View Full Version : Smackdown Report for 16th November 2012

Shane McMahon's Ass
11-17-2012, 01:11 PM
Previously in the WWE . . . CM Punk looks to have a celebration on Monday since he will hit day 365 as WWE Champion if he wins on Monday night. Is Miz going to be the X Factor that helps Team Foley past Team Ziggler or will Miz’s addition continue Cleveland’s winning tradition? What is next for Sheamus and Big Show after Big Show injured William Regal.

Sheamus is in the garage and he is waiting for Big Show.

We are live on tape from Cleveland, Ohio and your announcers are Josh ‘Twinsburg’ Mathews and John ‘Moon over Parma’ Layfield.

We have the latest episode of MizTV and it is a hometown edition of the show because Miz is a son of Cleveland.

Miz soaks in the chants from his home town fans. He says that it is good to be home. He welcomes everyone to the most must see show in WWE history . . . MizTv. Miz says in two days, the 26th annual Survivor Series will take place and he is on Team Foley because of the fans. Miz asks if there was any doubt that he would be selected. He is on the poster and it is because he is a survivor. He is a survivor. He has accomplished more than any other Survivor Series participant. He will not follow blindly under any captain, whether it be Dolph Ziggler, or his guest . . . Mick Foley.

Mick makes his way to the ring. Mick appreciates having Miz on his show but he will not mince words. He had some reservations when he put Miz on the ballot. Miz tells Foley not to go for the cheap pop in his home town. Foley asks Miz if he is from right here . . . in Cleveland, Ohio.

Foley shows his newest book that features the Miz and he says that if it was written by Charles Dickens, it might have been called A Tale of Two Mizes because that is what Miz is to him. Foley wonders which Miz will show up on Sunday. Will it be the Wrestlemania Main Eventing, John Cena defeating, Awesome Inducing, Self Surviving Superstar that he knows Miz can be or will it be the Vacation Taking, Chair Sitting, Make Up Wearing, Weak Beard Growing Miz who shows up on Raw from time to time. Which Miz will it be.

Miz throws out a few reallys about whether Mick needs to ask that question. Miz says that he is the least of his problems. Foley has a tag team that does not like each other, you have and apex predator that does not play well with others, and he has a cheap shot artist who stole is Intercontinental Title from him.

Mick says that he is glad that he called for a team meeting right now. Foley brings out his team. Out first is Kofi Kingston. He is followed by Kane and Daniel Bryan. Out last is Randy Orton.

Mick says that he wants to open the lines of communication among the team members.

Kane and Bryan want to start talking at the same time. Bryan says that Kane wants to apologize for saying that Daniel Bryan is the weak link on their team.

Kane says that he wants to thank Miz for being his tag team partner on Monday and Kane says that his back is so strong because he didn’t have to carry somebody in the match.

Bryan says that Kane would be roaming basements and scaring little children and if it wasn’t for him.

Kane says that he would be roaming basements and scaring little children regardless of Daniel Bryan.

We then get dueling pronouncements that Kane and Daniel Bryan Am the Tag Team Champions.

Kofi tells them to be a team.

Miz throws out a few reallys and he wants to know why Kofi is playing the peacekeeper now. Last week when he offered his hand to Kofi, Kofi kicked him in the face.

Kofi tells Miz to take a few steps back or he will do it again.

Mick offers the voice of reason on the team, Randy Orton, an opportunity to talk.

Randy says that he has spat in his face numerous amounts of times. Mick threw him on a pile of thumbtacks. He says that he likes Foley more than any of the other people standing in the ring right now. There isn’t a single member of this team that he likes . . . or trusts.

Orton punches the poster that features Miz.

It is time for eighty percent of Team Ziggler to make their presence known. They are joined by Ricardo Rodriguez.

Ziggler says that what is standing in the ring is the definition of dysfunction. He says that is pretty sad even for Foley. Team Ziggler does not have any egos. They are elite superstars standing united behind one charismatic leader.

Ziggler tells Del Rio to focus on what he is saying. He wants to know what Alberto’s problem is.

Alberto says that he does not think that Dolph deserves to be the leader of this team. Alberto says that there is only one person who deserves to be the team leader.

Ziggler says that it would have been nice if he had brought that up in back.

Del Rio points out that he is a former WWE Champion and Ziggler says that he is a future World Champion.

Mick says that Dolph is showing them how to be united. Mick says that he is involved in this. When he used to run this place he got to make some good matches. He asked Booker for the opportunity to make some pretty good matches . . . in Cleveland, Ohio. He says that as long as Dolph says that it is okay.

