View Full Version : My Problems With WWE

02-16-2011, 04:33 PM
Ok, so some people really wanted me to post this, since this discussion always comes up in the SB, and I have to repeat myself over and over again :P

* Miz as WWE Champion

- As a fan of wrestling skills over mic skills etc, I never said anything wrong about Miz's in ring sjills. He's grown a lot since he was in Though Enough many years ago. My problem lies with him as a reliable champion. He is just so damn annoying. And before anyone states that he's a Heel, and that's his job, I'm very aware of his alignement. I just feel he is a bad heel.
He is annoyong, and his appearence doesn't really fit a world champion in my eyes. I'm still clueless on why they pushed him instead of John Morrison, as JoMo has a ton more talent than Miz.

* Dolph Ziggler

- He is a talented guy, no doubt about that. Just watch his match against Bryan Danielson from Bragging Rights.
Just give the guy a decent gimmick, and drop Vickie Guerrero!!!
Dolph has some Mr.Perfect over him, but there is nothing perfect with him at this point.

* Kane's Title Reign

- Finally Kane won the World Heavyweight Championship. And he broke some records by doing so :)
And for once he actually didn't job for Taker. I just hate the way his reign ended. He had a great reign, but losing the title in a Ladder match with 3 other guys? :no: He should have lost it clean in a 1-On-1 Contest against Edge instead.

* Taker's Return for Wrestlemania

- I've never been a big Taker fan, but I don't mind him. And with all these videos hyping his return, I feel WWE once again fu** things up. If Taker just returns, just like that, I will be really angry. Kane buried him, so how the hell is he back just like that?
Wade Barrett made a joke about Papa Shango on Twitter, but that would actually make sense. If Papa Shango raised him from the dead, returning as Taker's Manager, I would love it. But I know WWE, and Taker's return will not be spectacular in any way.

* Stale Gimmicks

- Read John Cena and Rey Mysterio! I understand that this is done from a drawing stand point, and that the kids love these guys. But seriously, what happened with the old WWE? Bring back The Attitute Era, and give the fu** in PG!!!
Every feud with Rey where his mask on the line ends in the same way. I'm sick of predictable storylines and stale gimmicks!

* The Great Khali

- He went from one of the greatest monster heels to The Punjabi Playboy. WTF!?!? Nuff said!

* The Tag Team Division

- They made new Tag Team Titles etc. But hey, they don't have tag teams. Instead of wasting money and tv time on NXT, why not bring in some decent Tag Teams??? TNA, ROH and even Chikara PWNTS WWE when it comes to Tag Teams.

* Gimmick Based PPV's

- Elimination Chamber, Money In The Bank, Fatal 4-Way, TLC??? Come on!!! At least give the PPV's some good names. Those are all names of matches, not PPV's I don't get why they for example changed the name of No Way Out. The PPV could still be named that and the Elimination Chamber could have been the gimmick of the PPV.

* Push The Guys Who Deserves It!

- Read Evan Bourne and John Morrison. They have what it takes to be main event guys. Just give the guys a chance! They can easily outwrestle most of the WWE roster.

02-16-2011, 04:35 PM
WOW That's it. Thought there would be lots more reasons.

02-16-2011, 04:38 PM
^^ There is, but I will add them as I remember them.

You wanted a discussion, so discuss :P

02-16-2011, 05:17 PM
No problem with Miz as champion it's something else and giving a young guy a chance. Would prefer a different guy but still dont mind. Dont like Dolph tbh but he's growing on me. Kane had a good title run shold be lucky he got one at all. How are they supposed to build Taker up any different just a return I guess. No big whoop on Stale Gimmicks. Dont like Khali never have fine as he is. You dont want Indy teams in WWE I do lol. But yea weak team division. Yea sort of annoying Gimmick PPV's but I do like Gimmick matches lol. Cant push guys who havnt got it yet. Just have to wait.

The Mac
02-16-2011, 05:19 PM
ive said for years how stale cena has become but vince will never change his gimmick or reys because they bring in money

i think kane losing how he does was a way of protecting kane, it looks better on kane if he lost in a 4 way which is hard to defend in

the wwe tag team division has been crap for quite some time with no real fix in site

the reason why the miz was pushed over JoMo, was miz creates a better reaction with the fans, him winning the title made people hate him more, where as if JoMo won the title it wouldnt have made much of a difference to him

great khali has been the playboy for quite sometime so ur a bit behind... his monster gimmick was getting a bit stale and people always want to love the gentle giant so ya thats why he was faced

wwe has always had a problem pushing the smaller guys sm and u know that... does bourne deserve a push yes, will he get it...maybe he does have a lot of top guys pushing to help him so who knows and with Trips taking over more and more he could get that well deserved push

02-16-2011, 05:20 PM
^^ How long do we have to wait? Bourne and JoMo has been in WWE quite a long time now dude.

