View Full Version : WWE NXT Report for March 8th, 2011

03-09-2011, 05:56 AM
We have survived NXT Season One The Movie, NXT Season Two: The Wrath of Miz, NXT Season Three: The Search for Announcing, and NXT Season Four: The Voyage Home. Now it is time to venture into NXT Season Five: The Final Frontier. Who will make it through this season of NXT and make it to Sha Ka Ree

It is time for the moment that you have been waiting for.

We are live on tape from Houston, Texas via the internet and your announcers are Todd ‘I Come in Peace’ Grisham and William ‘Sunshine’ Regal. Your hosts are Matt ‘It is like Groundhog Day but without the presence of Ned Ryerson’ Striker and ‘Still being booked better than Ted DiBiase’ Maryse.

Todd tells us that this show is all about redemption. Todd has a new announcing partner and it is William Regal. Regal says that it is about redemption for one of the rookies.

Matt Striker is in the ring and he welcomes us to Season Five of NXT. Matt introduces his co-host and it is Maryse. Maryse thank Matt and she says that this season is going to be very different. She introduce the people who are part of Season Five of NXT.

Out first is Darren Young. He is followed by Conor O’Brian. Lucky Cannon comes out and he has a new robe that he modeled after Rick Rude. Byron Saxton is out next. He is followed by another Season Four reject, Jacob Novak. The final rookie to come out is Titus O’Neill.

Matt welcomes everyone back and he says that they have been chosen to return for Redemption. This season will be different. Maryse says that they will be competing to be a part of Season Six of NXT. Matt says that there is no immunity. They will be competing for Redemption Points. If there is a tie in the voting between the pros and the WWE Universe, they can apply their Redemption Points.

It is now time to meet Darren Young’s pro and it is Chavo Guerrero. Chavo says hello to the WWE Universe and he tells Darren Young that he is happy that he is his pro. He has been watching him and has seen him work in the ring. Chavo tells Darren that he can’t take it easy like he did on NXT. He has to be like a Guerrero and separate himself from the pack. He challenges Darren to ‘get noticed’. He tells him to do it any way that he can.

The next pro is for Conor O’Brian and it is Vladimir Kozlov. Vladimir tells Conor that he thought Conor tried to impress people too much. He needs to be himself.

Lucky Cannon’s pro is Tyson Kidd. Tyson congratulates Lucky and says that he is lucky because he has the best pro this season. He says that Lucky has been too nice and he needs to take what he wants. He tells Lucky that this competition is for the taking.

Byron Saxton’s pro is Yoshi Tatsu. Yoshi tells Byron that he was overconfident last season. He tells him to be himself and relax.

Jacob Novak’s pro is JTG. He tells Jacob that he had to deal with the drama between Dolph and Vickie. This season it is just them so there are no distractions. They are going to get it popping.

Titus O’Neill’s pro is Hornswoggle. Hornswoggle is wearing something other than green and he calms himself down and he grunts and speaks in tiny Irish. Apparently no one understands him.

It is time to start things off and Jacob Novak will be facing Darren Young when we come back from commercial.

Match Number One: Darren Young with Chavo Guerrero versus Jacob Novak with JTG

They lock up and they go into the ropes and then they go through the ropes to the floor. Young gets back into the ring first and then Young with a clothesline and then Novak makes it to the ropes. JTG gives Novak some advice. Young with a waist lock and Novak with a punch and shoulder tackle. Young with a roaring elbow followed by a power slam for a near fall.

Young with a cravate but Novak with punches. Young with a European uppercut but Novak with a boot to the head and Young goes down. Novak with elbows in the corner and the referee warns Jacob. Novak with an Irish whip but Young with an elbow. Novak with a clothesline in the corner followed by a boot to the chest and he gets a near fall.

Novak with a chin lock and he uses Young’s arm to restrict Young’s breathing patterns. Young backs Novak into the corner and then he punches Novak. Novak with a clothesline and he gets a near fall. Young with a Northern Lights suplex and bridge for a near fall. Young with a reverse atomic drop and clotheslines followed by a back body drop.

