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02-23-2011, 11:02 PM
The Most Incredible TV Moments (That No One Ever Saw)
Holy crap, can you believe that actually happened?! It was amazing! You didn't see it? That's right, you were busy with UGO's list of TV's Greatest Unseen Moments. Comment below if we missed anything you wanted to see!

Every Heroes Fight

The Show That Didn't Show It: Heroes

Holy crap, Peter and his god-like powers are about to take on Sylar, with all of his stolen abilities! This could be huge! Wait, we don't have the time, money or the attention span to actually stage that fight?

Better just close the door and flash some lights, then.

Sawyer's Tampa Job

The Show That Didn't Show It: LOST

Okay, so we know what happened to cause "The Incident," and what paralyzed Locke in the first place. Though even with a whole host of other un-answered questions, we still can't help wondering what this "Tampa Job" that people in Sawyer's past keep referring to, and why the incident was so seemingly important to his character.

The Near-Apocalypse of '09

The Show That Didn't Show It: Justice League: Unilimited

While the above picture paints a decidedly far creepier picture than what we're led to believe actually occurred, but the events of Batman Beyond and Justice League Unlimited saw several references to the supposed "Near-Apocalypse of '09," that heavily involved Batman in battle with Ra's Al Ghul.

We, on the other hand believe the world did end in 2009. When Justin Bieber released his first singles.

John Casey's "Volleyball Incident"

The Show That Didn't Show It: Chuck

Life is tough for an uber-deadly NSA man reduced to working in an electronics store undercover. So when staff members express fear of the company picnic due to John Casey's alleged "volleyball incident," you can't help but wonder what would terrify people so about Adam Baldwin and a little friendly competition.

Then again, by the presence of Adam Baldwin we've answered our own question.

The One Thing Family Guy Doesn't Show

The Show That Didn't Show It: Family Guy

Oh come on! The whole point of the show being to cut away from the action to showcase any random thoughts or memories a character mentions, and the one think they skimp on is a "topless cheerleader parade, with the hundred foot chocolate teddie bear and the F-16s doing aerial acrobatics choreographed to the music of Queen?!"

No fair.

Whatever Keeps Landing Bart Simpson in Detention

The Show That Didn't Show It: The Simpsons

Not a week goes by that Bart Simpson doesn't find himself writing lines in detention, all of them for off-screen incidents we never see. How exactly he got in trouble for identifying with the creators of South Park however, is anyone's guess.

The Fate of Miss Kitty Fantastico

The Show That Didn't Show It: Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Willow and Tara's aptly named feline friend, Miss Kitty Fantastico made her on-screen debut in season four's "The Yoko Factor," and appeared once after before disappearing.

It wasn't until the seventh season that Dawn offhandedly mentions that she doesn't leave crossbows lying around after what happened with the cat. We would have loved to see a kitten hit with a crossbow. Ah well.

Vala Mal Daran's Backstory

The Show That Didn't Show It: Stargate: SG-1

You couldn't get Vala Mal Doran to tell one straight, consistent story about her past given her reputation as an interstellar con-woman. But between multiple marriages and playing host to the Goa'uld, the only thing we knew for certain was our own attraction to Claudia Black, the former Aeryn Sun.

Henry Blake Spinning In

The Show That Didn't Show It: *M*A*S*H*

The darkest, and saddest event that hung over the entire series, the death of Colonel Henry Blake when his plane was unexpectedly shot down over the sea of Japan. And we didn't get to see it. Hell, they barely even told the cast before they filmed their reactions.

On the brighter side, there was also BJ Hunnicutt's famous joke that we never got to hear in its entirety! That's less depressing!

Escape to the House of Mummies, Parts One and Three

The Show That Didn't Show It: The Venture Bros.

Presented entirely out of context, we have no idea what precipitated the events of "Escape to the House of Mummies," namely how the time-travelling cult of Osiris captured the Venture family, recruited Caligula, Sigmund Freud, and Edgar Allen Poe, painlessly severed Dean's head and why a time-duplicate Brock found himself trapped in the frozen wastelands gutting historical figures for warmth.

