View Full Version : Get yourself cast as a survivor in Resistance 3

03-07-2011, 10:42 PM
Alright, it's time to do a little pre-audition prep work: Let's see your best look of complete, abject despair. Good, good! Now, slump your shoulders and shuffle across the room, in a manner that just says, "Hey, my whole city just got destroyed by unswervingly violent alien aggressors." That's perfect! You might just have a chance to win Sony and Insomniac's "Get In The Game With Resistance 3" contest -- the winner of which will be cast as a survivor in the upcoming, Chimeric shooter.

All you have to do is send in an image of you in "the middle of a Resistance-style battle," or looking as survivor-y as possible, which we assume involves looking very, very dirty and sad. If your submission is picked, you'll get a private tour of Insomniac Games, where your face will be scanned and stuck onto an in-game character. Quick, show us "I just watched my grandparents get eaten!" Oh, man. That's remarkable. Seriously, you're a shoe-in.