View Full Version : ROH on HDNet Report for March 7th, 2011

03-08-2011, 04:25 AM
We start the show with some In Ring Action….
Top Prospect Tournament Semi-Final Match

Michael Elgin w/Truth Martini v. Kyle O’Reilly
This might be the match of the year so far in ROH. These two packed move action into a 12 minute match than I have ever seen. It is really split down the middle when it comes to who did more in this match. Some highlights include Kyle kitting an insane drop kick to the outside, followed by a missile drop kick from the top rope. Kyle also hit a huricanranna on Elgin of the apron onto the arena floor. After some incredible power moves by Elgin, he still could not finish off Kyle. Kyle rolls up Elgin for the win.

Winner-Kyle O’Reilly
Kyle advances to the finals of the Top Prospect Tournament

More In Ring Action….
Top Prospect Tournament Semi-Final Match
Mike Bennett w/Bob Evans v. Andy “Right Leg” Ridge
This match is pretty lacking compared to the first semi-final, but none the less it’s still great. Bennett is getting a huge, huge push. They might be onto something with him. He definitely has the WWE look, and he’s not bad in the ring. Bennett owns Ridge for most of the match. Ridge makes a comeback near the end. He goes for a Right Leg Kick, but Bennett hits his finisher for the win.

Winner-Mike Bennett
Mike advances to the Finals of the Top Prospect Tournament

Backstage we see an interview with Davey Richards and his trainer. Richards talks about training to win the ROH World Title. He says he is doing everything he can to become the best he can. I can’t imagine Davey any better than he is, but let’s see what is to come.

Main Event
Non-Title Match
Fatal Four Way
Homicide v. ROH World Champion Roderick Strong v. El Genericho v. Jay Briscoe
This match starts with Jay and Homicide in the ring facing off. There are no teams, but only two men can compete at once. You can tag anyone in at any time. As we get underway, Roderick tags himself in and Jay must leave the ring. After Roderick gets in he tags El Genericho in, without even making contact with Homicide. The crowd hates him, and he loves it. He gets off the apron and works on lunges with Truth near the barrier. Very funny. Pretty slow moving match with none of the men really getting any rhythm going. It feels very forced. The last 2 minutes really come together when Strong takes advantage of Genericho Ikuzu kick on Briscoe and gets the win.

Winner-ROH World Champion Roderick Strong


03-08-2011, 06:30 PM
That means either Homicide, Generico or Jay Briscoe can get another title match against Strong as long as he's Champion.

Hmm...That probably means Daniels will grab the strab :)