Or, if Doc ever remembered to rescue them in the first place.

Mike Doyle's "Denver Incident"

The Show That Didn't Show It: 24

For a show that chronicled near every minute of the characters' goings-on (despite when anyone took a bathroom break), you'd think no stone would go unturned.

So why then, did Mike Doyle and Connell Johnson keep alluding to their time together in Denver, wherein Doyle covered up one of his mistakes, and was later willing to frame Nadia for another error? What the hell did these two get into over there?! It's only Colorado.

The Federation-Cardassian War

The Show That Didn't Show It: Star Trek: The Next Generation

Well, we know that Federation officers share an intense reticence to deal with Cardassians, given their extended war that lasted from 2347 into the 2350s. Then their was the holocaust at Bajor.

Strange, how no one seemed to mention this for the first few seasons aboard the Enterprise-D.

James Wilson and the Duck

The Show That Didn't Show It: House

Every time Dr. Wilson goes to one of House's parties, he only winds up embarassing himself in some new and unexpected way, as he he had apparently once done with a duck.

Besides vicodin, what else was going on at these parties?!

The Oregon's Rabbit Problem

The Show That Didn't Show It: Red Dwarf

Like the tribbles before them, we can only imagine the horror that took place aboard the ship when Captain Frank Hollister cautioned against the dangers of smuggling animals due to the untimely fate of the Oregon, and her rabbits.

God rest ye, gentlemen.

Morn Speaking, Ever

The Show That Didn't Show It: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Oh cruel fate, that would deny us the ability to hear one of the famous jokes of Mark Allan Shepherd's Morn, known around the station for his uproarius laughter and chatty nature, despite never once having been seen speaking on screen.

Nate Ford at the Russian Border

The Show That Didn't Show It: Leverage

Leverage makes a habit of off-handedly referencing jobs that make no sense to the viewer, for instance how an "apple pie" is akin to a "cherry pie, but with lifeguards."

Still, one gag that kept recurring was lead character Nate Ford's incident at the Russian Border, which was never explained onscreen despite the references.

Superman Vs. Doomsday

The Show That Didn't Show It: Smallville

Good gravy, y'all! The final showdown between Clark Kent and the demonic Doomsday, the beast that killed Superman in the comics! So how does this clash of the titans play out?

Three punches, and a body check into a facility which subsequently explodes. Doomsday remained trapped underground, but Clark survived...somehow.

The Offscreen Apocalypse of "The Zeppo"

The Show That Didn't Show It: Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Who doesn't love a good B-story, now and again? Like when Xander, questioning his worth to the group, goes off and has his own adventure with zombies and explosions while the main crew off-handely deals with an imminent apocalypse from off-screen forces, which nearly kill Angel, inspire Giles' utmost bravery and show Willow the true face of hell.

Oh well. Zombies are just as good.

Kenneth Parcell's Last Party Ever

The Show That Didn't Show It: 30 Rock

We saw snippets of Kenneth's party that led to the chaotic aftermath in Jack Donaghy's office, from Liz straddling Grizz to Tracey stealing a kitchen sink and Jack getting punched in the face, but we never stayed long enough to find out just what turned the party so out of control.

Or what Liz did to make Grizz cry. Then again, do we even want to know?

Shawn Hunter Keeps Blowing Up Mailboxes

The Show That Didn't Show It: Boy Meets World

Difficult to stage though it may have been, we can't help feeling remiss that we never got to see the famous incident wherein Shawn shoved a cherry bomb into a mailbox, which nearly sent him to juvenile hall. We didn't even get to see it the second time, either!

But between Minkus and the fate of Mr. Turner, plenty of narrative threads went unadressed as the years went on. That darn Chuck Cunningham.

Kelly Bundy's First Slumber Party

The Show That Didn't Show It: Married with Children

Granted she was only eight at the time, we're very curious what actually happened during Kelly Bundy's first slumber party that saw Al shaved bald, the judge attempting to try her as an adult, and led to such reticence for a second in her teenage years.

