemingly share Barretts initial ambition to be in control and what better way than having someone behind the scenes more.

Vickie Guererro is the current acting GM but is tied up with Dolph and Edge so it's a way to have another body in the heel role abckstage.

Kenpachi Zaraki
02-04-2011, 07:04 AM
It's good to see him back I was one of the few people who liked him no doubt. Also, not being in the Rumble match doesn't mean a lack of push quite the contrary actually. They're building him up slowly but steadily will be interesting to see what happens