View Full Version : The Controversial Opinion Thread

03-17-2011, 07:17 PM
Opinions are like arseholes, everyone has them. Is the saying. Some of them however cause some people to get upset but there are a number of things which merit a decent discussion.

Basically that's what this thread is for. I'll come up with a topic and a view on it and then hopefully we can all discuss it in an informed and mature way.

First up:


Obviously I don't agree with it or anything stupid like that.

However in the basic sense of it, paedophillia is a mindset not a crime.

In much the same way that people do not choose whether or not they are attracted to males, females or both. I personally believe that some people just have the misfortune of being sexually attracted to children.

What is my point? The laws surrounding paedophillia need to be overhauled and re created on a kind of tier system.

In the US there are usually 3 main sections in a murder case. 1st degree murder, 2nd degree murder and involuntary manslaughter.

Something in this ilk is what needs to happen with cases of paedophillia I personally feel.

Obviously someone who goes out and abducts children or who grooms them leading to physical abuse is amongst the lowest of the low and deserves to be locked up for life with involuntary chemical castration.

However someone who downloads or looks at pictures and has never interacted with a child in person should be treated as a patient rather than a prisoner.

I.e instead of all being chucked onto one "nonces wing" in a prison where the low grade ones can end up cell sharing with a rapist scumbag and thus become open to have their mind twisted further they should be in a special area or centre similar to how mental patients are.

They should be viewed as being there for rehabilitation rather than punishment and hopefully by keeping the different categories seperate there will be effective measures in place to prevent an increasing number of physical abusers.

Any thoughts? Agreements? Disagreements? Further theories/viewpoints?

Let's get discussing :)

Kenpachi Zaraki
03-17-2011, 07:33 PM
I like ur idea. Pedos are mostly sick individuals who need psychiatric care. As long as they dont hurt anybody they shouldn't really be sent to jail. Of course there lies the problem of demand leading to supply and so if these people were subject to strong prohibitive action then the people that actually abuse kids might also feel there's no interest and let go

Dragón De Muerte
03-17-2011, 08:08 PM
there was a guy in my year when I was at school who slept with a 14 year old when he was 16 and they charged him as a pedophile cause age of consent is 16 here. I never found out what happened to him but it seemed unfair

03-17-2011, 10:30 PM
WOW Thought this would be a thread about things we could say I was gonna say Friday is the song ever but Im far off.

03-17-2011, 11:00 PM
I pretty much agree with you. Like you said, it's not something people just go out and choose. However, I also don't think it's something one can be "rehabilitated" for. It's just like trying to "cure" gay people, you might be able to repress those feelings, but not permanently and I think if anything they'll just come back even stronger than previously. So, it's all a pretty tricky subject and a difficult one to deal with.

there was a guy in my year when I was at school who slept with a 14 year old when he was 16 and they charged him as a pedophile cause age of consent is 16 here. I never found out what happened to him but it seemed unfair

I've heard about shit like that and it's just ridiculous, pretty fucked up way to handle that sort of thing.

03-18-2011, 01:04 AM
I pretty much agree with you. Like you said, it's not something people just go out and choose. However, I also don't think it's something one can be "rehabilitated" for. It's just like trying to "cure" gay people, you might be able to repress those feelings, but not permanently and I think if anything they'll just come back even stronger than previously. So, it's all a pretty tricky subject and a difficult one to deal with.

By rehabilitation I was more referring to trying to help them focus on other things rather than punishing them.

You're correct though you can't cure it as it were. If they had a system where they'd be in a hospital of sorts with group therapy or whatever and were constantly monitored basically assessing whether they are safe to be out in public,

Whilst this is going on a seperate team should be focussing on eliminating the source of paedophillic material. I.e breaking up rings, shutting donw sites, and of course arresting and prosecuting those more harmful criminal ones.

there was a guy in my year when I was at school who slept with a 14 year old when he was 16 and they charged him as a pedophile cause age of consent is 16 here. I never found out what happened to him but it seemed unfair

This of course would be the 4th tier so to speak. There are rules and age restrictions which do have to be obeyed because you can't have one rule for one and one for another.

Once again though do such cases need to be on a sex offenders register or locked in the same wing as hardened violent offending paedophiles? No.

That's not to say though all cases where a girl is only a year or two underage should be dealt with like that as it's different for a 14 and 16 year old to sleep together than say a 14 and 29 year old.

