View Full Version : I need help with a paper on ending the political party system in the US.

11-16-2012, 04:51 AM
I am currently writing a paper for my Senior Project. My paper is on how the party system has failed, and it needs to end. I was wondering if you guys had any resources I could use, or point me into the right direction. I cannot buy anything, I am broke; however, anything online would be great - or provided free. I will send you the final draft of the paper.

Also, if you guys could tell me how I could get a personal interview with Ron Paul - preferably through Email, not sure if I could contain myself with a voice call...i'd be filled with joy lol. Or anyone really, even Alex Jones, would be great. I just want to have something different, and higher profile within the paper.

All help is appreciated.


11-16-2012, 06:53 AM
I'd suggest using google, I typed it in and got loads of websites. I seriously doubt you'll be able to contact Ron Paul.


You can find many more sites like that from a simple google search.