They even had Alberto Del Rio win RR and he's 99.9% likely gonna win the title on WM. And he's not been there for more than a year

02-16-2011, 05:29 PM
So look at Sheamus.

The Mac
02-16-2011, 05:35 PM
if rio is winning title its to raise up the mexican viewership...which will make rey expendable and not as needed as he once was

and ya sm ur kinda coming off a bit hypocritical cuz u cheered sheamus's fast rise to the top but booing del rios

02-16-2011, 05:41 PM
^^ I never said I didn't like Del Rio. I just feel it's to fast for him to win RR.

The Mac
02-16-2011, 05:48 PM
but it wasnt too fast for shemaus to win the title?

02-16-2011, 05:49 PM
^^ Yes it was, and having him win the KOTR Tournament made no sense at all

The Mac
02-16-2011, 05:54 PM
and u cheered almost everyone of those things...now ur changin ur mind...btw i hate del rio but i get why he won the RR

Kenpachi Zaraki
02-16-2011, 06:37 PM
Ok I agree with the Miz thing but John Morrison as champion? Are you crazy? he can't cut a decent promo.

Ziggler has been a victim of bad booking they have him lose all these matches its just dumb

Kane had a great reign? What are you talking about? 2 horrible matches with taker, an even worse feud with Edge he should never have been champion in the 1st place let alone held the title that long.

Taker's return is always a big deal and it's always hyped up because Taker is a freaking legend you don't have him walk out the curtain one fine day and say hey its the undertaker!

Stale gimmicks maybe but they earn money. take the mask off Rey and make the same mistake WCW did no way.

TNA, ROH and even Chikara PWNTS WWE when it comes to Tag Teams.

And no tag team draws half as much as the singles stars. Sorry but everyone wants to be WHC or WWE Champ and tags don't matter anymore haven't for 2-3 years

Gimmick PPVs not all of em are bad. Rumble, Survivor Series, TLC, MITB and Chamber are all good although there is an overkill yes

Last Point: Again good workers with no charisma no use pushing them

02-18-2011, 05:07 PM
I have no problem at all with The Miz as champion...he is working hard and doing his job. The fact that you find him annoying only add fuel to that fire...again, he is doing his job. and doing it surprisingly well.

Dolph Ziggler is awesome...i like the guy. agree with you totally that he needs to drop vickie and get serious.

Glad Kane got another run with the title. But i agree that the way he lost it looks better for his character. Losing 1 on 1 to Edge would make the monster look a bit weaker than losing in a 4 way.

I've always loved Taker, big guy with great ability. But all of his returns have gotten old. I dare say you could almost place him in the "stale gimmick" area. Hopefully they do something special with him this time around.

Speaking of stale gimmicks, totally agree that guys like Cena and Mysterio have outplayed their current roles. Mysterio needs to go ahead and retire. I really think that a Cena heel turn would do wonders for the company and for himself. people would tune in to see "why did he turn?" and he has the mic skills to make it believable.

Evan Bourne will probably get some sort of push when he returns, but he will never main event IMO. John Morrison, if he can develop some decent mic skills, could definitely main event down the road.

02-20-2011, 06:31 AM
Morrison is horrible on the mic, but to me that shouldn't keep him from being champ in-ring skills and fan response "should" be what matters. my problem with the recent heel champs have been the cowardice from them and the non-credible wins that Miz has been getting.

02-22-2011, 02:32 AM
Not to mention the continuity issues that crop up on a semi regular basis.

Just recently on Fridays Smackdown you had CM Punk and Wade Barrett on the same side in the big tag match with no altercations/no interaction and no mention of the issues they surely have with one another?

Also when something gets over well they seem to think that means they'll just run and run with it till it gets tedious and then run with it some more.

I do agree with yo that Del Rio if he gets the title at 'Mania as expected will have been pushed to the hilt probably TOO quickly. Not as if there aren't guys he can build a feud with.

Look at Swagger for both a case of receiving a fast push to the top and having nowhere to go and also as a good mid card opponent for Del Rio to feud with.

I'd still have liked to have seen Swagger take on a tweener role playing off the amateur backgrounds and it could have easily been built up as a USA vs Mexico thing.

As much as it isn't such a big issue as some make out the PG rating could really do with fucking off. Two Chambers in a night is bad enough to crush the excitement factor but the PG rating completely kills it as "Satans playground". Can't help feeling Miz would actually be more credible if he could be truly violent in his cheating to win style.

Swagger may well benefit from it too in a non restricted age environment he could be a nasty/violent bastard despite having the wrestling talent that he needn't be. Kinda like a guy who will have someone beat but has a bloodlust so will try to maim his opponents rather than just "Oh no an ankle lock after the match..... again"