View Full Version : SmackDown Report - 30th November 2012

12-01-2012, 04:50 AM
Tonight on Smackdown, will The Shield continue their attack on the WWE? Will Ryback do something on this week’s show? What will Sheamus do this week to prepare for his World Title Match against Big Show at TLC? It looks like he will be facing Dolph Ziggler.

This week, Smackdown is in Bossier City, Louisiana and your announcers are John ‘Flash Flood’ Layfield and Josh ‘Day After Tomorrow in the Locker Room’ Mathews.

John Cena makes his way to the ring to take the traditional promo segment to start off Smackdown spot.

In case you missed Raw, John Cena faced Dolph Ziggler and John’s knee gave out again. We then saw Vickie Guerrero and AJ Lee get involved. Ziggler fell victim to the Attitude Adjustment and John Cena won the match.

John says that he wants the world to know that this is Smackdown. He says that something seems mysterious. He is John Cena and not one of the regulars on Smackdown. He is excited for the main event on this week’s show. Mr. Money in the Bank Dolph Ziggler will be involved. There is a reason why he is focusing on Dolph Ziggler. It is because Dolph is busy poking fingers into his business.

John says that he is poking his fingers into Dolph’s business tonight. Dolph’s greatest accomplishment is being the World Champion . . . for two minutes. A glorious one hundred twenty seconds. Dolph’s biggest fear, other than everyone finding out that he is a man stuck in a teenage girl’s body, is losing the Money in the Bank briefcase. As that case goes, so does his identity. He hides behind the power of Vickie Guerrero and says that he can hang with the top superstars in the WWE.

On Monday, Dolph got to test that by facing on him Raw. John reminds us that Dolph lost that match. The reason why he is here tonight, it is because Dolph is not in a match, he is in a fight. Dolph will have to survive a match with Sheamus.

Alberto Del Rio’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring. Alberto tells Cena that he shouldn’t be worried about Dolph Ziggler. Cena should be worried about him because this is his house and his show.

Cena says that this is a WWE broadcast so the show belongs to the WWE Universe.

Alberto says that Smackdown is his show and he calls Cena a gringo estupido. Alberto wants to know if he has to remind Cena that he is a former Money in the Bank briefcase holder, or a Royal Rumble winner, or a former two time WWE Champion?

Alberto tells Cena that the last time they met in the ring, he destroyed Cena. Alberto tells Cena to leave his show and his ring . . . right now.

John thinks about it for a moment and he says that he did not forget those things. John does not want to go because he has a match with Alberto Del Rio and it is right now.

Cena punches Del Rio and Alberto goes to the floor.

We go to commercial.

Match Number One: John Cena versus Alberto Del Rio (with Ricardo Rodriguez)

They lock up and Del Rio with a side head lock. Cena with a hip toss and Del Rio goes to the floor to discuss strategy with Ricardo. Del Rio drops Cena on the top rope and Del Rio kicks Cena in the ribs and Cena goes to the floor. Del Rio kicks Cena in the ribs and then he sends Cena into the announce table. Del Rio goes up top and he connects with an axe handle for a near fall.

Del Rio with kicks to Cena in the corner. Cena with kicks and punches but Del Rio with a hard Irish whip. Del Rio with a boot to the back of the neck. Del Rio mocks Cena and then he kicks him again. Del Rio with a running boot to the head. Del Rio with a suplex and he gets a near fall.

We see Dolph Ziggler watching on the monitor in the back.

Del Rio with a chin lock and arm bar. Del Rio turns it into an arm bar. Del Rio with a knee and kick. Cena blocks a suplex and Cena with a suplex of his own. Cena misses a charge into the corner and Cena’s shoulder hits the ring post. Del Rio with a running kick to the ribs. Del Rio wraps Cena’s arm in the rope to prepare for the cross arm breaker.

Del Rio goes up top with an axe handle and he gets a near fall. Del Rio with a kick to the shoulder and he applies a top wrist lock. We go to commercial.

We are back and Del Rio misses a back senton when Cena moves out of the way. Cena with two flying shoulder tackles followed by the Blue Thunder Bomb and then it is time for the five knuckle shuffle and he hits it. Cena gets Del Rio up for the Attitude Adjustment but Del Rio escapes and he hits a lungblower for a near fall.

Del Rio with a kick to the midsection. Del Rio signals that he is getting ready for the cross arm breaker. Del Rio tries for the float over but Cena counters with a neck breaker and both men are down. Cena goes up top but Del Rio recovers and hits the step up enzuigiri but only gets a near fall.

