View Full Version : Church Lady Talks Charlie Sheen & 'Skins', Justin Bieber Does 'Roommate', Ratings Up

02-06-2011, 09:39 PM
UPDATE: Last night's Saturday Night Live hosted by SNL alum Dana Carvey with musical guest Linkin Park drew a 5.6 household metered-market rating, up 4% from the same telecast last year. It was the second highest-rated SNL this season behind the Jan. 8 telecast, which was boosted by a highly-rated NFL primetime game.

PREVIOUS: Saturday Night Live host Dana Carvey dusted off his trademark Church Lady SNL character last night to opine about "all of the evil shows" on TV: MTV's controversial teen drama Skins (SportsCenter for pedophiles), Two and a Half Men (One and a Half Men and a Whore Monger) and Jersey Shore (Jersey Whore). One of her guests were Justin Bieber, who also did a spoof of new movie The Roommate with SNL's Andy Samberg.