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View Full Version : Shatner Keen to Work with JJ Abrams

03-07-2011, 10:23 PM
ACTING legend William Shatner wants a role in the next Star Trek movie.

Shatner — who played the role of Captain James T Kirk in Star Trek for 19 years — said that, just as his original costar Leonard Nimoy had made an appearance in JJ Abrams‘ 2009 Star Trek revamp, he would also be pleased to have a role in the sequel to the movie.

“I’d be delighted,” he said.

Shatner dded that one of the main motivations for wanting to appear in the film, which is due out in 2012, was so he can feel larger than life next to JJ Abrams.

“I’ve become acquainted with JJ Abrams and he’s smaller than I am,” he said.

“I like to find people I can stand next to that I can tower over.”

Shatner has previously admitted he didn’t think Star Trek would become a “big deal”.

“I never thought it’d become a big deal, just 13 episodes and out,” Shatner, 79, told the New York Times last year.

“I didn’t think I was hard to get along with. There were a few disaffected actors who came in once a week. I had nothing to do with them. Friendly!

“I was working seven days a week, learning 10 pages of dialogue a day. They had one line! Then after the show was canceled and the Star Trek phenomenon began, those actors would go to the conventions. They’d get applause, praise, and begin to think, ‘Hey, I was wonderful, and Shatner stole the spotlight.’

“Then that character was foisted on me by people in the press.

“They said I was this William Shatner character, and I figured I had to be it. Pompous, takes himself seriously, hardheaded.

“So I played it. But I didn’t see it. That character doesn’t seem like me to me. I know the real William Shatner. At least one of us should.”