View Full Version : WWE Superstars Report for March 17th, 2011

03-18-2011, 05:07 AM
We start off this week’s show with the Smackdown brand and your announcers are Matt Striker and Jack Korpela.

Match Number One: JTG versus Tyler Reks

They lock up and Reks backs JTG into the corner and he pushes JTG a few times and pie faces him. JTG with a punch but Reks with a punch of his own. Reks misses a charge into the corner and JTG with a drop kick. The referee has to separate Reks and JTG. Reks with a kick and forearm to the back followed by a slam. He misses a knee drop and JTG with forearms to Reks. Reks with a kick and then he sends JTG to the floor.

Reks follows after JTG and he kicks him. Reks runs JTG into the apron and then back into the ring. Reks with a back breaker for a near fall. Reks works on JTG’s back. Reks with an arm bar and chin lock but JTG with punches and he gets out of the hold. Reks with a clothesline and elbow to the chest and he gets a near fall. Reks with a kick to the back and then he pushes JTG into the corner. Reks with a series of kicks and he chokes JTG.

JTG with a punch and back fist but Reks with a kick and Irish whip. JTG moves out of the way and he gets a near fall with a rollup. JTG escapes a power slam attempt and then he gets a near fall with a rollup. JTG with punches and kicks followed by a head butt. Reks pushes JTG off the ropes and JTG with a sliding uppercut. Reks misses a charge at JTG when JTG goes down and Reks goes to the floor. JTG with a flying shoulder off the apron.

JTG with a DDT for a near fall. JTG rolls the dice and he goes to the turnbuckles. Reks avoids JTG and Reks with a kick to the chest. Reks hits the Burning Hammer for the three count.

Winner: Tyler Reks

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to take a look back at Snooki’s appearance on Raw this past Monday night as well as Vickie Guerrero’s match against Trish Stratus.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for the Raw portion of the show and your announcers are Josh Mathews and Scott Stanford.

Match Number Two: Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov versus The Usos

Jey and Santino start things off and Jey punches Santino but Santino teases the Cobra and Jey falls back. Santino with a side head lock and he tries to take him down but he cannot accomplish the job. Jey goes after Kozlov but Santino with a side head lock. Santino with an arm drag into an arm bar. Jimmy tags in and he punches Santino followed by a kick and slam. Jimmy with a diving head butt and he gets a near fall. Jey tags back in and he hits a running butt splash into the corner and Santino is knocked loopy. Jey gets a near fall. Jey goes after Vladimir again and the referee is distracted, allowing Jimmy to connect with a kick and he gets a near fall.

Santino with forearms but Jimmy with a kick and he gets a near fall. Jimmy with a reverse chin lock on Santino as he tries to wear him out. Santino with a split followed by a hip toss and both men are down. Santino reaches for the wrong corner but he eventually makes the tag.

Kozlov sends Jey into the turnbuckles and then connects with a kick. Kozlov with a head butt followed by a power slam for a near fall when Jimmy breaks up the cover. Santino tries to get involved but he is sent to the floor. Santino back body drops Jimmy and Kozlov with a kick. Santino makes the blind tag and he hits the Cobra for the three count.

Winners: Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for the Raw Rebound and to run down the card for Wrestlemania.

Match Number Three: The Bellas, Alicia Fox, and Melina versus Eve Torres, Tamina, Natalya, and Gail Kim

Tamina and Brie start things off and they lock up and Tamina sends her to the mat. They lock up again and Tamina sends her to the mat again. Brie goes for a leg but Tamina does not go down. Tamina with a head butt and Alicia is tagged in. Alicia with a kick and forearms to the back. Alicia runs into a shoulder from Tamina and Tamina with a forearm and Gail tags in.

Alicia sends Gail to the mat and then Alicia with a waist lock and take down. Gail with a drop kick and flying clothesline for a near fall on Alicia. Natalya tags in and they hit a double suplex and Natalya tries for the Sharpshooter but Alicia gets to the ropes. Nikki tags in reluctantly and Natalya with a rollup for a near fall.

Natalya with a slam and a kick to Nikki but Brie hits Natalya on the apron and Nikki attacks Natalya from behind and she chokes Natalya in the ropes. Brie punches Natalya while Nikki distracts the referee. Brie tags in and she sends Natalya into the turnbuckles. Alicia tags in and she drops a knee across the throat. Melina tags in and she sends Natalya face first into the mat.

Melina with a boot to the head and she turns it into a split and she gets a near fall.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Nikki sends Natalya into the mat again. Melina tags back in and she sends her head into the mat and gets a near fall. Melina screams her frustration with not being able to get the win. Natalya with an inside cradle for a near fall but Melina retursn to the rear chin lock. Natalya falls back and gets out of the hold. Eve tries to make the tag but Melina grabs Natalya’s leg. Natalya misses an enzuigiri when Melina drops down. Nikki pulls Eve off the apron but Tamina with a clothesline to Nikki and then one to Brie. Natalya with a clothesline and then she tags in Eve. Natalya with a slam and then Eve with a moonsault for the three count despite Alicia’s valiant effort to break up the cover.

Winners: Eve Torres, Tamina, Natalya, and Gail Kim

We go to credits.