View Full Version : OVW TV Report

03-13-2011, 10:22 PM
I was unable to attend Ohio Valley Wrestling live this past Wednesday, so here's the TV report for OVW that aired March 12th in Louisville, which is episode #603.

Dean Hill and Gilbert Corsey were the TV announcers, Brittany DeVore was the ring announcer. No Kenny Bolin again this week. The crowd looked to be in the usual 80ish range, on what was a very rainy day in Louisville.

There were two title changes at the March 5th Saturday Night Special. Mike Mondo beat then champion "Mr. Media" Cliff Compton, and "Lowrider" Matt Barela in a triple threat ladder match to win the OVW heavyweight title, and Fighting Spirit(Raphael Constantine & Christopher Silvio) beat Ryan Nemeth & Paredyse to win the OVW Southern Tag Team titles.

Nemeth was just signed to the WWE, so he most likely won't be around much longer.

In a shill moment if I may, last Monday Attorney Christian Mascagni, who quit OVW after the March 5th Saturday Night Special, was on an Internet radio show I'm a part of with Larry Goodman and Murder One called "Phoning it in". Masgagni did a very interesting interview chronicling his time in OVW, and dealing with a backstage Jim Cornette angry blow up at him on March 5th, that resulted in Mascagni quitting the promotion. Here's the link to that interview: click here.

1. Randy Terrez beat Lennox Lightfoot

They said this was Lightfoot's debut in OVW, but I think he used to work the Derby City TV's here when that was running. Lightfoot used to wrestle for SAW in Nashville doing an Indian gimmick. He was doing a Disco dancer gimmick here. They said he was a 5 time Disco dancing champion at the Rock casino on an Indian reservation. The tried some Lucha early, but a spot got botched, and the match fell apart for a little bit. Some big moves unfurled from both guys. Lightfoot is an athletic guy, and can pull off big moves, but seems to still have issues with the basics at times. Terrez missed a top rope Moonsault, and then Lightfoot rocked Terrez with a running knee to the corner. Terrez cut Lightfoot off, then hit a top rope corkscrew Moonsault into a bodypress for the win. Terrez the heel, got a face reaction when he won it. This was one of those strange matches that both worked, and didn't work at the same time.

Hill and Corsey threw it to footage from the triple threat ladder match of March 5th, which was joined in progress around the 15 minute mark.

Corsey and a horse sounding Kenny Bolin did the commentary for the Saturday Night Special DVD. Looked to be almost a full house for this show crowd wise. "Lowrider" Matt Barlea and Mike Mondo were fighting on the ladder. "Mr. Media" Cliff Compton threw the ladder into Barela's face very hard. Compton went to the top of the rickety looking ladder, but lost his balance and fell, with his leg getting caught in the ladder. Horrible and really scary looking bump. Just nasty looking. Mondo set the ladder back up, which was now even in worse shape. Barela climbed up the back side, and Mondo and Barela traded blows again on the ladder. Back on the mat, Barela gave Mondo a Spinebuster. Barela went up the ladder, but Compton got up and pushed the ladder over, sending Barela tumbling over the top rope. Rocco Bellagio, who was supposed to be barred from the building for this match, came out and threw Barela into the ring post.

Meanwhile on the floor this match, officer Steve Yancy had both Christian Mascagni and Mo Green handcuffed to him. Back in the ring, both Mondo and Compton climbed up the ladder, and fought on it. In desperation, Mondo went into his trunks for a bag of powder, and threw powder in Compton's face. Mondo then grabbed the belt to win the OVW heavyweight title. Looked to be one Hell of a match, at least the last 5 minutes were for sure.

Back at the desk now, Corsey said Barela was out tonight with a shoulder injury.

Jim Cornette was in the ring, ready to announce the challenger for Mike Mondo at the upcoming April 2nd Saturday Night Special, but instead former champion Cliff Compton came out with Mo Green, Mo Green, Rocco Bellagio and the Paparazzi guy. Compton was limping from his bad bump in the ladder match. Compton mentioned the blow up between Cornette and Christian Mascagni, which Cornette said was because of Bellagio being in the building at the March 5th Saturday Night Special.

Compton said he had Mo Green handle the negotiating for him to secure himself vs Mondo on April 2nd. Cornette said Green did call him, but told him that Compton didn't want the title shot, and to instead give it to James "Moose" Thomas. Thomas came out with his manager, Prince Bolin. Compton was shocked at this development as Bolin hugged the rest of the Compton's entourage.

Mo Green told Compton he only hangs with champs, not chumps, so they struck a deal with Bolin Services 2.0. Prince Bolin and Compton traded insults. Compton asked to wrestle "Moose" Thomas tonight, with the winner getting a title shot against Mondo on April 2nd. Bolin said no to that. Thomas, Bolin and Compton's now ex-entourage then attacked Compton, with Thomas giving Compton the "Moose kick", followed by two big splashes. Jason Wayne made the save for Compton.

It appears the angle between Compton, Barlea and Mondo, fighting over the OVW title, which started last September, is finally over. Or is it........

Dean Hill interviewed Al Snow in front of the announce desk. Snow announced his new class teaching advanced ring psychology starting on April 7th. Isn't that a bit of a kayfabe breaking type of a class announcement? heh. Hill asked Snow to join he and Corsey at the desk for the next match, which Snow was up for.

