View Full Version : TNA Impact Spoliers For March 10,2011

The Mac
02-25-2011, 10:21 PM
TNA is currently taping the March 10th episode of TNA iMPACT from Fayetteville, North Carolina. Below are spoilers airing in two weeks on Spike:

* The Pope cheated to defeat Samoa Joe in a quick match.

* Madison Rayne continued her open challenge gimmick and Roxxi returned. Madison won a squash.

* Velvet Sky, Angelina Love and Winter defeated Cookie, Sarita and Angelina of Jersey Shore fame. What little she did, Angelina looked horrible. The Shore team held Velvet for Winter to hit her but Winter hit Shore instead. Velvet got the pin on Cookie.

* Ink Inc. defeated Generation Me with Beer Money on commentary.

* They tape the iMPACT opener next. Sting comes out for a World Title celebration. Sting says Jeff Hardy was one of the best he's ever faced. Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff interrupt. Mr. Anderson interrupts that and wants his rematch for the title. Jeff Hardy comes out and Rob Van Dam. Everyone wants a shot at Sting's title. Hogan announces Sting vs. Hardy for the title and RVD vs. Anderson at Victory Road. Tonight it will be Sting and RVD vs. Hardy and Anderson.

* Ric Flair and Matt Hardy call out AJ Styles, leading to Hardy vs. Styles in a street fight.

* Mr. Anderson attacks Sting backstage and takes the World Title.

* The main event starts without Sting. Anderson ends up hitting his partner Hardy with a Mic Check. Lights go out and out comes Sting. Sting drops Anderson, allowing RVD to get the win.

* They did the Jarrett wedding again. NFL star Bart Scott was the enforcer. Kurt Angle came out with a sledgehammer and destroyed everything. Bischoff orders Scott to fight Angle. They begin fighting but security breaks it up.


Vick Diesel
02-26-2011, 05:59 AM
Sounds like a pretty good show...so happy Sting is back!

03-05-2011, 12:44 AM
show sounds ok if they just dropped the angle karen jeff angle and kept hogan and bishoff off tv the show wouldent be that bad.