View Full Version : NPD: Call of Duty: Black Ops is the US's best-selling game ever

03-11-2011, 11:18 PM
This Call of Duty: Black Ops thing appears to be taking off. You might remember the billionaire game from its position at the top of the NPD software chart tonight, a position it's held since its November release.

In a statement released this evening, NPD analyst Anita Frazier says that in that short time, Black Ops has already surpassed Wii Play as the best-selling game in history. Like, ever. Activision hasn't released specific US life-to-date sales numbers, but it sold 5.6 million copies in the UK and US on day one. And as of October, Nintendo claimed sales of around 13 million Wii Plays.

So, more than that.


Holy shit, I'm not much of a fan but wow... that a big accomplishment...