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02-08-2011, 03:41 PM
JUSTIN Timberlake doesn’t like losing.

The singer has revealed he hates placing bets as he feels “defeated” if he loses $5 at a casino.

“I haven’t done any big wagers, but if you want… I don’t know how much, I’m not a big spender. I can lose $5 at a casino and walk out defeated,” he laughed.

Timberlake recently revealed he took on the role of Boo Boo in Yogi Bear to “feel better” about himself.

The singer-and-actor — who provides the voice of the little bear in the new animated movie — has felt guilty about young girls being fans of his raunchy music so wanted to do something that wouldn’t be inappropriate for children to watch.

“Guilt,” Justin replied when asked why he took on the role of Boo Boo. “I’ve had parents come to me and say: ‘My daughter really loves the song SexyBack. I say, ‘Oh great. How old is your daughter?’ expecting them to say she goes to university. They say, ‘She’s nine.’

“So that made me feel really bad as a person. And I felt it was irresponsible of those parents — my music is explicit. So I did this film so that I would feel better about myself.”