Mick says that Dolph and Alberto need to start showing that they can get along so it will be Alberto Del Rio and Dolph Ziggler will face two people who need to get along, Miz and Randy Orton.

Dolph says that is fine. He is glad that Miz quit Team Ziggler because he could not cut it. They got someone way better than Miz, Wade Barrett.

Wade tells Dolph that he is making him blush. Team Ziggler replaced the quitter with a winner.

Mick says that he wants to see how Wade stacks up against one half of the tag team champions when he faces Kane.

Daniel Bryan does not like that decision.

Damien Sandow demands SILENCE. He says that it is obvious that Team Foley is in complete disarray. They have a goat faced one word wonder running around with an anger problem. His tag team partner’s unbridled brutality is the reason why Cody Rhodes is not with them this evening. You have a braided neon mute who now claims that he has the ability to fly.

Kofi interrupts and he expects Damien to say something smarter than that. If Damien is willing to question his flight abilities, he will show him.

Foley says the first match tonight will be Kofi Kingston versus Damien Sandow and it starts now.

We go to commercial.

Match Number One: Kofi Kingston versus Damien Sandow

They lock up and Sandow with a side head lock and take down. Sandow with a shoulder tackle but Kofi with a leaping back elbow and Sandow goes to the floor to regroup. Sandow returns to the ring and he tries to kick Kofi. Kofi spins Sandow and hits a few arm drags and then applies a arm bar. Kofi with a splash onto the arm for a near fall.

Kofi with an arm bar but Sandow with a punch. Sandow with a head butt. Kofi with a monkey flip and Sandow goes to the floor one more time. Kofi goes to the floor and Sandow returns to the ring and he ambushes Kofi and connects with an elbow and then he punches Kofi. Sandow with an Irish whip but Kofi floats over and hits a drop kick for a near fall.

Kofi with a kick to the leg and then he hits a back heel kick to Sandow’s face and then a kick to the ribs and he gets a near fall. Sandow with a shoulder to Kofi. Sandow tries to throw Kofi over the top but Kofi is the one who sends Sandow to the floor. Kofi with a suicide dive onto Sandow and we go to commercial.

We are back and Kofi with punches and kicks in the corner. Sandow with a shoulder to the midsection but Kofi with forearms to Sandow. Sandow with a kick to the knee and a leaping swinging neck breaker for a near fall. Sandow stretches the face and then rubs Kofi’s face in the mat. Sandow bows to the crowd.

Sandow with a side Russian leg sweep and then he rolls through to hit the Elbow of Disdain and he gets a near fall. Kofi punches Sandow but Sandow with a kick. Sandow with a kick to the chest but Kofi with Steamboat-esque chops and a drop kick. Kofi with a Superman punch and then he sets for the Boom Drop and he hits it.

Kofi sets for Trouble in Paradise but Sandow sees it coming and he backs into the corner. Sandow with an elbow to the head but Kofi with a double jump cross body for a near fall. Sandow with a jawbreaker and then Kofi with a back body drop. Sandow with a kick to the leg and then Sandow with a rollup and a handful of tights for the three count.

Winner: Damien Sandow

We go to the garage where Sheamus is either waiting for someone to bring him his car or for the Big Show. We go to commercial.

We are back and in case you missed it on Monday, we had more from Vickie Guerrero claiming that AJ Lee and John Cena are having an inappropriate relationship.

Match Number Two: Natalya, Layla El, and Kaitlyn versus Eve Torres, Alicia Fox, and Aksana

Aksana and Natalya start things off and they lock up. Aksana with a clean break but then she kicks Natalya and works on the arm. Natalya escapes and gets a near fall with a rollup. Natalya with a front face lock and Layla tags in and she spanks Aksana. They hit a double clothesline and Layla with a drop kick. Layla uses her rear end to knock Aksana to the mat and Layla gets a near fall.

Alicia makes the blind tag and she sends Layla to the mat and gets a near fall. Alicia with the Northern Lights suplex for a near fall and then she tosses Layla to the mat by the hair. Eve tags in and Alicia with a slam and Eve with a flip leg drop for a near fall. Eve chokes Layla in the ropes and the referee warns the champion.

