View Full Version : Hogan Leaving for WWE?

03-13-2011, 10:12 AM
After the reports that Jimmy Hart was leaving TNA to return for Axxess and WrestleMania 27, The Honky Tonk Man is still claiming that another TNA employee is leaving for WWE. Honky later wrote more about Hulk Hogan:

“HTM has been told Hogan will bolt to WWE if asked. Sources within TNA have said Hogan will leave EB behind like a rat. Hogan is on his way out of TNA. Dixie has had to advance Flair money to pay his debts. Strange things are happening at TNA! Hogan’s TNA contract is results and incentive based Either party can walk anytime. HTM said it first Hogan is on the way out.”

Regarding Jimmy Hart, he is not expected to be Jerry Lawler’s manager for his match with Michael Cole at WrestleMania 27. Hogan backed off his claims on Twitter that Hart would be in Lawler’s corner, saying it was “just a guess” and that he hadn’t talked to Hart in over a month.


The Yiz
03-13-2011, 03:44 PM
lol, bogus report.

Dragón De Muerte
03-13-2011, 05:28 PM
can hogan please take rob terry and the other naff wrestlers he has pushed when he leaves and I hope the door hits him on the way out. Now how do we get rid of dixie next :think:

The Yiz
03-13-2011, 05:47 PM
can hogan please take rob terry and the other naff wrestlers he has pushed when he leaves and I hope the door hits him on the way out. Now how do we get rid of dixie next :think:

Yeah, take the woman who gave guys like AJ Styles & Matt Morgan their biggest break in their professional careers? Because that's a good idea... :rolleyes:

Dragón De Muerte
03-13-2011, 06:00 PM
no it was jeff jarrett that did that. tna only went tits up after he lost power in tna due to getting it on with angles wife.

The Yiz
03-13-2011, 06:31 PM
no it was jeff jarrett that did that. tna only went tits up after he lost power in tna due to getting it on with angles wife.

Hardly. Jeff has been a main voice in TNA for years, but he's never had the majority of control over TNA.

Honestly, if you hate Dixie carter then fine, but if you honestly think getting rid of Dixie Carter is a good decision for a company, then that's idiotic.

A Blissful Ass
03-13-2011, 06:41 PM
Yeah, take the woman who gave guys like AJ Styles & Matt Morgan their biggest break in their professional careers? Because that's a good idea... :rolleyes:
She only gave Morgan his break Jeff gave AJ his break even though he was relevant in WCW lol

Dragón De Muerte
03-13-2011, 06:44 PM
I think the person who has authoruty over a wrestling company should know something about wrestling and what the people who have watched tna since week 1 fell in love with and push that not turn it in to a lamer wwe.

It was jeff and his father that recruited all the wrestlers in the first place dixie didn't come in till a couple of months after it had been formed and only to provide money.

in fairness jeff wasn't perticurly good at running the company either because he made himself champ for like 3 years straight.

they need to re-focus on the X-division the thing that really made tna. Guys like Rob Terry belong in wwe not tna. But because tna have decided they have to become like wwe to compete with them (one of hulk hogans great ideas) they have focused on big guys and big names not what I loved taking the mid to lower cards that where unhappy and making them into the big stars. and the funny thing is wwe have noticed this and if you look at them you can say they are putting more focus on the high flyers and technical guys that they didn't in the past because they realize this is what made tna popular. I don't think we would see awesome talent like daniel bryan if not for tna making them realize this is what fans want to see.

but this is just my opinion and lets face it in the industrial world that is profesional wrestling lets face it it means squat and none is gonna take notice

03-13-2011, 07:21 PM
greed don't let him or Flair comeback. Washed up jokers. They were all about bashing Vince and WWE so don't jump off you sinking ship now.