Most Rome Battles

The Show That Didn't Show It: Rome

Because why show an epic historical battle, when you can merely toss around stock footage, and have other characters describing it later? It's not like you can't crack open a history book either, you know. We don't have the money for all this!

Abe Simpson's Entire Life

The Show That Didn't Show It: The Simpsons

Just about every aspect of Abe's life (assuming any of it actually happened) seems to take place solely within the mind of the eldest Simpson. I for one would love to have watched him chase down the Kaiser dickety-six miles to get back the use of the word "twenty."

Captain Archer's Speech Starts the Entire Federation

The Show That Didn't Show It: Star Trek: Enterprise

According to the Enterprise-D's history logs, Jonathan Archer's ultimate legacy was revealed by the speech observed in the Enterprise series finale "These Are the Voyages," delivering an impassioned plea to delegates to sign the first Federation charter.

The speech was apparently so memorable, that the episode cut away before Archer said anything.

Clerks' "Last Episode Ever"

The Show That Didn't Show It: Clerks: The Animated Series

Addressing fan complaints (by the sixth episode, no less) that the animated series deviated from the films by setting action outside the Quick Stop, Kevin Smith set to tease us as much as possible by presenting the most wildly absurd turn of events nearby, that Dante and Randall refused to involve themselves in.

Suffice to say, gorillas, mutants, deadly ferris wheels, a kissing booth, and Bill Clinton were all seemingly in play.

Gandalf the Party Wizard

The Show That Didn't Show It: Friends

Whenever Ross and Chandler's college friend "Gandalf the party wizard" blows into town, the two know to prepare for a night of debauchery. Chandler packs Canadian money, a snake-bite kit, and an extra pair of socks based on their last encounter.

Of course Gandalf never actually shows up, but Joey's attempt to fill in tuckers them out in a similarly offscreen manner.

The Last Great Time War

The Show That Didn't Show It: Doctor Who

So we know it cause massive destruction, wiped out numerous races, and even dwindled the numbers of the Time Lords down to one, our very protagonist. Yet despite constant references and consequences, we've never seen frame one of footage of the actual war.

Apparently show-runners believe all the special-effects money in the world wouldn't do it justice. Teases.

Kramer's Military Discharge

The Show That Didn't Show It: Seinfeld

Much of Cosmo Kramer's past remains unexplored, but there's still a few items of note we wouldn't mind clarification on. One of the items stored in his strongbox was his dishonorable discharge.

When pressed about his time in the Military, Kramer only answers that he was there "briefly."

South Park's War for Heaven

The Show That Didn't Show It: South Park

My God! Literally! This battle was epic! Nearly ten times as big as the biggest battles of the Lord of the Rings! The forces of Hell finally ascend on the Kingdom of Heaven, only to be thwarted by...a boy commanding the entire battle with a PSP.

That's what you get when you only have 3 or so days to animate a show.

Alf's Home Planet Was Nuked

The Show That Didn't Show It: ALF

According to ALF (Gordon Shumway), his home planet of Melmac was eventually destroyed by nuclear catastrophe. That, or everyone may have turned on their hair dryers at the same time.

I don't know about you, but I would have greatly enjoyed watching an entire society of ALF's people burnt to cinders a la Terminator 2.

Lily Aldrin All Buttered Up

The Show That Didn't Show It: How I Met Your Mother

Oh cruel, cruel fate. What sitcom would deny us the visual of Alyson Hannigan stripped down and covered in butter, as the events of "Blitzgiving" described?

Oh, that's right. The same show that would tease us for six years about a character almost entirely unrelated to the plot.

The Adventures of Black Jesus

The Show That Didn't Show It: The Boondocks

It's Christmas for Huey Freeman, but rather than stage anything traditional for the holidays, Huey elects to write and put up his own production of "The Adventures of Black Jesus," a controversial, but incredibly well recieved show we never saw any part of.

