View Full Version : WWE Superstars Report for February 10th, 2011

02-11-2011, 03:48 AM
We start off this week’s show with the Raw brand and your announcers are Scott Stanford and Josh Mathews.

Match Number One: Natalya versus Alicia Fox

They lock up and Natalya with a monkey flip into a near fall. Natalya with a side head lock take down. Alicia with a head scissors but Natalya escapes and returns to the side head lock. Alicia tries for a shoulder tackle but she bumps off Natalya. Natalya tries for the sharpshooter but Alicia is able to get to the ropes in a moment of desperation. They lock up again and Natalya returns to the arm. Alicia takes Natalya down to the mat by the hair and then kicks Natalya before getting a near fall. Alicia with a punch and Irish whip but Natalya floats over and puts Alicia into a surfboard and then Natalya turns it into a near fall.

Alicia goes to the apron and Natalya with a shoulder and then she tries to suplex Alicia back into the ring but Alicia blocks it and drops Natalya on the top rope. Alicia with a clothesline and she gets a near fall. Alicia with a neck breaker and she gets another near fall. Alicia stretches Natalya while she does a split. Alicia with a body scissors and then she slaps Alicia when Natalya tries to escape. Natalya gets Alicia up but Natalya’s back gives out and Alicia with a near fall. Alicia tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Natalya blocks it and runs Alicia into the turnbuckles.

Alicia and Natalya both go for clotheslines and they both go down. Alicia gets to her feet first and then she misses a knee drop. Natalya with a kick and punch followed by a slap. Natalya with a butterfly suplex followed by a clothesline and a delayed vertical suplex for a near fall. Natalya gets another near fall. Natalya tries for the discus forearm but Alicia blocks it. Natalya puts Alicia in the Sharpshooter and Alicia taps out.

Winner: Natalya

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to take a look back to Monday night and the match between CM Punk and John Cena.

Match Number Two: Great Khali with Runjin Singh versus The Usos

The Usos surround Khali and they try to attack him from behind but Khali sends them into the corner. Khali chops Jimmy and Jey in the corner. Khali sends Jimmy into Jey and then Jimmy clips Khali and then they hit a double super kick and make a double cover but Khali kicks out. They both work on the arm but Khali sends them down and hits a double clothesline. Khali with more clotheslines and then he chops Jey and slams Jimmy on Jey. Khali with the vertical choke slam to Jimmy for the three count.

Winner: Great Khali

We go to commercial.

It is time for the Smackdown portion of the show and your announcers are Matt Striker and Jack Korpela.

Before we get to our first Smackdown match, it is time to look at the Elimination Chamber and we have a video package.

We see highlights from last week Tyler Reks turned on his tag team partner after their loss.

Match Number Three: Tyler Reks versus Curt Hawkins

Reks pushes Hawkins off the ropes but Hawkins with a forearm. Reks with a boot to the head and then he sends Hawkins into the turnbuckles. Reks with punches and kicks in the corner and then he catapults Hawkins into the bottom rope and gets a near fall. Reks with forearms and then he puts Hawkins in a chin lock. Hawkins with an arm drag and punches to Reks. Hawkins with a flying forearm and drop kick that sends Reks into the corner. Hawkins with a running forearm into the corner and then he hits a sit out slam for a near fall.

Reks tries for a power slam but Hawkins with a DDT. Hawkins goes up top for the elbow drop but Reks crotches Hawkins. Reks punches Hawkins and then drops Hawkins across the top turnbuckle. Reks with the Burning Hammer and he gets the three count.

Winner: Tyler Reks

Match Number Four: Jack Swagger versus Trent Barreta

They lock up and Swagger backs Trent into the corner and then Swagger with a take down and then he hits another take down. Swagger tries a third time but Barreta with a sunset flip for a near fall. Barreta with another near fall on a rollup. Swagger pushes Barreta into the ropes and then he punches Trent in the corner. Swagger with a biel across the ring. Swagger with a second biel. Swagger with a double jump Swagger Bomb for a near fall and he argues with the referee. Swagger with a key lock on Barreta.

Barreta with forearms followed by a drop kick to the chest. Trent with a forearm and kick. Swagger tries for a suplex but Barreta escapes. Trent misses an enzuigiri and he puts Barreta into the ankle lock and despite his attempts to escape or counter the hold, he could not escape and Barreta taps out.

Winner: Jack Swagger

We go to credits.