2. Mike Mondo beat Shiloh Jones

Hill mentioned to Al Snow a problem 5 or 6 years ago they had with Johnny Jeter. Corsey said the FCC got really mad at Hill back then. Mondo with some fancy counters early. Snow said it was sad that Mondo, with all his talent, would go to the lengths he does to achieve his goals. Mondo leveled Shiloh with a big clothesline, then lit him up with some chops and forearms to the head of Jones. Jones avoided a Mondo knee, and then made a short comeback, but Mondo showed his might by picking Jones up from the mat, and then gave him his "Gut Check" finisher for the win.

Hill and Corsey at the desk threw it to clips of the March 5th OVW Southern Tag Team title match of then champions Ryan Nemeth & Paredyse vs Fighting Spirit(Raphael Constantine & Christoper Silvio)

As the match was joined in progress, Paredyse was taking the heat. Silvio missed an attempt at a top rope leg drop. Paredyse ducked, and Fighting Spirit knocked together, leading to the hot tag to Nemeth. Nemeth and Paredyse both put claw holds on the "family jewels" of Fighting Spirit, followed by stereo Bronco busters in opposite corners on both members of Fighting Spirit.

Corsey said Paredyse was starting to rub off on Nemeth. Nemeth put Constantine in the Figure Four, but as the ref was distracted, Silvio hit Nemeth in the head with an international object, and Fighting Spirit won the OVW Southern Tag Team titles.

Corsey was in the ring, and out came Nemeth and Paredyse. Paredyse was wearing a mulii-colored weight lifting belt, and had a stretch exercise apparatus with him, and did some reps with it. Nemeth said they had 500 screaming fans standing behind them on Saturday night. Paradyse said he was "Always standing behind Nemeth", and smacked Nemeth on the ass. Nemeth said Fighting Spirit screwed them. Paredyse agreed and said Fighting Spirit screwed them hard, and "Not in the way we like it".

Nemeth and Paredyse said they've been hitting the gym really hard since losing the titles. Nemeth mentioned all the different exercises they're doing. Paredyse said they always finish their workout up with the "clean and jerk", which Nemeth then explained was a legit exercise. Nemeth and Paredyse challenged Fighting Spirit to a rematch next week on TV.

Fighting Spirit came out. Silvio said they almost made a man out of Paredyse Saturday night, but he couldn't even get that right. Silvio said they've hurt Nemeth twice, and wondered what would happen a third time. Constantine said they'd give Nemeth and Paredyse a rematch next week, but with the stipulation that the losing team can never team up again. Paredyse was against it, but Nemeth was for it, and they had an animated pow wow discussing it. Nemeth said together we can achieve anything. Paredyse then agreed to take the match. Like I said, Nemeth was just signed to the WWE, so have to see if next week is it in OVW for him or not.

3. Rudy Switchblade beat Mohammad Ali Vaez w/Mr. B to retain the OVW TV title

This was the TV main event. Vaez, again dressed like a Sheik, took the mic and said Switchblade captured lightning in a bottle twice, first when he captured the TV title from him, and then last Saturday when Vaez put up $2,500 of his fathers money to get a rematch. Vaez said he was raising the stakes. He offered his $11,000 Rolex watch, which has 12 Diamonds and weights 2.5 pounds for another rematch now. Switchblade, in return, had to put the title, and the $2,500 he won Saturday on the line. Switchblade came out wearing trunks, which I've never seen him wear. Switchblade agreed to the match. These guys are evenly matched. Hill said Cliff Compton has been taken to the hospital for X-rays. A few weeks ago when Switchblade won the TV title from Vaez, he was always one step ahead of him with all his dupes and fancy moves. That wasn't always the case this match, Vaez didn't fall for them all, and countered some of them. I really liked that psychology, it made sense that Vaez would have Switchblade scouted more after a few matches.

Back and forth match, and somewhat a battle of attrition. Both guys traded big blows on the apron. Switchblade snapped Vaez' neck over the top rope, then came over the top rope with a steamroller on Vaez. Switchblade had the advantage, but Vaez rolled up Switchblade, and put his feet on the ropes, but referee Bill Clark caught the infraction. Switchblade went up for his Frogsplash finisher, but Vaez moved, and Switchblade rolled thru. Vaez however, didn't see Switchblade roll thru it, and thought Switchblade was laying hurt on the mat. That was a fatal error as Switchblade laid there playing possom, then flipped over a stunned Vaez and got the win to retain the TV title, the Rolex watch, and $2,500. Vaez attacked and pounded on Switchblade in the postmatch as Mr. B kept refs at bay.

The save was made by the returning Jamin Olivencia, who beat on a shell shocked Vaez until he took a powder. Olivencia had a fairly hot feud going with Vaez last summer when Olivencia was legit suspended by the Kentucky Athletic commission. He's been gone around 6 months. They even mentioned his suspension on TV when it first happened, but then didn't mention it anymore. He looks to be in very good shape now, and was one of the best talents in OVW, so he's a very welcome addition back to the roster. Of course one could certainly speculate as to why he was suspended.

Good show this week, easily the best of the last few weeks