View Full Version : Charlie Sheen Launches Online Show

03-06-2011, 05:36 AM
Word from the East Coast is that Saturday Night Live opened tonight's broadcast with a skit about Sheen that features host Miley Cyrus as Lindsay Lohan poking fun at the Two and a Half Men star and Tiger Woods.

A new Charlie Sheen show is now a reality but not on TV. The Two and a Half Men star today launched a Web show, Sheen's-Korner, streaming live on UStream at 7 PM PT. It features Sheen discussing various subjects joined by a side kick and one of his "goddesses." Forty minutes in, the show is still going with no end in sight, with viewership fluctuating around the 100,000 viewers mark. The broadcast was labeled as "premiere episode of Sheen's-Korner" with no schedule provided for future episodes. The show's slogan? "You're either in Sheen's-Korner or you're with the trolls."