But it did involve samurai swords. Awesome.

How Dollhouse's World Went to Sh*t

The Show That Didn't Show It: Dollhouse

Granted Joss never knew for sure if the series would be granted a second season, and only included the first "Epitaph" episode on the DVD, but don't you think we might have liked to have seen how the world arrived at the "Technopocalypse," rather than a smash cut to 10 years later, where a phone call apparently wiped half the Earth and turned another portion into blood-thirsty "butchers?"

Drawn Together's Yom Kippur

The Show That Didn't Show It: Drawn Together

Drawn Together most certainly did show its fair share of depraved cartoon sex, violence and debauchery, and yet the house-mates would often allude to "one crazy Yom Kippur."

In a world where Superman hooks up with either Link, or Betty Boop depending on his bipolar state, what would these people consider unusual?

The More Ridiculous Worlds of Sliders

The Show That Didn't Show It: Sliders

Hey, as long as you're travelling to parallel worlds week after week, you might as well use the occasions to rattle off some of the more impractical, but tantalizing prospects of alternate realities.

For instance, a world in which the Chicago Cubs have won the World Series three years in a row. Nevermind, that's too absurd to even write about.

Reese's Prank

The Show That Didn't Show It: Malcolm in the Middle

Hardly the first event of supposedly unspeakable horror to take place from Reese's actions, we may never know the full brilliance of his prank that saw the evacuation of the entire school, regularly happens in third-world countries, and which ellicted a furious tirade from the normally affable Hal.

It also involved cats. Somehow.

How the Zombie Apocalypse Actually Happened

The Show That Didn't Show It: The Walking Dead

As Cracked has very reasonably pointed out in the past, there's a reason films about the zombie apocalypse rarely show the actual degradation of society, rather opening with a character waking up to the aftermath of the struggle.

So until a World War Z movie gets in gear, we're going to have to settle for using our imaginations as to how the Walking Dead could rise, overcome the numerous, numerous obstacles and claim the Earth for their own.

Spike and Angel Totally Boning

The Show That Didn't Show It: Angel

And the shippers rejoiced when Spike alluded to being intimate with Angel "the one time," and Joss Whedon confirmed that the two, over the course of their many deviant years together had to have gotten it in at least once.

I mean, it's not something I ever needed to see, but many a Whedon fan would relish the chance. Oh well, back to Google Images for you.

Daphne's Dinner Party

The Show That Didn't Show It: Frasier

Burning beds crashing through the ceiling, guests rushing out in a huff as Frasier screams expletives to justify his supposed Tourette's, a flaming toupee, Martin dressed as an Italian Count, and goats throwing up in the kitchen.

Frasier's unseen dinner party, Kelsey Grammer's latest divorce, or an average Friday at UGO? Your call.

Monty Python's Funniest Joke Ever

The Show That Didn't Show It: Monty Python

Just what could have been the so-called "funniest joke in the world," whose laughter killed its writer, anyone who picked up the paper there-after, and found its way to use as a torture device in WW2?

Perhaps we're better off never knowing.

Pretty Much Everything That Happens Offscreen in Futurama

The Show That Didn't Show It: Futurama

Futurama's made almost an entire career out of the absurd off-screen happenings that plague New New York, from Zapp Brannigan's many wars to the square-dancing stomachs (though that may have been a Mylanta commercial).

For your consideration: Trips to Dog Doo 7, the second coming of Jesus, the war against the Retiree people of the Assisted-Living Nebula, or the creation of Monument Beach by the supervillain president.

And it goes on like this.

The Eugenics Wars

The Show That Didn't Show It: Star Trek

Well, the 1990's have come and gone and unless we're mistaken, we can safely say we've undergone no wars between countries of the world and Khan Noonien Singh's "augments." So that's a relief.

Then again, Star Trek has a habit of referencing wars never seen in any canon, such as World War Three, or what put San Francisco in such a state for the "Bell Riots."


02-23-2011, 11:12 PM
Very interesting list and there are quite a few here that I've always wondered about.