View Full Version : A Mat Classic!

03-19-2011, 05:17 AM
Traditionally the Best of the Best Tournament is known for its showcase of the high fliers. However, some of the best Junior Heavyweights in the World today are the some of the best mat technicians in the sport of wrestling. If they are the best mat technicians then they must be put into the first round match for BEST OF THE BEST X! It will be Zack Sabre Jr. taking on two of CZW’s representatives; Akuma and Jonathan Gresham.

Let’s take a brief look at each of the combatants in this first round match. First, from the United Kingdom representing wXw is Zack Sabre Jr.! There are few wrestlers in Britain with more refined technical skills than Zack Sabre Jr. A breakout star of in the Junior Heavyweight Divisions since age 15, Sabre has developed into an incredibly well-rounded and ring-savvy competitor, and has held his own against some of the best in the world. For years he has been considered the future of European wrestling, and now he’s looking to take the Combat Zone and America by storm on April 9th!

Next, representing Combat Zone Wrestling after defeating Ryan McBride, Aaron Arbo, Rich Swann, AR Fox, and Ty Hagen in a chaotic six man match is Jonathan Gresham. Third time was a charm for the Atlanta native. After having his chance stolen from his now first round opponent, Akuma, Gresham with the help of his “hypnotic” friends finally gave this working man’s hero a shot at immortality!

However, these men must go through Combat Zone Wrestling’s unstoppable warrior! For months we heard Kimber Lee proclaim of a warrior coming, and few believed her. But at Night of Infamy 9 on November 13th, the Combat Zone and the Best of the Best Tournament was put on notice when Akuma returned! Akuma has been absolutely unbeatable since making his return to CZW. He has broken the hearts of many Best of the Best hopefuls. Now “The Warrior” has his sights set on the most prestigious trophy in the wrestling world today, the Best of the Best X Trophy! Quite frankly, Akuma looks to be the odds on favorite to win the entire tournament!

Three men enter… Only one man… Or “Warrior” advances into the second round. Who will it be? Find out on April 9th either at the Asylum Arena or online at HybridENT.tv!


03-19-2011, 07:02 PM
the line up looks great, from what i can tell this is going to be a great show thanks

thanks for posting this Travis