View Full Version : ROH News and Notes

03-03-2011, 10:39 PM
Ring of Honor officials are thrilled with their Internet PPV numbers for their Ninth Anniversary show. Internally, the promotion was only expecting 1,000 buys as the show didn't have the hook of a big blow-off matches like Steen vs. Generico. The early word is that the show did in excess of 1,500 buys, which ROH is very happy with.

The promotion was also happy with the size of the crowd in Chicago, which was one of their biggest crowds in that market in many, many months. The feeling is that the audience sees the PPV as an important deal and will come out of their way to see them live.

Very little tickets are left for the Atlanta Wrestlemania events.

The 3/18 return to Plymouth, MA is titled "Defy or Deny" and will be headlined by ROH champion Roderick Strong vs. El Generico vs. Homicide vs. Jay Briscoe with the storyline being that if Strong wins, none of the three can challenge him again for the title. Davey Richards vs. Claudio Castagnoli is also announced.

The 3/19 ROH matinee at the Manhattan Center in New York City will feature ROH champ Roderick Strong defends vs. Eddie Edwards, ROH Tag Team champions The Kings of Wrestling vs. LAX and ROH TV champion Christopher Daniels vs. Davey Richards under Pure Wrestling rules, the first time the promotion has done that concept since Bryan Danielson unified the ROH championship with the now defunct Pure Wrestling title.

Adam Cole is currently touring Great Britain