View Full Version : Several WWE Divas Comment On Trish's Forthcoming Departure

09-06-2006, 10:11 PM
source: WWE.com

Several WWE Divas were caught by surprise regarding Trish's decision to retire. A few of them gave WWE.com their thoughts about seeing the six-time Women's Champion hang up the boots.

Candice said, "I was really surprised. She's at the top of her game, and I guess she's just leaving on a good note. In her mind, it's her time to retire, and I'm just happy for her I'm just glad to have had the opportunity to work with her and get a chance to touch Trish in the ring. She's been so caring and taken me in. Explaining things to me, how so many things work – how to put on three bras and top-stick. I never listened to that, of course, but at least she taught me how to do it!"

A choked-up Ashley Massaro added, "I was really upset when I found out Trish is retiring. She has obviously been a very good friend to me. She was the first one to take me under her wing, she was my first tag partner, she taught me a lot and I was really upset when I found out. I'm not gonna lie, I really felt it. I don’t think I would be where I am right now or where I got to on RAW if it wasn't for her. [Trish is] the pinnacle of what I think all of us want to do in this business, and that’s work hard, get to the top."

Mickie James broke character to say, "When [Trish] started on WWE, I was actually starting on the independent level, so watching her grow as a performer at the same time as I was doing it in a much smaller league was really cool. Just to see how far she had come in all that time, it was truly amazing. I think that she is a wonderful athlete and competitor and she is truly someone to be admired for the women in this business. I'm going to miss her dearly. It's going to be sad to see her go, but if this is what she wants, then I respect that."

Trish's arch-nemesis Melina also broke character to express her sadness regarding Trish's upcoming departure. Melina is upset that she didn't get to work with her more. Melina said, "It makes me really sad that I do not have the chance to be able to work with her the way other people have. For me, she represents so much, and to be able to work with her and to be around her, that means a lot to me because of how I feel about this business and how I feel about her personally. She's a great person and I really wish she was able to stick around just a little bit longer."

Click here (http://www.wwe.com/inside/news/divasontrish) to read the article in its entirety.