View Full Version : Schwarzenegger Watch: Offered 'Terminator,' Remakes of 'Predator' and 'Running Man'

03-07-2011, 10:27 PM
Now that '80s action legend Arnold Schwarzenegger is back in "action" (yes, yes, pun intended), the big question remains, what will his first project be? Speculation is that the Expendables sequel would be the first official return, but what about after? The Arnold Fans asked the Austrian actor about one of three rumored scripts. His response:

"Well, first of all it's more 15 films, obvious ones from 'The Terminator' to remakes of 'Predator' and 'The Running Man' and all of those things. Then also a lot of original stuff too. But I am also packaging a Comic Book character right now. I'm going to announce that sometime by the end of March or the beginning of April."

I'm not exactly why you would pitch Schwarzenegger a remake of any film, how does that make any sense? Would he play the same role? Although, it would be amazing to see him in a sequel to Predator or The Terminator.