View Full Version : Just Make These God Damned Movies!! Part 2

02-23-2011, 02:23 AM
Ok, so what's Hollywoods problems? Can they just stop making remakes and prequels and maybe focus on some of the franchises that really did good, and make some new installments?

Here is a list over movies I would like to see, and they better come soon:

JAWS 5; Resurfaced
Child's Play 6
A Nightmare On Elm Street 8
Ghostbusters 3
Gremlins 3
Scream 4
SAW 8 :shifty:
Evil Dead 4; A Fistful Of Boomstick
Another Star Wars Movie
A movie about vikings and norse gods (A Decent one :shifty: )
Hostel 3
Critters 5
More Mortal Kombat Movies
Demons 3 (The real one :shifty: Dario Argento & Lamberto Bava should work together on this one, with Savini :D )

02-23-2011, 02:29 AM
They've already made Scream 4...

A new Evil Dead would be great, but there's been too many Nightmare movies as there is, so time to leave that franchise die, I think. I have no interest in Hostel 3 either. another Mortal Kombat movie would be cool, especially based on that trailer that was posted on youtube. A new Child's Play I don't really think is necessary either and the rest don't really matter to me.

02-23-2011, 02:35 AM
Again we dont Sequels I want original ideas not people making money of good movies.

Cruel Jaws is considered the 5th Jaws in some countries. Childs Play remake already seems unlikely a sequel. Nightmare NO More ever again! Remake was shit and it's over done Nightmare should never ever return. Ghostbusters dont really care. or Gremlins. Scream 4 is out in a couple months. Saw 8 not really needed at least yet. Evil Dead remake coming so looks unlikely for a sequel etc. Star Wars hell no wouldnt want to ruin that again and apparently George Lucas may be remaking all 6 :no:. Hostel 3 is being made and is in Vegas I believe. Dont need another holiday cashin movie.

02-23-2011, 02:37 AM
^^ Thanksgiving was Eli Roth's fake Grindhouse Movie Trailer :shifty:

02-23-2011, 02:41 AM
Yeah, I'd like to see Thanksgiving. Werewolf Women of the SS too.

02-23-2011, 02:44 AM
^^ Yeah, that would be an awesome movie :D

I always thought a third installment to Gremlins and Ghostbusters has to happen. If only one movie in each franchise, it will become a trilogy. And I know I would love a Ghostbusters 3 and Gremlins 3

02-23-2011, 02:51 AM
Oh yea lol didnt think there were a bunch of fake releases :shifty: Yes Id like to see them all made.

02-23-2011, 11:12 PM
So, what would you guys wanna see? :shifty:

02-23-2011, 11:16 PM
Rob Zombie's Halloween 3. yeah, I said it Travis. :shifty:

02-23-2011, 11:52 PM
That's probably gonna happen in 3d as well :rolleyes:

I want to see new ideas and not the same bullshit