Del Rio misses a step up enzuigiri in the corner and Cena tries for the STF. Del Rio avoids it and hits a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. Del Rio with a kick to the ribs and then he goes up top. Del Rio tries for a third time from the top but Cena counters with a drop kick and both men are down.

Cena gets Del Rio on his shoulders but Del Rio escapes and he floats over and applies the cross arm breaker. Cena escapes and applies the STF but Del Rio is able to get to the ropes and Cena has to release the hold. Del Rio goes to the apron and Del Rio applies the cross arm breaker in the ropes and has to release the hold on four.

Del Rio with a kick to the shoulder and he slingshots back in but Cena gets Del Rio on his shoulders. Del Rio escapes and hits a German suplex and bridge for a near fall. Del Rio puts Cena on the top turnbuckles and he puts Cena in the tree of woe. Del Rio with kicks and then he chokes Cena. Del Rio misses a charge into the corner and Del Rio hits the ring post.

Cena goes up top and hits the Rocker Dropper for the three count.

Winner: John Cena

After the match, Dolph Ziggler attacks John Cena on the stage with the briefcase.

We see footage of the Shield attack on Kane after CM Punk’s victory over Kane.

Daniel Bryan and Kane stare each other down in the back and Kofi Kingston tells them that they aren’t magically going to get along but tonight they have a six man tag match against Wade Barrett and the Prime Time Players. Kofi wants them on the same page.

Daniel Bryan says that he does not know why not. His tag team partner is one of the most powerful, destructive forces in WWE history. He will eviscerate anyone who gets in his way.

Kane says that his tag team partner is one of the most dangerous submission specialists in WWE history. He can and will make men twice their size tap out. The world has not seen how dangerous and lethal they can be. It starts tonight. Kane says that they can get along.

We go to commercial.

Booker T is with John Cena. John says that he is glad that he is here tonight because when Dolph goes out, he will get revenge on him. Booker asks John to let the match take place and that things don’t break down. Booker tells Cena to do what he wants, but he wants Cena to think about his situation.

Match Number Two: Great Khali (with Hornswoggle) versus David Otunga

Otunga poses for Khali and Hornswoggle is not impressed at ringside. Otunga gets in a few shots but they have no effect. Khali with a forearm to the head and Otunga goes to the floor. Hornswoggle with a seated splash onto Otunga and then Otunga goes after Hornswoggle.

Khali comes up behind Otunga and Otunga turns into a chop. Khali puts Otunga back in the ring. Khali with a chop to the head and he gets the three count.

Winner: Great Khali

After the match, Khali and Hornswoggle dance in the ring.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Wade Barrett, Darren Young, and Titus O’Neil versus Kane, Daniel Bryan, and Kofi Kingston

Kane and Young start things off and Kane with an uppercut and he sends Darren into the corner. Kane with punches to Young and then he has something to say to Titus but he does not lose focus on Young. Kane with punches and then he chokes Darren. Kane with an Irish whip and Bryan tags in. Kane sends Bryan into the corner and Daniel with a drop kick to Darren.

Bryan with kicks to the midsection and then he snap mares Young and Kane is tagged in and Kane with a drop kick for a near fall. Kane works on the arm and shoulder. Young with a forearm to the back and Titus tags in but he runs into a boot. Kane clotheslines Titus over the top rope to the floor. Bryan tags in and he hits a running knee off the apron and we go to commercial.

We are back and Kofi with a drop kick to Young and he gets a near fall. Kofi with a front face lock and Kane tags back in and he kicks Young. Kane with an elbow to the face and Young goes to the apron. Kane kicks Young and tags in Bryan. Kane and Bryan with a double hip toss and Bryan gets a near fall.

Bryan with European uppercuts but Young with an elbow. Bryan with kicks but Titus made the blind tag. Young sends Bryan into a boot from Titus on the apron and Titus kicks Bryan. Titus with a slam and then he barks. Young tags in and they hit a double shoulder tackle and then Young with a leg drop.

Young with a back breaker for a near fall. Young stretches Bryan and works on the back. Young with a waist lock on Bryan and Titus tags back in. Titus with a kick and he tags in Barrett. Barrett with a punch and Titus with a punch of his own. Barrett with a pump handle slam and he gets a near fall.

Barrett with a rear chin lock. Barrett with knees and an Irish whip but he runs into an elbow. Bryan runs into the Blackpool Slam and Barrett gets a near fall. Titus tags back in and he punches Bryan in the back. Titus chokes Bryan with his knee. Young with a leg drop while the referee deals with Titus. Titus slams Bryan to the mat and then he tags in Darren.

