View Full Version : Exclusive: More Backstage Turmoil in TNA Locker Room

A Blissful Ass
03-15-2011, 12:04 PM
WZ has exclusively spoken with both key insiders and several wrestlers in Orlando for the TNA iMPACT! taping for Spike TV, and it appears as though TNA truly has a locker room in an uproar over the Jeff Hardy situation and the general lack of leadership in the company.

"Half the locker room believes Jeff Hardy was sent home for being unprofessional," a key TNA insider told us this evening, "the other half of the locker room thinks this is some sort of an elaborate work by Eric Bischoff, Vince Russo, and Hulk Hogan, because they were famous for swerving the boys in WCW."

When we read that statement to a prominent TNA wrestler, we were told, "Bischoff, Russo, and Hogan all took pride in working the boys, too. You should have seen everyone last year when TNA did the Montreal Screwjob finish, and they were all like little girls running around thinking they'll get the Internet to believe it was for real."

"I agree with that," a TNA mainstay told us tonight, "I think Hogan, Bischoff, and Russo are blind. They think the object is to get people to believe something is real, instead of getting characters over and building to intriguing matches people want to see."

Needless to say, TNA has a major problem on their hands right now. There appears to be a general feeling that there is a void in leadership, and the agents are not considered authority figures. Whether Jeff Hardy was really sent home, or this is all a sick, elaborate work remains to be seen.

TNA's locker room is confused, as the talent is very upset over the ways things are playing out in the real world as opposed to the fantasy world of pro wrestling. Said one TNA wrestler tonight, "our families are on the line here. I really wish these people would just stop playing games with our lives."


03-15-2011, 12:40 PM
WOW, maybe they wanted this to happen. Controversy creates cash remember?

The Yiz
03-15-2011, 01:49 PM
That's BS about WCW, if anyone has read either of Bischoff or Russo's books, you would know that's not true.

Kenpachi Zaraki
03-15-2011, 06:52 PM
^^^^ word. Brian Pillman was the guy who worked everybody :shifty:

03-15-2011, 08:12 PM
Instead of trying to get the Internet to take notice of them in a negative light, how about putting on a legitimate main event that people paid to see? Controversy creates cash, sure, but not at the cost of losing fans and viewers because you want to make some lame ass statement.

To be perfectly honest, though, Hardy isn't a good actor and he clearly wasn't acting.

03-15-2011, 09:03 PM
In this is the case they failed .

03-15-2011, 09:31 PM
all of tna creative need to be replaced pronto before dixie and jeff have no company left

Vick Diesel
03-16-2011, 03:15 AM
TNA's locker room is confused, as the talent is very upset over the ways things are playing out in the real world as opposed to the fantasy world of pro wrestling. Said one TNA wrestler tonight, "our families are on the line here. I really wish these people would just stop playing games with our lives."

I totally agree with that statement...with that said, TNA management needs to step up, and realize that not only are they letting down not only the fans, but also the wrestlers as well as their families...if someone doesn't step up and take charge soon TNA won't last much longer, and as a die hard fan of TNA it hurts me to say that! :(

A Blissful Ass
03-16-2011, 05:58 AM
I totally agree with that statement...with that said, TNA management needs to step up, and realize that not only are they letting down not only the fans, but also the wrestlers as well as their families...if someone doesn't step up and take charge soon TNA won't last much longer, and as a die hard fan of TNA it hurts me to say that! :(
TBH Dixie needs to give a fuck about the Company for that to happen & i don't think she does

03-16-2011, 09:16 AM
TBH Dixie needs to give a fuck about the Company for that to happen & i don't think she does

Actually I think she does give a fuck about the company but the lost little lamb in the headlights look that she portrays is no act, She cares but is clearly unable to comprehend how the wrestling business works, she probably figured "well...hogan has been in wrestling long enough...surely he would know how to run a wrestling company by now....right?" and its costing her. I think she looks for advice in the wrong damn places.

03-16-2011, 06:08 PM
Actually I think she does give a fuck about the company but the lost little lamb in the headlights look that she portrays is no act, She cares but is clearly unable to comprehend how the wrestling business works, she probably figured "well...hogan has been in wrestling long enough...surely he would know how to run a wrestling company by now....right?" and its costing her. I think she looks for advice in the wrong damn places.

Yup, that about sums it up. She does want TNA to succeed, obviously, but she doesn't know enough to actually help it succeed and thus feels she needs like she has to go out and get guys like Hogan to make it work when it's actually having a reverse effect.

Vick Diesel
03-17-2011, 02:09 AM
Actually I think she does give a fuck about the company but the lost little lamb in the headlights look that she portrays is no act, She cares but is clearly unable to comprehend how the wrestling business works, she probably figured "well...hogan has been in wrestling long enough...surely he would know how to run a wrestling company by now....right?" and its costing her. I think she looks for advice in the wrong damn places.

Agreed totally...Dixie has NEVER been around a wrestling company at anytime in her entire life until she became the President of TNA...TNA needs to get rid of Dixie and get someone else to be the President of TNA who at least knows something about wrestling how to run a wrestling company! I know lots of ppl who have great minds when it comes to being the President of a wrestling company, like Jim Cornett, Shane MacMahon (now what a swerve that would be lol, but know that would never happen just threw his name out there), Mick Foley, Sting, Ric Flair, use their veterans in more productive ways besides having them wrestle. Just a thought

03-17-2011, 02:14 AM
as if theres any chance of it being a work I mean realistically to what piss absolutely everyone off who bought the PPV. But TNA should now use this as a kayfabe storyline have AJ fued with Jeff over his lack of respect for TNA and wrestling in general would be a great angle.

03-17-2011, 02:16 AM
Actually I think she does give a fuck about the company but the lost little lamb in the headlights look that she portrays is no act, She cares but is clearly unable to comprehend how the wrestling business works, she probably figured "well...hogan has been in wrestling long enough...surely he would know how to run a wrestling company by now....right?" and its costing her. I think she looks for advice in the wrong damn places.

Yep by all accounts she;s good to work for and the talents like her but it does seem like she's a enabler and there isn't a hard arsed fucker to conter that side so she's unfourtunately left open for people to take advantage :(

03-17-2011, 02:16 AM
Turmoil R Us :shifty:

Vick Diesel
03-17-2011, 02:34 AM
turmoil r us :shifty:


A Blissful Ass
03-17-2011, 02:56 AM
Turmoil R Us :shifty:
:laugh:Yeah couldn't be truer

Vick Diesel
03-17-2011, 03:21 AM
True DAT