View Full Version : John Cena and The Miz Exchange Words and More on Snooki's RAW Appearance

03-10-2011, 04:02 PM
WWE is pushing the fact that WWE Champion and former MTV reality star The Miz will be meeting current MTV reality star Snooki on next week's show when she's there to guest host. Considering the recent Twitter interactions between Snooki and Miz's WrestleMania opponent John Cena, an angle with the three seems very likely.

- The war of words on Twitter between John Cena and The Miz continued yesterday with the following:

Cena: "CeNation. Glad monday went how it did. I got nothing more to say bout rock. So Miz "came 2 play"? Good. I came to fight. C u mon Dauwsh."

Miz: "Yes I could tell u came to fight when u were lying on ur back knocked out from the 2 title shots, scf, and Awesome Elbow."


03-10-2011, 08:29 PM
Keep Snooki the hell away from the WWE Title picture, please. If you wanna have her do her thing, whatever the fuck it is she does, then fine... but involving her in the feud with Cena and Miz is just stupid.

And it seems like they're going to push her as a face... but I have no idea why because she's not going to get cheered. Anyone who isn't a kid is most likely going to boo her and the kids probably won't even know who the hell she is, so...

Maybe they'll have her turn on Cena, who knows, but either way... it all sounds stupid.

03-10-2011, 10:30 PM
Dear Vince,

Please keep these lame ass 'celebrities' out of my wrestling ring. It's stupid and lame and no one likes it. You may think it's cool but it's really, really, really not.

every WWE fan ever in the history of life. :)

03-11-2011, 06:42 AM
:omg: Nothing to say .... well, one thing, get rid of Snooki! There have to be better people to have on than her.

03-11-2011, 07:39 PM
i even dont understand wwe policies its full of crap to put Snooki in wwe .wwe's only doing it to rub it in tna's face

03-11-2011, 07:59 PM
Cena was tweeting shit with "The Situation" also from that shit show wasn't he?

I assume this is probably a precursor to him coming in too :(