View Full Version : WWE Superstars Report for February 17th, 2011

02-18-2011, 03:30 AM
We start off this week’s show with the Smackdown brand and your announcers are Jack Korpela and Matt Striker.

Match Number One: Chris Masters versus Tyler Reks

They lock up and Reks with a clean break but Masters pushes Tyler and Reks wants the referee to protect him. Reks sends Masters to the floor and then Masters returns to the ring and he chops Reks and back body drops him. Masters tries for the Master Lock but Reks escapes and he kicks Masters in the leg and head. Reks sends Masters into the turnbuckles and then he punches and kicks him. Masters punches Reks but Reks with a short arm clothesline for a near fall. Reks with forearms across the chest and then he puts Masters in a Dragon Sleeper.

Masters with knees to get out of the hold but Reks with a clothesline across the chest as he drives Masters to the mat. Reks kicks Masters and Masters chops and punches Reks. Reks kicks Masters and punches him as he keeps Masters on the mat. Reks punches Masters in the head but Masters sends Reks over the top rope to the floor.

Masters cannot take advantage until Reks gets to the apron. Reks drops Masters on the top rope as he returns to the ring. Masters with a Samoan drop when Reks charges at him. Masters with a chop but then he punches Reks followed by a flying shoulder tackle and back elbow. Masters with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot. Masters with Sky High for a near fall. Masters runs Reks into the turnbuckles. Reks with an elbow but then he comes off the turnbuckles and Masters applies the Master Lock and Reks is out.

Winner: Chris Masters

We go to commercial.

It is time for the Raw portion of the show and your announcers are Scott Stanford and Josh Mathews.

Match Number Two: Yoshi Tatsu and David Hart Smith versus The Usos

Smith and Jey start things off and they lock up. Smith works on the arm and takes Jey down and tries for a key lock. Jey with an elbow but Smith takes Jey down and gets a jackknife cover for a near fall. Smith with punches to Jey and then he hits a belly-to-belly suplex for a near fall. Smith with a reverse atomic drop and he does a cartwheel before tagging in Yoshi and they hit a double chop and Yoshi gets a near fall. Jimmy tags in and he punches Yoshi.

Jimmy with a head butt for a near fall. Jimmy with an elbow to the head followed by a European uppercut and kicks in the corner. Jimmy with a snap mare and a kick to the chest. Yoshi with a hip toss followed by a Japanese arm drag and drop kick that sends Jimmy to the floor. Yoshi with a baseball slide followed by a pescado and we go to commercial.

We are back and Jimmy with a reverse chin lock on Yoshi. We see footage from the commercial break when Yoshi was dropped on the top rope. Jey tags in and Jimmy with a back breaker and Jey with a leg drop. Jey with a reverse chin lock. Yoshi tries to get to his feet and Jey with a forearm to the back and punches to stop Yoshi. Jimmy tags in and he is sent into the turnbuckles and hits a running butt splash to the head.

Jimmy chokes Yoshi in the ropes and then Jey punches Yoshi while the referee was distracted by Smith. Jey tags back in and he punches Yoshi while David tries to get Yoshi to make the tag. Jey with a reverse chin lock. Jey with a knee and slam and Jimmy is tagged in. He kicks Yoshi in the chest and then he hits a diving head butt to the upper chest and gets a near fall. Jey with a reverse chin lock and Yoshi runs Jey into the corner. Yoshi with a spinning heel kick and both men are down.

Jimmy and Smith tag in and Smith with a running shoulder and clothesline. He knocks Jey off the apron and then Smith with a leg drop for a near fall. Smith with a sit out power bomb but Jey makes the save. Jey with a Samoan drop to Yoshi and the referee deals with Yoshi and Jey sends Smith into the ring post and gets the three count even though he was not the legal man in the match.

Winners: The Usos

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to take a look back at the Rock’s return to WWE from this week’s Raw.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov with Tamina versus Zack Ryder and Primo

Santino and Ryder start things off and Santino has something to say to Ryder before they lock up. Santino with a kick and chop that hit nothing. Santino winds up for the Cobra and Ryder goes into the ropes to stop him. Santino with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Santino returns to the side head lock. Ryder with a knee in the corner and he tags in Primo who goes up top and hits an elbow to the arm. Primo works on the arm and he tags Ryder back in and Ryder goes for a double sledge but Santino pulls Primo into the path of Ryder. Santino with a hip lock take down.

Kozlov tags in and he connects with shoulders in the corner followed by a punch. Santino tags back in and Kozlov sends Santino shoulder first into Ryder and he gets a near fall. Santino with a reverse chin lock but Ryder with a belly-to-back suplex. Primo tags in and he punches Santino and gets a near fall. Primo with another punch to Santino and Primo has something to say about Santino. Santino blocks a hip toss and Santino with a hip toss followed by an arm drag and slam. Santino with a diving head butt but he hits Primo’s knee. Primo tags in Ryder and he hits a knee drop to the chest as we go to commercial.

We are back and Ryder with a seated abdominal stretch on Santino. Santino gets to his feet and he hits a hip lock take down. Primo tags back in and he hits a leaping elbow drop on Santino for a near fall. Primo with shoulders in the corner and Ryder tags in. Ryder with a forearm into the corner and he gets a near fall. Ryder chokes Santino in the ropes. Primo with a kick when Zack distracts the referee. Primo tags in and he kicks Santino. Primo with a suplex and he floats over to get a near fall. Primo grabs Santino by the ankle and Santino tries to make the tag and he flips Primo towards his corner. Primo stops Santino and he is able to take Santino into his corner and he tags in Ryder.

Ryder with a snap mare and kick to the back for a near fall. Ryder with a surfboard. Primo tags back in and he charges into the corner but Santino pushes Ryder into Primo and they go down. Kozlov tags in and he pushes Primo down and then he sends Primo into the turnbuckles and then kicks Primo down. Kozlov with a boot to the chest but Ryder pulls Primo off. They hit a double drop kick. Kozlov with a double clothesline, but Santino makes the blind tag. Santino with the Cobra on Primo for the three count.

Winners: Vladimir Kozlov and Santino Marella

We go to credits.