View Full Version : "The Network" Faction?

02-19-2011, 05:09 PM
People are contemplating a Faction in TNA being sent from "The Network". My thoughts:

As for the idea that there should be a faction consisting of people from The Network, I completely disagree. There's too many factions in TNA at the moment, and the main feud is Immortal v Fortune/Angle/Steiner/Crimson (Who we haven't seen for weeks) and it would be overkill to add another faction. I guess, after this feud, it would be pretty interesting to see a bunch of guys join TNA and claim to be from the Network (They would need to be new guys, not mid-card guys who have been there for years).

However, TNA have done many things in the past and all of those things have been done before, and this would seem like a blatant rip-off of RightToCensor, and Cyrus. It would be nice to see TNA do something that we haven't seen done before; hell, it would be lovely to see TNA focusing on Wrestling and not include many storylines. They have the roster to be able to do that!


02-19-2011, 06:09 PM
Yeah, the whole "Network" thing has been done time and time again... and has never really worked... which means TNA is probably going to do it, lol.

Kenpachi Zaraki
02-19-2011, 07:10 PM
lmao at ur comment saying TNA should focus on wrestling and not stories whats the use of wrestling then

As for Network it would make no sense simply because Spike is a major reason why they're still alive

Marshall Mathers
02-20-2011, 05:50 AM
I don't think they will have a Network Faction along with Immortal so I think they will probably break immortal and reform it into the Network Faction

02-21-2011, 02:44 AM
Yeah, the whole "Network" thing has been done time and time again... and has never really worked... which means TNA is probably going to do it, lol.

you took the words right from my mouth

02-21-2011, 05:27 AM
lol network faction if a network faction is buffed guys who can wrestle that is rediculous haha they should just relay network messages through bischoff. bischoff already an over heel non wrestling personality dont need more. 2nd watched some old WCW the other day and remembered how over hogan was as a heel back then and how good he was why cant he do that no more lol. now hes just the lame face hogan doing heel antics lol

03-03-2011, 12:48 AM
Why am i getting that annoying feeling that "the network" is going to start having a laptop at ringside that interrupts events with e-mails "quoting" things from an anonymous network manager :S