View Full Version : Former WWE Writer Talks About The Rock as Guest Host of Mania

02-15-2011, 03:52 PM
Former WWE writer Dave Lagana has updated his blog at IWantWrestling.com with his thoughts about Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's return to WWE on Monday's RAW. Lagana wrote:

"Moments that stick with us are genuine. They can be manipulated but can’t be manufactured. Tonight in Anaheim, CA on Monday Night Raw was one of those moments. There were misdirections, there were leads, there were reports. But at 10:58pm Eastern it became a reality. The live reaction let you know immediately what was happening was big. The ripple effect on social media outlets let you know how wide it reached. The Rock had come back to wrestling… Finally."

He re-tweeted a few messages from fans who were at RAW. One fan wrote:

"Was at RAW tonight. Anticipation was amazing and pop was biggest I've been a part of. Been going to WWE shows for 20 years!"

Another fan described Rock's return as "one of the greatest moments I've ever seen in my life."

Lagana added, "That’s the energy The Rock creates. We’re now on the Road to Wrestlemania knowing that The Rock will be the guest host; including a tease that there will be a confrontation with John Cena. But, tonight was about the people. Rock always called himself “The People’s Champion.” Tonight for fifteen minutes the Rock entertained and electrified the people by giving a performance that should be studied by everyone who aspires to be the best. If you’re a young wrestler, aspiring actor, performer, comedian or simply a person wanting to accomplish anything, watch and study what the Rock did tonight!"