View Full Version : 3/4 WWE results in Baton Rouge, La.: Miz vs. Punk vs. Cena main event

03-05-2011, 06:50 PM
WWE Raw house show results
March 4, 2011
Baton Rouge, La.
Report by Cohen, PWTorch reader

(1) R-Truth beat Zack Ryder. Fun match. R-Truth was super over with the crowd, although that might be due to him being the first babyface on the show. Ryder and Truth had a fun, basic match that had Truth mugging for the crowd a good bit. The match ended when Truth hit his finisher and got the clean pin.

(2) Santino & Kozlov beat The Usos (Jimmy & Jey). This match was actually quite fun. As with Truth, Santino and Kozlov were over. The match ended with a double Cobra to the Usos, and Santino and Kozlov going over clean.

(3) Great Khali beat William Regal. Short match. Khali looked like he could barely walk.

(4) U.S. champion Daniel Bryan (w/Gail Kim) beat Ted DiBiase via submission to retain the U.S. Title. This was a pretty terrific match. DiBiase started things off by noting that he was born in Baton Rouge, then trashed the city to massive boos. Bryan was just great in his role as underdog babyface. Though the match was fairly basic, it was awesome professional wrestling. Maryse came out in the middle of the match, then Gail Kim had enough and chased Maryse to the back. Ted was distracted by this and turned into the LeBell Lock for a clean tap-out.

As Bryan was celebrating and walking to the back, he was jumped by Sheamus, who then got in the ring and yelled about the city of Baton Rouge. He then called out Evan Bourne.

(5) Evan Bourne beat Sheamus. Again, a very basic match. Big, bad guy fights plucky, underdog babyface. Bourne would hit Sheamus a few times, then Sheamus would clubber him once for heat. Bourne played a great face in peril, and the crowd was mostly into his hope spots. Bourne seemed to be still working out ring rust, but his Shooting Star Press at the end for the clean pin caused the crowd to go crazy.


(6) John Morrison beat Alex Riley. Boring match, although Morrison was over and the crowd popped for Morrison winning clean with the Starship Pain. These guys were put in a bad position on the card, and there wasn't much they could do with half the crowd not in their seats.

(7) Divas champion Eve beat Bella #1 (w/Bella #2) to retain the Divas Title. The match was sent out to die. Beforehand, the anonymous Raw GM ordered a dance-off with the fans as judges. The Bellas grinded on the ref and did intentionally bad dance moves. Eve did some flips and somersaults, then the Bellas jumped her to start the match. Although Eve retained the title, the winner of the dance-off was never announced. The crowd didn't seem to care.

Before the main event of The Miz vs. C.M. Punk vs. John Cena, Punk came out with Nexus and cut a fantastic promo. He gave Nexus the night off, then sent them to the back to enjoy the "complimentary fruit tray he provided for them backstage," then informed the crowd that, after he beat John Cena in the main event tonight, he would "personally beat up every man, woman and child in the arena because I am the most dangerous man alive."

Cena's music hit and Cena entered the ring, which caused Punk to run out of the ring and up the ramp. While Cena's music was still playing, Punk came out the back a second time making fun of Cena, and did a pretty funny Cena impression (even imitating the way Cena entered the ring). Miz came out last.

(8) WWE champion The Miz beat John Cena and C.M. Punk in a three-way match to retain the WWE Title. The match was a typical three-way: the heels beat up the babyface in tandem, then Cena would come back with his hope spots. The finish saw a ref bump, then Punk hit Cena from behind, only got a two count, then Punk went out of the ring to get the title to use as a foreign object. Punk ran at Cena to hit him with the belt, but Cena sent Punk flying, which caused Punk to drop the belt. Miz ran in while Cena was focused on Punk, picked up the title, then hit Cena with it for the pin.

The show closed with a Miz promo where he vowed to cripple Cena by giving him a skull-crushing finale onto a chair. Cena recovered while being set up for the move, gave Miz an Attitude Adjustment, and then held the chair and growled. Cena sent everyone home with a so-so promo about how the LSU Tigers are awesome and no one backs down from the purple and gold in Baton Rouge.