View Full Version : WWE NXT Report for February 22nd, 2011

02-23-2011, 04:55 AM
We see R Truth and Johnny Curtis in the dressing room. He tells Johnny that he is proud of Johnny but he won’t be on the show tonight. He says that it is time for him to be on his own. Johnny says that means that he is a one man wolfpack tonight. They hug and Truth leaves.

Brodus Clay and Ricardo Rodriguez are in the back. He tells Brodus that nothing means anything unless he wins. He tells Brodus to win this for Mr. Del Rio. Brodus says that he will win for him.

Daniel Bryan tells Derrick that he is doing a good job but if he is eliminated next week when he returns, he will punch Derrick in the face. Derrick says that he understands and Daniel says that he means he will punch him in the face. Derrick says that it is time to cowboy up.

We are live from Sacramento, California and your announcers are Josh ‘I’ll Be Back’ Mathews and Todd ‘It’s not a tumor’ Grisham. Your host is Matt ‘Damon Killian’ Grisham.

Todd asks rhetorically which one of the rookies will be eliminated tonight.

The rookies make their way onto the stage. Matt congratulates them for finishing in the final three. There are no pros tonight, but one man will be eliminated tonight. Next week, we will have the final episode of NXT Season 4. It is time to go through the Immunity standings and Brodus Clay has 5 points. There are two challenges tonight for Johnny and Derrick to catch up.

It is time for the Grace Under Pressure Physical Challenge and it is worth three points. There are four stations. The first stop is a beer pong station. The second station is a can you design to this diagram station. The third stop is a cup flipping station. The final stop is a chopsticks dice maneuvering station.

Johnny Curtis goes first and his time is 1 minute 19 seconds.

Derrick Bateman is next and he goes well past Curtis’ time.

Brodus Clay is next and he wants to make sure that everything is set up properly. Brodus decides to throw a handful of ping pong balls into the air figuring one will land in the cups. Brodus is also unable to beat Johnny’s time.

Your winner of this challenge is anyone who did not watch this. Johnny Curtis gets the silver for actually having the best time.

The current Immunity Point Standings are Brodus Clay with 5 points, Johnny Curtis with 3 points, and Derrick Bateman is in last with 0 points. There is one more challenge and maybe they will fold socks.

We go to commercial.

We are back and remember that voting starts next week for the season finale.

Match Number One: Derrick Bateman versus Brodus Clay versus Johnny Curtis

Curtis and Bateman look like they are going to go after Clay and Curtis kicks him first. Then Bateman joins in but Clay pushes them away. Clay sends Bateman over the top rope but Curtis hits him from behind. Clay with a chop to Curtis in the corner. Clay with a t-bone suplex to Curtis and then he knocks Bateman off the apron. Clay with a chop and then he kicks Curtis. Clay with another chop to Curtis.

Clay grabs Curtis by the throat but Bateman with a drop kick to Clay followed by kicks to the back. Clay pushes Bateman away but Curtis and Bateman attack Clay. Curtis punches Clay and Bateman with a chop to Clay. Bateman with a kick to Clay’s leg followed by chops from him and Curtis. Clay with chops and a head butt to Curtis. Clay kicks Curtis and then he goes to Bateman.

Clay chokes Bateman in the corner. Curtis punches Clay and then he sends Clay into the turnbuckles. Clay is clotheslined over the top rope by Bateman and Curtis. Bateman hits a suicide dive onto Clay after being Irish whipped. Curtis sees the carnage on the floor and he wants to join them. He hits a somersault dive to the floor as we go to commercial.

We are back and Johnny Curtis with a Fujiwara arm bar on Bateman while Clay is on the floor. Curtis sends Bateman back to the mat after Bateman gets up. Curtis returns to the Fujiwara arm bar but Bateman gets to the ropes. Curtis with a European uppercut and then he sends Bateman into the corner. Curtis with a suplex for a near fall. Curtis with a short arm clothesline and he gets another near fall.

Clay is still on the floor. Bateman with a kick and a swinging neck breaker for a near fall. Bateman with a drop kick into the corner on Clay. Bateman hits another running drop kick to Clay’s head. Bateman returns to Curtis and he Irish whips him and hits a running drop kick into the corner on Curtis and he gets a near fall but Curtis has his hand on the ropes.

Clay hits Bateman from behind and Derrick goes to the apron. Clay punches Curtis and then he squeezes Curtis’ head to try to get some juice from Curtis. Clay with a running knee into the corner and then he stomps on Bateman using the ropes for extra leverage. Clay with an Irish whip to Bateman and then he hits a running butt splash to Bateman’s head.

Clay stands on Bateman’s chest and Bateman screams in pain. Clay with a punch to the head of Curtis and Clay hits a suplex on Curtis and he gets a near fall. Clay with a running elbow into the corner on Bateman. Clay with an overhead t-bone suplex to Bateman and Clay is happy with his work so far.

Clay covers Bateman but Curtis with a leg drop from the top and he gets a near fall on Clay. He gets a near fall on Bateman too. Curtis punches Clay but Clay with a body block to Curtis. Clay sets for a suplex but Bateman with a forearm to Clay. Curtis and Bateman attack Clay and hit a double suplex on Clay. Curtis kicks Bateman and he hits a Falcon Arrow on Bateman on top of Clay and Curtis pins Bateman for the three count.

Winner: Johnny Curtis

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to hear John Cena’s response to the Rock from last night’s Raw.

Josh and Todd talk about the Rock and John Cena’s promos because it is time for the Talk the Talk Challenge when we come back.

We are back and it is time to review the Immunity Challenge Points Standings. Johnny Curtis has a chance to pass Brodus if he wins because it is worth three points.

Each rookie will have thirty seconds to put themselves over for the people in Sacramento.

Johnny Curtis goes first. He says that he was going to say nasty things about Shrek and AC Slater, but he wants to thank the WWE Universe for being able to perform in front of them. He says that a vote for him is a vote for freedom.

Derrick Bateman is next and he tells Sacramento, the land of Golden dreams. He has a dream and it is golden. He says that he is the Sacramento King. He says that he is it. He breathes it, eats it, and when he wakes up in the morning, he takes it.

Brodus Clay is last and he gives a shout old to his people in Stockton as well as his little niece who goes to Sacramento State. He says that he is the next breakout star because he represents the west coast.

The winner of this challenge is Brodus Clay and Brodus has earned immunity.

We find out if Johnny Curtis or Derrick Bateman is going home when we come back.

We are back and it is time to find out who is eliminated.

We go to ringside for the WWE.com Eliminatron 2011. We say goodbye to Derrick Bateman.

Matt asks Derrick for his final thoughts.

He says that he thought he had the support of the fans online. He says that he has proven that he is the future of this industry and the future face of this franchise. He says that he was the most exciting rookie on NXT.

Derrick walks away and we see Johnny Curtis on the ground. It appears that Brodus took some liberties on Johnny Curtis. We see Brodus clothesline Johnny Curtis.

We go to credits.