Case by case basis obviously but it does need to be seriously looked into and fixed so to speak.

I would argue that the above two examples are more airing on the laws on rape rather than peadophillia either way though.

03-18-2011, 03:03 AM
The difference between pedophilia, and hetero or homosexuality that makes it on a much more heinous level is the fact that children aren't ready for that kind of physical, or emotional exploitation. Imagine being a 5yr old girl and some dirty disgusting 60 year old man is trying to stick his dick in you and your body ain't ready for it. It happens, my ex(Daniel's dad) was in jail for not paying parking fines. He told me a guy was brought in for raping a two year old girl. I think the girl died or was seriously mutilated for life. And getting off on child-porn while less severe should be dealt with, and what about whoever's forcing the kids to pose for the porn? And remember voyeurs usually escalate to rapists after awhile.
I view pedophiles in the same way as I view rabid animals. Yeah it's too bad that you were unlucky to have the disease, but you can't be cured and we can't gamble the lives of innocents. So the best thing is to remove you either with life in prison or a needle in your arm. Believe me pedophiles leave very deep scars, I should know because my grandmother's disgusting old geezer of a friend she met after my grandfather passed just so happened to like little girls with dark hair, turns out I was his type. While I don't discuss it much believe me it's still there. It's always a worm in the apple no matter how much I try to hide it, or erase it , or force a smile that I don't feel. Children who are hurt like this will live the rest of their lives ruined. It's just the way it is. So what is more important? Protecting the mental and physical health of the kids who will one day grow up to run the world...or sympathizing with monsters who want to destroy those kids? I agree that if a 17 and 18yr old have consentual relations it is really dumb to bring up sex crime charges upon the latter, but I define a pedophile as an adult who preys on kids who haven't even hit puberty yet. Disgusting.

Meanwhile hetero, and homosexuality is usually relations between two consenting, and mature adults who are ready. There is no comparison.

BTW I'd appreciate if what I told you does not leave the forum. It's not something I talk about very often because it is embarassing, and shameful. But I thought you should see it through the eyes of a victim so you'd understand just how bad it can be. Sometimes I wish he would've killed me, because living with it is sometimes too painful to bear.

Shane McMahon's Ass
03-18-2011, 04:27 AM
To be quiet, i think Paedophiles should be castrated. If they want to hurt children then they should pay for it, why send them to death or rot in jail? It's letting them win knowing they can still torment their victims, i want them to suffer for the rest of their lives. Or if they are put in jail, they shouldn't be put in a different part of the jail or solitary, if they want to do such horrid things to children then let the people who are in jail do horrid things to them.

I heard 1 story in Australia that there was a notorious paedophile thrown in jail and received no special treatment (e.g solitary and such) and the word got out amongst the prisoners and it resulted in him being raped just like he did to his victim and then disembowelled in the shower block. I though it was a justified result, but my idea of punishment is less harsh then what those prisoners did.

But hey, that's my opinion.

Dragón De Muerte
03-18-2011, 04:46 AM
I think they do chemical castration in some countrys as it was part of a plot in csi once

Kenpachi Zaraki
03-18-2011, 07:36 AM
Castrate them and then have naked children dance in front of em :shifty:

Shane McMahon's Ass
03-18-2011, 08:33 AM
I think they do chemical castration in some countrys as it was part of a plot in csi once

I wish they'd do it here (if they haven't already that is)

03-18-2011, 04:58 PM
I'm sorry you experienced that Bubala.

I'm not sympathising with them though. The rationale behind my thinking was that if someone hasn't touched or groomed a child or actually put pictures online they should be monitored and such still but it's important they are kept away from associating with the ones who have already abused.

I feel that a big reason why so many escalate their crimes is due to being thrown in at the deep end so to speak once they are arrested and charged.

I agree it's disgusting how inmates are treated at times. If you're in prison for a serious crime then you should be there to be punished. None of this rehabilitation bollocks. Thin mattress on a basic steel bed with a pisser in the corner. If they want a book to read or fags etcsomething that's what they earn.

Sky TV? Stereos? I mean fuck Ian Huntley reportedly has a PS3 ffs.

None of that for them they don't deserve it and if they're gonna be attacked then let them get done over but save them from the brink of death every time.

Ultimate pain and suffering i.e a true punishment.