Eve gets a near fall. Eve with a snap mare and kick to the chest and Eve gets a near fall. Alicia tags back in and she kicks Layla. Alicia with a forearm but Layla with an elbow. Alicia keeps Layla from making the tag, but her partners were not really too emphatic about trying to make the tag. Kaitlyn tags in and she hits a clothesline followed by a back elbow and a flying back elbow. Kaitlyn with a forearm but Alicia with a kick. Kaitlyn with a flapjack and flying shoulder tackle for a near fall but Aksana breaks it up.

Natalya takes care of Aksana. Kaitlyn drop kicks Alicia into Eve and Eve gets knocked off the apron and Kaitlyn with an inverted DDT for the three count.

Winners: Kaitlyn, Natalya, and Layla El

We go to commercial.

We are back and Sheamus is in the garage with Booker T. Booker tells Sheamus that he knows that he is upset but Sheamus is putting him in an awkward position. Show says that he will not show up if Sheamus stays in the garage.

Sheamus tells Booker to tell Show that if he shows up, he should have the guts to meet him in the ring.

Booker tells Sheamus to wait 48 hours and keep his cool and stay in check.

Sheamus says that he cannot promise him anything.

Booker says that he is serious and there will be consequences and repurcussions if he does not do what he says.

Sheamus says that he understands.

Before our next match we see footage from the Falls Count Anywhere Match at last week’s Smackdown.

Match Number Three: Randy Orton and The Miz versus Dolph Ziggler and Alberto Del Rio (with Ricardo Rodriguez)

Miz and Ziggler start off to show who is the dominant wrestler from Ohio. They lock up and Ziggler works on the arm and he applies a hammer lock and side head lock. Ziggler with a shoulder tackle but Miz with a flapjack and he gets a near fall. Ziggler with a kick and punch to Miz but Miz with a kick and punches.

Ziggler sends Miz over the top rope to the floor and Del Rio knocks Orton off the apron and we go to commercial.

We are back and Ziggler with a reverse chin lock on Orton. Orton with elbows and a head butt but Ziggler with a knee to the midsection. Ziggler takes his time and hits a leaping elbow drop and he gets a near fall. Del Rio tags in and he kicks Orton in the shoulder. Del Rio kicks Orton in the corner. Orton with a kick and punch followed by a European uppercut and punches.

Orton kicks Del Rio but Del Rio with an single arm breaker for a near fall. Ziggler tags in and he kicks Orton in the shoulder. Ziggler puts his foot on Orton’s chest and he demands the referee to count. Orton with forearms but Ziggler with a kick. Orton sends Ziggler into the air and then he stomps on Ziggler.

Orton tags in Miz and he sends Ziggler into the turnbuckles and he punches Ziggler. Miz with the Awesome Clothesline and then he goes up top and hits a double sledge from the top and gets a near fall. Miz sends Ziggler’s head into the turnbuckles but Ziggler with an Irish whip. Ziggler runs into a boot and the referee checks on Ziggler. While this happens, Del Rio knocks Miz off the turnbuckles. Ziggler goes to the floor and he drops Miz on the ringside barrier.

Ziggler rolls Miz back into the ring and he gets a near fall. Del Rio tags in and he kicks Miz and sends him into the turnbuckles. Del Rio with kicks to the ribs and Ziggler tries to interfere and he kicks Miz. Del Rio with the step up enzuigiri and he gets a near fall. Del Rio with an arm bar.

Del Rio with head butts and he goes for another step up enzuigiri but Miz sends Del Rio over the top rope to the floor. Miz is unable to get to the corner and tag in Orton while Rodriguez tries to get Del Rio back into the ring. Orton does tag in and he clotheslines Del Rio twice. Orton knocks Ziggler off the apron and then he gives Del Rio a power slam. Ziggler gets a power slam as well. Orton gets Del Rio on the ropes and he hits the IEDDT.

Orton looks around and Miz makes the blind tag and he gives Del Rio the Skull Crushing Finale and Miz gets the three count.

Winners: Miz and Randy Orton

After the match, Miz celebrates in the ring while Orton sulks in the center of the ring. Orton gives Miz an RKO. Team unity rules.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Sheamus makes his way to the ring and he is not dressed to wrestle, he is dressed to fight.

Sheamus tells Big Show that he crossed the line. He was happy about their match at Hell in a Cell because they pushed each other to the limit and had the fight of their lives. Then Show had to attack him and William Regal. Show proved that he is a bully. Sheamus says that he is tired of the talking and running around. He doesn’t feel like waiting until Sunday.

As far as he is concerned, the time for talking is over. It is time to fight.

