View Full Version : HHH/Taker News (planned all along)

03-07-2011, 07:41 PM
-Triple H and The Undertaker are the ones putting together their current program for WrestleMania 27, with minimal input from WWE creative.

Taker was originally scheduled to face Wade Barrett and Triple H was set to face Sheamus at WrestleMania but the two got together and realized that WrestleMania 27 had no special match. As WWE's two most power political forces, they felt they could take control of their own angle without much in the way of outside influence.

Shawn Michaels is still expected to be introduced into the storyline and have a role at WrestleMania, possibly as a referee or an enforcer. The idea behind the storyline is that Triple H is going at Taker for revenge after Taker ended his best friend's career.


Confirming what Mike Johnson first reported here on PWInsider.com, former WWE writer John Piermarini wrote the following on his blog discussing the Undertaker/Triple H staredown on RAW:

"Reason #121 why you don't believe everything you read in dirt sheets. They were reporting Undertaker vs. Wade Barrett, Undertaker and Kane vs. The Corre and other incarnations of WM matches for Taker but this match was planned since last August. Now that it's out there I can reveal that."

Note from Dave: I guess what Piermarini meant to say was you can only trust websites like this one.


They thought that there was no memorable matches? Well... Of course there isn't! Cena/Miz is a comedy feud, with Cena saying that Miz is afraid of Cats. HHH just berated the entire lockerroom, so how can we possibly care about anything else? It's great to see HHH/Taker actually taking care of their feud, without WWE Creative getting involved; this proves that some guys can actually book themselves. Sure, you can compare this match to WM17, and it shall be alot of the same stuff (Brawling, in the crowd) and you shouldn't think this is going to be another HBK-Taker bout. This isn't going to be as good as HBK-Undertaker.

03-07-2011, 07:44 PM
Card's looking really weak. Yeah, HHH burying everyone didn't help matters at all. Miz is pretty much the third player in Cena's 'feud' with The Rock. Edge and Del Rio doesn't have that spark. No MITB. This is going to be one of those WMs that are footnotes to the good ones.

03-07-2011, 07:44 PM
hbk interference would be interesting

Kenpachi Zaraki
03-07-2011, 08:58 PM
Del Rio v Edge is a good title match. Del Rio's been booked really strong and they're trying to book the Miz as a strong champion by giving him clean wins over Upper Mid guys (something I said they should have done all along but some marks were moaning about heel tactics and all that shit). Orton v Punk looks great. Taker v HHH the big match logic is good although it still makes you wonder what guys like Barrett and Sheamus will be doing now

As for Creative yeah they dont get involved with vets Jericho v HBK was like that too