Young hits Heatwave for the three count.

Winner: Darren Young

Maryse is walking in the back and Yoshi Tatsu says that she is going to be a very good host on NXT. Maryse likes the compliment but Byron stops Yoshi from saying anything else to Maryse. Byron says that he would love to work together and strategize for this season.

Maryse leaves and Yoshi tells Byron that his timing is no good.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for the Raw Rebound.

Todd and William talk about the situation between Rock, Miz, and John Cena.

It is time for a Conor O’Brian video package. He reminds us that he was on Season Four. He didn’t let the WWE Universe see who Conor O’Brian really is. He hid behind a persona and was not himself. He was raised by his mother because his father left when he was two. He says that it was hard growing up. He says that this is an opportunity to focus on the good things. He says that most people don’t get a second chance. He is going to let the real Conor O’Brian come out and he will get redemption.

We go to commercial and we will be back with the Boot Camp Obstacle Course.

We are back and Maryse tell us it time for first challenge of season. This challenge worth three redemption point.

Matt explains the course to the rookies. They must hop over a wall and then go through the army net. Then they will have to traverse a balance beam. Then they will have to do a slalom through flags. They must then pick up a loaded duffel bag across the finish line.

Titus O’Neill goes first and his time is 29.8 seconds.

The second rookie to go is Jacob Novak and his time is 24.0 seconds and he is in the lead.

Byron Saxton goes third. His time is 26.5 seconds.

In the cleanup position, it is Lucky Cannon. His time is irrelevant because he says that he will not be our circus monkey tonight. Lucky then says that he is going to steal Maryse away from Ted but Maryse tell him to talk to hand. Lucky does not compete.

Conor O’Brian is next and his time is 27.1 seconds.

The final rookie is Darren Young and his time is 23.0 seconds and he wins the challenge and earns Three Redemption Points.

Darren and Chavo celebrate his victory.

We go to commercial but when we come back, we will see the announcement of the guest referee at Wrestlemania in the match between Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler.

We are back and they talk about redemption and Regal says that he has had to deal with redemption as well.

Byron Saxton reminds us that he was on Season Four. We see highlights from Season Four but then we see him being eliminated. He says that he made some mistakes and he will take nothing for granted this year. Byron says that they are a group of guys who have been there and done that before. They have also been eliminated. Byron says that he knows that it is his time. He says that he will win NXT. He says that this is his last chance. It might be cliché to say that, but it is his opportunity and his dream.

Match Number Two: Titus O’Neill with Hornswoggle versus Lucky Cannon with Tyson Kidd

They lock up and Lucky slaps Titus on the break but Lucky hides in the ropes. Titus with kicks to Cannon but Cannon tries for a drop toe hold but Cannon cannot get him down. They go to the floor and Cannon kicks Titus and then sends him back into the ring. Cannon with knees to the back and he puts Titus in a rear chin lock. Titus tries to get to his feet but Cannon drops him to the mat. Cannon with a reverse chin lock on Titus and he gets his foot on the ropes for extra leverage. Cannon chokes O’Neill in the ropes and the referee warns Lucky. Lucky with a forearm to the head but Titus punches back. Lucky with a side head lock. Titus with a forearm followed by a belly-to-back suplex and both men are down.

Titus with punches to Lucky and then he hits a flying shoulder tackle and then connects with an elbow before an Irish whip. Hornswoggle pulls Kidd off the apron and the referee stops Kidd. Hornswoggle pushes Cannon off the turnbuckles and then O’Neill hits a sit out spinebuster for the three count.

Winner: Titus O’Neill

After the match, O’Neill and Hornswoggle celebrate the victory. Tyson Kidd attacks Hornswoggle and tries to put him in the sharpshooter but O’Neill kicks Kidd out of the ring.

We go to credits.