Titus gives Young a gourdbuster onto Bryan and Darren gets a near fall. Darren with a rear chin lock on Bryan and he puts his knee in Bryan’s back. Bryan with elbows and Young with a punch. Bryan with forearms to Young but Young with a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall.

Titus tags in and he punches Bryan. Titus with a back breaker or two and then he throws Bryan away. Titus sets for a charge into the corner but he runs into boots from Daniel Bryan. Kane and Young tag in and Kane with clotheslines followed by an Irish whip and splash into the corner. Kane with another Irish whip and splash. Kane takes care of Barrett and then he hits a side slam for a near fall.

Kane goes up top for the clothesline and he hits it for a near fall. Titus breaks up the cover and Kofi with a springboard clothesline to Titus and then he goes after Barrett on the apron with Trouble in Paradise. Young clotheslines Kofi over the top rope to the floor and then Darren drops Kane on the top rope.

Young comes off the top turnbuckle and Kane catches him and he hits a choke slam. Kane tags in Bryan and Bryan with a diving head butt. Bryan puts Young in the No Lock and Young taps out.

Winners: Kofi Kingston, Daniel Bryan, and Kane

Matt Striker is in the back and he is with Sheamus. Matt asks Sheamus about his match with Dolph Ziggler. Sheamus says that the good news for Dolph is that John Cena will not be getting involved tonight. The bad news for Ziggler is that he has to face him tonight. Sheamus says that he is not facing Dolph tonight. With all of the running away and attacks that he has faced, every opponent has looked like the Big Show. That is bad news for Blondie because he will punch and hit him harder than he has ever felt before. Dolph will be begging for Cena to come to the ring.

Sheamus says that Dolph considers himself a show off and he will be able to show off his head because he will kick it off Dolph’s shoulders.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Raw Rebound of what happened at the end of Raw.

Damien Sandow makes his way to the ring. Damien begs our indulgence and he introduces himself. He says that for the last several months, he has attempted to enlighten us. It is an attempt that has proven to be futile. As our intellectual savior, he will not abandon us.

However, he will not be focusing on the masses. He has decided in his infinite wisdom, he will be redirecting his efforts and he will do it on an individual basis. He demands silence.

Therefore, he will select one member from the audience to be his apprentice. He wonders who is worthy of this position. Damien sees a number of people who do not qualify.

Damien spots a fan in the crowd and he asks him to be escorted into the ring.

His efforts are refocused on an individual basis, but everyone can learn from this so he asks everyone to pay attention.

Damien tells him to stop what he is doing. He tells this man that he has the privilege to be his apprentice. He must answer these three questions. He asks how many wheels on a tricycle and he gets it right. The second question is how often does the United States hold a presidential election and he gets it right. Damien asks what is the orbital velocity of Jupiter’s moon Europa, which the apprentice candidate answers incorrectly.

Damien calls him and ignoramus and tells him that the answer is 13.74 kilometers per second. Damien congratulates him for embarrassing himself, his family, and the entire state of Louisiana. His public display of ignorance is only exceeded by his hair cut. He tells the gentleman to leave.

Damien tells us You’re Welcome

We go to commercial.

Match Number Four: Damien Sandow versus Tyson Kidd

Kidd with kicks to Sandow and Damien rolls to the floor. Kidd goes to the apron and Sandow pulls him onto the apron. Sandow runs Kidd’s back into the apron before they go back into the ring. Sandow with a kick to the back and then he knees Kidd in the ribs. Sandow bows for the crowd.

Damien with a side Russian leg sweep and then he rolls through into the Elbow of Disdain and he gets a near fall. Sandow with a quarter nelson and chin lock. Kidd with punches but Sandow with a forearm to the back. Kidd with a cross body for a near fall. Kidd with kicks to the leg followed by a twisting drop kick.

Kidd with an enzuigiri to the back of the head and then he hits a back heel kick followed by a drop kick to the head. Kidd gets a near fall. Kidd with a suicide dive onto Sandow on the floor. Kidd rolls Sandow back into the ring and he goes for the springboard elbow drop but Sandow gets his knee up and then Sandow with Terminus for the three count.

Winner: Damien Sandow

After the match, Sandow does the Cartwheel of Creativity.

We see the John Cena Make A Wish video package.

Dolph Ziggler is in the interview area with Matt Striker and his mustache. Matt asks Dolph if he thinks he has something to prove after losing to John on Monday. Dolph says that was a handicap match because AJ got involved. The golden boy didn’t seem to mind taking full advantage of the situation, but Dolph says that he is the bad guy.

