View Full Version : Backstage News & Notes For Tonight's WWE Survivor Series PPV

A Blissful Ass
11-18-2012, 04:38 PM
Source: F4WOnline

- F4Wonline.com also reports that the original plan for tonight's WWE Survivor Series three-way with CM Punk, Ryback and John Cena was that Punk retained his title. Plans could have changed but that was originally what they were going with.

The situation with Cody Rhodes is also causing major problems internally. It looks like it will come down to Tensai or Ricardo Rodriguez as his replacement. There were talks of removing Damien Sandow from the match and putting Darren Young and Titus O'Neil in but no word if they're going with that idea. Young and O'Neil were still expected to work some kind of multi-man match with Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara and others.


11-18-2012, 08:06 PM
Yeah take Sandow out with the storyline that he won't wrestle without Rhodes or something like that, like his other teammates aren't worthy.