View Full Version : You Will See the Return of 'Cloverfield'!

03-21-2011, 10:38 PM
Thanks to B-D reader 'Avery' for the heads up on a new article over at Total Film who scored some massive news regarding the long-gestured Cloverfield sequel. Since the release back in 2008, Matt Reeves has been busy with Let Me In, while producer J.J. Abrams has been working furiously on Star Trek and Super 8. Getting the two in the same room focusing on a sequel hasn't been an easy task, and both have repeatedly stated that they want to make sure they have a super cool new idea.

Finally there appears to be a breakthrough...

"Well, you are going to see it - we just don't know when," laughs Reeves, officially acknowledging a sequel WILL happen for the first time ever.

"At the moment we are talking about the story quite a lot. Drew Goddard, who wrote the original, is going to pen the sequel and J.J. Abrams is very much involved. However, the three of us have been so busy that getting the right idea together has been taking a long time," he continues.

But will the sequel shoot in real-time again? "You see, that's a difficult part: we want it to be shot like the first but how can you continue that idea successfully for a second time?

"We have a lot of affection for the original and the sequel can't just be the same thing. But that is tricky when you need to have a monster destroying stuff once again."

Release back in 2008, Matt Reeves' Cloverfield followed five young New Yorkers that throw their friend a going-away party the night that a monster the size of a skyscraper descends upon the city. Told from the point of view of their video camera, the film is a document of their attempt to survive the most surreal, horrifying event of their lives.

Budgeted at a mere $25m, it took in $170 million worldwide.


03-21-2011, 10:41 PM
As long as we get it eventually, and it's worth the wait, I'll be happy.