Tonight is going to be another handicap match because John Cena cannot be trusted. He calls John the biggest liar in the WWE. He says that liars get what they deserve, a briefcase to the back of the head. Dolph says that he is the best thing going in sports entertainment today. Sheamus might think that he is looking at the Big Show, but he better look again because Sheamus is looking at the next World Champion.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Five: The Usos versus Heath Slater and Jinder Mahal (with Drew McIntyre)

Jey and Slater start things off and Slater does some air guitar. Jey runs Slater into the corner and he punches Slater. Jimmy tags in and Jey with a head butt and Jimmy with a diving head butt for a near fall. Jimmy misses a charge into the corner but he does not miss with the uppercut.

Jimmy goes onto the turnbuckles but Heath pulls Jimmy off the turnbuckles. Heath with kicks and then he tags in Mahal. Mahal with kicks and then he hits a butterfly suplex for a near fall. Mahal with a rear chin lock. Jimmy with elbows but Mahal with an Irish whip.

Jimmy with a shoulder and he tags in Jey. Jey leaps over Mahal and he knocks Slater off the apron. Jey with a running forearm followed by a back heel kick to Mahal. Jey with an uppercut and then he hits a Samoan drop. Jey with the running butt splash into the corner and he gets a near fall.

Slater breaks up the cover and Jimmy takes care of Slater for a moment. The referee deals with Jimmy and that allows Slater to kick Jey from the apron and Mahal with a full nelson into a uranage for the three count.

Winners: Jinder Mahal and Heath Slater

We take a look at the situation between Big Show and Sheamus from Raw when Big Show destroyed a chair.

Match Number Six: Dolph Ziggler versus Sheamus

They lock up and Sheamus backs Ziggler into the corner but Ziggler gets to the floor. Ziggler returns to the ring and Ziggler with a waist lock but Sheamus with a side head lock take down. Sheamus with a shoulder tackle but Ziggler with a clothesline and then he turns around and Sheamus with punches to Ziggler.

Ziggler with a kick to Sheamus but Sheamus with a back elbow. Sheamus punches Ziggler and slams him. Sheamus winds up for an elbow drop and he gets a near fall. Sheamus misses a short arm clothesline and Ziggler sends Sheamus to the floor.

Ziggler tries for a cross body off the apron but Sheamus catches Ziggler and hits a fallaway slam into the ringside barrier. Sheamus sends Ziggler back into the ring and Ziggler rolls back to the floor. Sheamus follows and they go onto the ramp. Sheamus decides to send Ziggler back into the ring and he connects with a shoulder and then he goes for the forearms but Ziggler with a stunner on the top rope and a drop kick to send Sheamus to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Ziggler with a kick and a splash into the corner for a near fall. Ziggler with an elbow to the back of the head and then it is time for the leaping elbow drop and Ziggler gets a near fall. Ziggler with a reverse chin lock. Sheamus with a belly-to-back suplex to escape the hold. Sheamus tries to get his second wind and he blocks punches from Ziggler and connects with punches of his own.

Ziggler with a drop toe hold that sends Sheamus into the ropes and Ziggler with a drop kick to the head and he gets a near fall. Ziggler kicks and chokes Sheamus in the corner. Ziggler kicks Sheamus in the head and then he connects with a few head butts. Sheamus sends Ziggler to the apron and Sheamus with the forearms across the chest. Sheamus suplexes Ziggler back into the ring.

Sheamus goes up top for the shoulder tackle but Ziggler recovers. Sheamus punches Ziggler away. Sheamus leaps over Ziggler. Ziggler avoids the Brogue Kick and Ziggler hits a leaping DDT but only gets a two count. Ziggler waits for Sheamus to get to his feet for the Fameasser but Sheamus moves. Sheamus with the uranage back breaker for a near fall.

Sheamus walks into boots from Ziggler. Sheamus tries for a power slam but Ziggler escapes and he sends Sheamus into the corner for an O’Connor Roll. Sheamus tries for White Noise but Ziggler counters. Sheamus with the Cloverleaf but Big Show makes his way to the ring.

Sheamus punches Show and Show with head butts and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Sheamus (by disqualification)

After the match, Show attacks Sheamus and Ziggler joins in. John Cena makes his way to the ring and he goes after Big Show. Cena gives Ziggler Attitude Adjustment and the Show grabs Cena and Sheamus for choke slams but they stomp on Show’s feet and they hit a double suplex. They hit a double shoulder tackle and Show goes to the floor.

We go to credits.