View Full Version : Chris Jericho to Host SyFy Robot Boxing Show

11-22-2012, 12:59 AM
Chris Jericho To Host SyFy Boxing Show

Entertainment Weekly announced today that former WWE star Chris Jericho will be hosting the Robot Combat League. Jericho will be providing play-by-play commentary for each fight which will consist of three rounds, with the winning team advancing to the next round. The winning team gets $100,000.

SyFy president Mark Stern told EW, “It has always been our desire — and it’s really come around perennially — to update and do Battle Bots for the new century. Can we do Real Steel? Are we at a place where you can do real bipedal robots? Every time we tried to to do it [the project] was stymied by the technology.”


11-24-2012, 02:02 AM
lol.. he hasn't anything better to do then..