View Full Version : Former WWE Star Vents On Twitter, Says John Cena Forced Him To Stop Using Move

A Blissful Ass
12-03-2012, 12:30 PM
Former WWE superstar Gabe Tuft (aka Tyler Reks) published an interesting series of tweets revealing some "dirt" on WWE. Here are some of his messages:

"Trying to think of some good dirt I could spill about WWE. Prepare yourselves...

"Anyone want to know what top guy forced me to stop using the burning hammer - even after it appeared on SD/RAW and PPV's? ... 1st house show loop, Cena asks pulls me aside, degrades me like I'm 10 years & tells me if I use it again I'd me fired. He yelled at me & said, 'Who gave u permission to use that'? Apparently he hadn't been watching the product 4 the last 8 months... Or perhaps how he stole our idea to get fired, use social media to get over, & run in from the crowd (Given to Miz & Truth)... I still have the promo DVD our idea was burned onto when Cena supposedly helped us with the idea - then lied & said it wasn't stolen later.

"People say I'm bitter now. No, I just think truth is in order. Don't want people to be disillusioned like I was.

"Anyone have a story about the world's biggest baby? Oh, I do ... Dude's been on his bus for years, decides to come to the locker room & starts yelling at everyone to take their bags to their cars... All because a new WHC was putting on his boots on the floor. He ALWAYS puts his boots on on the floor.

"Edge, Christian, Jericho, Kane, Taker, Kofi, Truth - all good guys... Ziggler = stand up dude. Great guy. Talented. Good heart and works hard. @ZackRyder is a great dude. Innovated& determined to that last ounce. Wrestling is all he ever wanted to do. Great guy.

"Swags? Good guy. Nothing bad to say. Love the dude. Riley? Great guy - talented. Would be over as all hell if a certain someone wasn't holding him down... #YouKnowWho

"Randy [Orton]'s actually very cool. Got a lot of respect for him. Calm, mellow, helpful. I dig the guy. Keep cheerin him."


12-03-2012, 10:04 PM
Former WWE Wrestler Tyler Reks recently posted the following on Twitter about issues he had with John Cena while working for the company…

“Anyone want to know what top guy forced me to stop using the burning hammer – even after it appeared on SD/RAW and PPV’s? … 1st house show loop, Cena asks pulls me aside, degrades me like I’m 10 years & tells me if I use it again I’d me fired. He yelled at me & said, ‘Who gave u permission to use that’? Apparently he hadn’t been watching the product 4 the last 8 months… Or perhaps how he stole our idea to get fired, use social media to get over, & run in from the crowd (Given to Miz & Truth)… I still have the promo DVD our idea was burned onto when Cena supposedly helped us with the idea – then lied & said it wasn’t stolen later.”<./b>

He was asked by a follower about Alex Riley and his lack of push, and he responded with the following…

Riley? Great guy – talented. Would be over as all hell if a certain someone wasn’t holding him down…”

We reported earlier this year that Riley’s push came to an end after a backstage confrontation with Cena with the story being that Riley didn’t show “proper respect” to Cena, which was basically “acting like a normal human being instead of acting subservient to Cena.”


12-03-2012, 10:26 PM
Why does Cena care if Reks used the Burning Hammer?

12-03-2012, 10:56 PM
Why does Cena care if Reks used the Burning Hammer?

I assume because it's sorta similar to the AA? Not THAT similar though. This could be a load of BS, really, or somewhat true and Reks is just embellishing it to get attention. Who knows?

Black Widow
12-03-2012, 11:00 PM
Tyler Reks just wants to job to Cena on RAW that's all this is about :shifty:

12-03-2012, 11:02 PM
I assume because it's sorta similar to the AA? Not THAT similar though. This could be a load of BS, really, or somewhat true and Reks is just embellishing it to get attention. Who knows?

Yeah I could understand if the moves were like the same but they're really not. No idea about this one really. Maybe it's one of those banned 'dangerous' moves?

12-03-2012, 11:11 PM
Everything is about Cena in the WWE, anyone does anything to him they are fucked or fired. Getting tired of WWE and Cena, that's one reason that i quit watching it. Nothing good ever happen there.

A Blissful Ass
12-04-2012, 02:55 AM


Shane McMahon's Ass
12-04-2012, 03:05 AM
Interesting. Wonder who else will join in on the shit slinging on the self righteous John Cena.

12-04-2012, 03:49 AM
Thank god he stopped using it he ruined it what a terrible delivery leave it to Dan Maff.