View Full Version : Sutherland Excited for 24 Movie

02-04-2011, 03:16 PM
KIEFER Sutheland has been discussing the possibility of making a 24 movie!

The actor — who played Jack Bauer in the smash hit TV program — was seen getting animated while talking with director Ron Howard, who produced the Fox series, over lunch at Junior’s in Times Square, New York, earlier this week.

According to New York Post gossip column Page Six, Kiefer, who dined on a cheeseburger, was “excited about how much more they could do for 24 with a movie format than they could ever do in the TV series.

“The lunch lasted a long time, and both stars were friendly with the waiters, many of whom are fans of 24.”

Sutherland has previously revealed that he’d like to show the audience that Bauer does normal things like go to the toilet, eat and drink.

“We might actually shoot a scene where Jack raids an office and runs into the washroom in the lobby and comes out nine seconds later a lot happier because I am always being asked when Jack gets to go the the bathroom,” he said.

“Or that extra time might mean we can have him stop, have a drink and get something to eat because that’s something else the fans wonder about.”

02-04-2011, 04:57 PM
I too am excited for the 24 movie, hope they start making it soon.