Big Show’s music plays and he makes his way onto the stage. Show tells Sheamus that he just doesn’t get it. Just like last week, he is running his mouth and calling him out. Just like last week, nothing is going to happen. He asks Sheamus if he thinks he is scared of him. Show says that he is scared of Sheamus, but not for what Sheamus will do to him. He is afraid of what he is going to do to Sheamus. He tells Sheamus that he should thank him.

Sheamus thanks Show. He says that he will personally go up the ramp to thank him.

Booker T comes out and he gets between Sheamus and Show. Booker holds Sheamus back and he tells Sheamus that this is not Monday night where things got out of control. This is Smackdown. In two days, he gets the Big Show. He tells Sheamus to leave his building.

Booker tells Sheamus that he is not asking him, he is telling Sheamus to leave. He tells Sheamus to do it for him.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Show tells Booker that is the way to get it done. They have known each other for fifteen years.

Booker tells Show that he will be in the main event tonight. He tells Show that he will find out his opponent when he gets to the ring. Show asks if it is against Sheamus.

Booker says that it is not Sheamus and there is no one bigger than ‘The Show’.

Match Number Four: Kane versus Wade Barrett

Barrett with a kick but Kane with a punch. Barrett with a Blackpool Slam for a near fall. Barrett with kicks. Kane with a big boot and then he clotheslines Barrett over the top rope to the floor. Kane throws Barrett back into the ring and he goes up top for the clothesline. Kane sets for the choke slam but Team Ziggler comes to the ring and they attack Kane.

Winner: Kane (by disqualification)

Team Ziggler continues the assault and Daniel Bryan comes to the ring. Kofi Kingston makes his way to the ring. Randy Orton’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring and he attacks Barrett.

Orton gives Sandow an RKO. Ziggler gets an RKO. Team Foley, minus the Miz stand tall in the ring.

Miz makes his way to the stage and he looks at Orton.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the situation surrounding the WWE Title Match at Survivor Series.

R Truth makes his way to ringside to join Josh and John at the announce table.

Match Number Four: Antonio Cesaro versus Sin Cara (with Sin Cara lighting)

They lock up and Cesaro with a waist lock take down and then he kicks Cara. Cara with an arm drag. Cara with a kick and then he uses the ropes for a head scissors. Cesaro with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. Cesaro with a kick to the back and he gets a near fall. Cesaro with a dead lift side salto.

Cesaro with a European uppercut to the back of the neck and then he applies a cravate. Cara uses the ropes for an arm drag and then Cara with a satellite head scissors. Cesaro sends Cara to the apron and Cara with an enzuigiri. Cara with a springboard rana for a near fall.

Cesaro sends Cara into the air and hits Swiss Death. Cesaro hits the Gotch Style Neutralizer for the three count.

Winner: Antonio Cesaro

After the match, Truth gets on the announce table and he says that with all due respect to Little Jimmy, he wants to quote another Jimmy. Hacksaw Jimmy Duggan. Truth starts a USA chant and he gets in the ring. Cesaro leaves the ring.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Five: Big Show versus Great Khali

Show does not appear happy to be facing a man who he can see eye to eye without kneeling. They lock up and Khali pushes Show. Show with a head butt and punches to Khali. Show sets for the Shhhh chop but Khali stops him and Khali with a chop to Show’s chest. Khali with another chop.

Khali with a forearm to the back and then he kicks Show. Khali with a back elbow and Show goes down to a knee. Khali with a forearm to the back. Khali with a head butt and he raises his arms. Khali chokes him in the ropes and kicks him. Show with a spear for a near fall.

Show grabs Khali but Khali stops Show and Khali with a chop to the head for a near fall. Khali grabs Show for the choke slam but Show with punches to the ribs and then he connects with the KO punch and Show gets the three count.

Winner: Big Show

After the match, Sheamus’ music plays and Show waits for him to come to the ring.

Show goes to the back and into the garage. Matt Striker wants comments from Show but Show forces Striker to leave. Show enters his bus but Sheamus ambushes him. Show and Sheamus brawl in the parking lot and officials try to stop them while others watch. Show sends Sheamus onto the hood of a car. Show puts on his hoodie and he starts to walk away. Sheamus comes off the top of a car and sends Show into the window of a car. Sheamus slams Show’s head into the hood and then he continues to assault Show.

Booker T finally makes his way to the garage and we go to credits.

We go to credits.


11-17-2012, 06:14 PM
Thanks Kirst, didn't get to see it this week.